Ban Appeal

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Vuk Farkas
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Ban Appeal

Post by Vuk Farkas »

BYOND Name: Vuk Farkas

Reason Banned: apparently using shortenings, symbols in chat and last one was for "IC in OOC" for litterally saying in OOC: "brb folks gotta do somethin while the syrgeon butchers me" (was doin somethin iRL)

Admin who banned you: theoun

Length Banned:120mins

Appeal Reason:
I am not sure why are admins so obsessed here with such minor things (especially in my case i did not notice they even warned others for same things) when those things are also done by other players (heck we even had entire games where we used OOC to inform about IC stuff cause radios were down or we were dead, or to attract attention of the crew that pays no attention to PDA or chat). I'm also tired of admins clearly ignoring some players who openly break rules while scolding some other players for very minor things (even about things that are not even mentioned in rules). And a question if someone is openly breaking rules, and admin is present... do we really need to helpadmin for any action to be taken?
another thing some words are apparently illegal to be used on radio channel like "griefing" ... since when? i had gameplays where we called a griefer a griefer not a vandal or somethin else without any admins saying a word (but in my case apparently i got even grammar nazis watchin me and english is not my native either). Most common ignored offences is random murders, harrasment, ignoring profession (and doing who knows what, usually AFK or screwin in dorms or unleashing deadly diseases or singularities even if they arent the antag) and ocasional doorwelding or somethin so peeps cant get into shuttle (and i have hard times remembering a shuttle ride where all of us dont end up dead on the trip or just after we arrive)
i could list more but too tired to do that.

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RE: Ban Appeal

Post by Theoun »

Admins cannot watch everything, so yes, sometimes you do need to press F1 to adminhelp if something needs to be brought to our attention. We do deal with issues that you cannot see, as well, giving the impression nothing is done to anyone else.

"OOC: "brb folks gotta do somethin while the syrgeon butchers me""
This breaks IC in OOC because now people know your location, your character, what's happening, and that a doctor is with you. This knowledge can be used to metagame.

"(heck we even had entire games where we used OOC to inform about IC stuff cause radios were down or we were dead, or to attract attention of the crew that pays no attention to PDA or chat)"
^ This is a blatant breaking of the IC in OOC rule. No IC information is to be put into the OOC channel. The radios die for a reason, and OOC is not an acceptable alternate means of IC communication.

As said, if there's a random murder or other legitimate grief, F1 to adminhelp. Don't use "grief" in IC chat or (brackets) to use OOC over the radio.

Appeal denied.

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