[silicons] dathouse - something

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[silicons] dathouse - something

Post by Dathouse »

BYOND account and character name:dathouse emma phenencio

Banning admin:silicons

Ban type/duration (where you are banned from and for how long):rp forever

Ban reason:some big long reason accusing me of being a stalker

Your side of the story:sent messages is looc about an out of game situation and admins decided they were the arbiters of fate

Why you think you should be unbanned:ive spent half an hour trying to get this stupid fourm to work and im not gonna get on my knees and beg we solved our situation can i come back now? you banned me from everywhere else i dont expect great things see below for an admin deciding if my life is worthy enough to get unbanned

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Re: [silicons] dathouse - something

Post by Keekenox »

I'm going to be real you're really not displaying to me you have the maturity for me to support an unban at this time.

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Re: [silicons] dathouse - something

Post by Dathouse »

im just not willing to take the time to write an ass kissy appeal just to be denied like every other server does so im putting this here just to hear admins insult me and deny it anyways

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Re: [silicons] dathouse - something

Post by Captain277 »

The Admins are indeed the arbiters of fate in this particular corner of the world. The harassment and questionable behavior I personally witnessed from you was enough to make me want to ban you days before you finally were. You don't need to get on your knees and beg, you just need to exhibit behaviors counter to what you were banned for. And unfortunately for you, lines like: "...an admin deciding if my life is worthy enough to get unbanned" are excellent demonstrations of the manipulative tactics that helped lead to your ban in the first place.


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Re: [silicons] dathouse - something

Post by Dathouse »

if you want my opinion i think all admins on all of ss13 have giant inflated egos and it shows with you slandering me by saying im manipulating i dont know why anyone even tries to hide it when its so painfully obvious that appeals dont matter its all about saying sorry and crying and protrating yourself so they might give you some mercy theres no rule of law just appealing to fragile personalities

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Re: [silicons] dathouse - something

Post by Dathouse »

if i didnt have to stare at this blinding white fourm with a script i gotta say maybe i would be more civil but you blocked me from talking normally so you get pissed off me and i get to be another victim of having different personalities of admins. a bannable offense

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Re: [silicons] dathouse - something

Post by Silicons »

Hilariously enough if you knew anything about my actual ban record, you'd see that I:
1. Don't give a shit about appeal length
2. Am historically against things I find dumb like mandating vouches for first time griefing permabans when it's been a year and this is a video game
3. Practically don't ban anyone at all

The reason you got banned is because after a pretty serious warning from staff to lay off, you continue on to log in and harass that player in LOOC when it's pretty clear they wanted nothing to do with you. It was right after we had a long chat in tickets, as well as after we had to speak to you about not adding to "heated debates" in OOC, which instead of just saying okay, you claimed it was a 'politics ban'.

The reason you're still banned is not because you didn't ass kiss the admins. If you did the things you did to get my attention I'd ban you all the same even if you were friends with every member of the staff on the server. Borderline stalkerish type behavior is zero tolerance under any circumstances and anyone doing or historically have done the same will be and have been met with a summary perma from me.

There's a big difference between kissing ass and showing the borderline minimum of respect to show me you really care about being on the server.
If you have absolutely zero respect for staff then I really don't feel like subjecting the rest of my team to this.

This is denied. I'd recommend trying out another server to see if it's more your tune since clearly we are the problem here. This is really just unhealthy for all involved at this point. Please seek greener pastures.

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