Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

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Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

Post by nightspark43 »

BYOND Name: Nightspark43

Reason Banned: Unnacceptable behaviour, powergaming as a miner, trying to break down viro's walls to make his own beneficial virus, apparently tried to do this many different rounds.

Admin who banned: Fishii/DickyDeck

Length Banned: Perma/Unwhitelist

Appeal Reason: I'm not going to argue that I was somehow in the right, I fucked up, I got too into it, I screwed up, badly, but I don't think a full on de-whitelist is necessary.  As far as I knew, I had no notes, and when I WAS banned, I was simply wordlessly prisoned and banned, no one contacted me the entire time, not during the round all of it happened, not during the next round in the lead up to the prison, and not while I was prisoned.

Like I said, I know I was wrong there, and let myself get too far into character being an angry person, so I'm not arguing for a reversal, instead a drop to a week or so ban, even on both servers, and a jobban from cargo and command, to ensure I don't go mining again, which was the catalyst of this whole thing.

An edited side note, this is the first time I've gotten in trouble for how Zaran's acted, the only other was when I ended up ignoring yells from a guy who got stuck in the clown ruin despite being warned, in favor of ERP.
Last edited by nightspark43 on Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

Post by Kenzie »

It says on the whitelist application that if you fail to follow the rules on the whitelist server you will be blacklisted, in what way was this unclear?

I very much disagree with a wordless ban, but it doesn't sound like communicating about it would have brought any mitigating circumstances to light.

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RE: Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

Post by nightspark43 »

It wasn't unclear, but honestly, it didn't even seem ban worthy, I've seen worse like people voting secret for the sole reason of being able to do whatever they wanted, and my issue with the wordlessness was I would have told him to jobban me from cargo, but instead, I get prisoned for several minutes, wondering what was going on, before just getting banned.

And now I've got this anxiety twinge that even if I try to apply again in a week or two that it'll get insta-denied because of the ban, at least with a timed thing I know I'd be allowed back after some time.

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RE: Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

Post by Kenzie »

nightspark43 wrote: It wasn't unclear, but honestly, it didn't even seem ban worthy,
Appeal Reason: I'm not going to argue that I was somehow in the right, I fucked up

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RE: Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

Post by nightspark43 »

Yeah, let me collect my thoughts here, I didn't think busting down two walls in a fit of anger was THAT bad, shooting the HoS cause he tried to arrest me, bad, that's where I fucked up, I could have eaten the brig time and been fine, but I decided to escalate like an idiot, and ended up making Red trap me on lavaland so not even the other miner could go down there, Fishii thought I was trying to force my way in to make the virus, but it was honestly a bluff to get him to make the thing I wanted, the guy does that, and he's an asshole for it.

But the thing I did get banned for, at least the front and center reason, is false, but I DID escalate a stun shot and pepperspray to low pressure KA shots, one of which connected, is the thing that I find ban worthy, and I'd gladly lose complete access to cargo and even command for as long as you all feel I should, if I just knew I'd definitely be able to return, cause I feel really anxious over reapplying cause I'm afraid the people who look over the apps will hold a grudge on me.
Last edited by nightspark43 on Sun Aug 20, 2017 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

Post by Fishii »

Okay, I didn't realise this was "My ban" until it was slapped on. I was dealing with this In character and suddenly your banned popped. I would've talked to you otherwise my bad.
Anyways. your ban is deserved I say.
First off,Powergaming:
I don't mind most aspects considering people aren't getting on to do every aspect of every job right now. I don't mind a miner doing research, to get their better tools. Cause mining is really all about powergaming. If you don't prepare you're going to die and that's the round for you.
But you have to remember this is the RP server. We're enforcing the rules more heavily here and even if you've done this many times before, an Admin probably wasn't on to catch it. This time I was.
While making your own tools from Research is fine I really don't want a miner in robotics building big ole mechs, viro making them a god, genetics giving super powers, etc. That's way too much and i've seen pepole clear lavaland with Night vision, Adv plasma cutter, and some KA upgrades.

Bad behavior: Now, you were told nicely to wait. even given a reason to wait, in which you responded with "Damn it, if you're not done by the time i'm done, I'll just do it myself once again.".
Now, you've done this MULTIPLE times before according to the others on the RP server, while you could push them around, this CMO was not going to let you, which you proceeded with the "I'd like to see you try." In response to him saying he'll arrest you if you broke in. You then proceed to dismantle walls into the medical back area, shoot your KA at the reinforced walls and generally try to break in anyway you can to make your special virus. (which was being made). When the HoS showed up to arrest you you shot at him, yes in a pressured enviroment which does less damage but damage none the less. And later on when he went to arrest you, you attacked him once more, coming back to the ship bleeding.
In what world is this behavior acceptable? This was over a CMO not making your advanced virus in a timely manner and him trying to offer another one until he can make yours in which you decline and throw back at his face.

Self-Antag: While it wasn't put in, it should've been. The attacking the HoS, threatning to attack the CMO if he arrested you is self-antagging. There's no reason for you to be attacking them. It was an arrest. you went lethals on the HoS who had to install flashers in cargo. Even if the HoS began using lethals after the first encounter he's WELL within his rights too, considering with a miner's normally decked out gear, killing you is way eaiser that apprehending you. Eaisier to arrest a naked man popping from the cloner than a man in space marine armor.

That's my two cent's on your ban. and hearing you've done this MANY MANY times before from the other CMO, and that Red has dealt with you getting angry and attacked people before. I'm surprised you havn't been banned sooner. This is the RP SERVER for a reason. you're not here to see how many megafauna you can kill, or what the biggest virus you can make, you're here to RP.

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RE: Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

Post by nightspark43 »

As I said above, the messing with viro walls was intimidation, trying to get to the two, the character's an aggressive ass, he brings up how good he is and uses it to get people to do what he wants, I went too far that time, I know, but literally nothing was going to happen.

And the shooting the HoS, yes, that was too far, that's what I should be punished for, I'm not arguing that I shouldn't have been punished, just that a full-on removal from the RP server was too much all things considered, yeah, I fucked up, and I'm arguing that I should be banned from cargo in general so I don't do this again, while letting me keep using my better characters on one of the only places worth giving a shit about.

EDIT: The reason I say that is because Mining became kind of an obsession of mine, but at this point, I just want to know I still have a place on RP for when I've calmed down from the mining obsession, I'm in the process of refiguring Zaran so this doesn't happen again, including removing him as my mining character.
Last edited by nightspark43 on Sun Aug 20, 2017 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

Post by Ragolution »

How long ago was this, perchance?

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RE: Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

Post by nightspark43 »

This was posted the day after I believe, so about 15 or 16 days ago.

I've also decided to fully retire the character until the end of this month, ended up getting in trouble with him again even after I changed him, so he's now out of the picture for a long time.

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RE: Nightspark43 - RP Server Unwhitelist appeal

Post by Ragolution »

I'd support you taking another shot at the whitelist, all said. It's been a couple weeks, if your words stand true, and you seem penitent, at least. Give the kid a shot.


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