On why a shitstorm was started in the player-rep channel today.

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On why a shitstorm was started in the player-rep channel today.

Post by GrayRachnid »

There's quite a lot of reasons as to why i'm dissatisfied with citadel and the admin team. The structure, pillars, guidelines, and rules that admins have to follow are almost non-existant and the admins freely administer their rule as they see fit with other admins always backing them up and punishments rarely getting handed out. I also have issues with how little the forums are given attention but that is not why i'm pissed off today and not why I started this whole shitstorm so to speak. My main issues boil down to 3 points and i'll be going over each one indepth.

The first reason I started all of this is because I saw RDTs and CW's bans and saw a chance to capitalize on how absurd they sounded like because of the way they were administered. Prior to an explanation RDTs 3 day ban sounded like he argued ICly about Corp Regs with ZeroNetAlpha and Zero turned around and banned him for it, for anyone who hears this, it sounds absurd so I openly and vocally questioned it and was never given a proper well-written formulated reply until Bhijn came around. As for CW's ban, I still have my doubts about it but on the surface it sounds like he baited an admin into an antag trap(while being threated by the antag) and then Trojan turned around and banned him for it for a month, it was then clarified that Gorgi was the one who made the decision to ban him and for how long. While I would still argue that an admin **complaining** about it makes it seem like an issue that is bigger than it what normally is, i'll leave the debate about the ban for the forum ban appeal section to discuss. Moving on, me, being pissed, and finding two opportunities to start problems so I get answers I pack up my shit and stir it into a pot before dumping it all over this channel. Yes, this makes me even worse in the eyes of the admins. Yes, I basically accomplished nothing but stir drama because I was personally dissatisfied with the status quo. And yes, you can label me as a shit person for it. However, let's not linger and how about we move on to my second point.

The second reason for starting stirring the hornet's nest is due to the "leaks" that I received. I will be honest now and say that only two things were ever leaked to me from the admin chat. One, the state of my mod app vote with the leak basically being "don't count on it." I was never told numbers or who voted what, I was just told a discussion happened and that I shouldn't count on being accepted. The second leak was Trojan mentioning me and saying "I'm glad to see gray is still part of the salt squad" when I had complained about nothing the past two weeks much less argued with an admin except for the admin complaint I made on jade(where I didn't talk to anyone, I just shut my mouth and filed a complaint). Nonetheless, I was a bit ticked off by this especially since admins covering for eachother has always been an issue on my mind but I always ignored it because it never really ***impacted me***. However, it seems that i've left a stigma within the admin team and if they're going to label me as part of the salt squad, then I shall spew salt. "But gray, instead of worsening your image you can turn it for the better." And that's why i've been quiet for two weeks but end up still having my bad image refreshed over in the admin chat.

Moving on, my third issue is more of a personal problem yet one that is bugging so much that I was considering bringing it up a week ago, but gave up because I didn't want to start any issues at the time. This concerns my Moderator application. Yes, I know, I really shouldn't be patting my own back in regards to things like these especially when the people who i'm going to be working with are the ones who are supposed to judge me. However, I find it very annoying? disappointing? I don't even have the correct word for it. Anyways, it bugs me. The fact that my app was put in a state of "don't count on it" after barely a 30 minute discussion about me, my bans, and my notes. I have 1 ban and 4 notes. 3 of the notes are about the ban but constantly amended, and the 4th note is basically telling other admins that my actions were borderline breaking the rules but not quite. I've already gone into A LOT of arguments over my ban and the notes regarding it so i'm not going to bring it up again, i've also had a discussion over notes and whether or not they're punishment with ZeroNetAlpha this morning so i'm not going to argue my 4th note either. The thing is, all these notes are from 2-4 months ago. I haven't had a single note since much less an infraction. Yes, I do complain about the admins a lot. Yes, I have especially picked on Jade and Zero when they've bussed certain things on RP and thus formed a bad image of myself because I can guarantee that both of them just kept talking about how shit I am in achat and that sentiment just kept echoing. And I am fine with that, it happens. What **is** actually bothering me is that rather than being judged by my qualifications and actions, i'm being judged by what the admins say about me in admin chat. Nobody has reached out to me and said, for example, "hey we think you're a bit straightforward and argumentative and we think that having you on the team will cause inside issues that we wouldn't like to have on our small administrative team." I got nothing. My app was viewed, voted on, and swept under the rug. No feedback. No conversation. 30 minutes of talking about why they don't like me and i'm no longer an option. I was pissed.

And that basically sums up why I started this shitstorm this morning and why i've been keeping it stirred all day and i'd really appreciate if my concerns were answered.

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Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:12 am

RE: On why a shitstorm was started in the player-rep channel today.

Post by Nik707 »

Extremely well said, and well put. I'd like to mention two related arguments, CW mentioned that leaks to him are things that shouldn't be private, IE the 30 minute vote of Grays' moderator app. And the other being poor behavior, IE what I was told about with an admin saying negative things about me with no basis.

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