A complain of admin abuse

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A complain of admin abuse

Post by lbnesquik »

For the base info, my Byond Ckey is "KineticNerd" and my complaint is going to be against TalkingCactus.

So for the context, it was an extended round, and I had rolled CMO as my job.
Naturally I started the shift as the only head on the station, secure the spare ID and nuke disk, basically keeping everything that I can running to the best of my abilities.

Not long afterwards we get a late join captain of whom I informed that I had secured his office and the valuable items inside, of which I gladly handed over the nuclear authentication disk to them but got to keep the pin-pointer in case of an emergency.

The captain then apparently promotes a scientist to my department as a geneticist without informing me on the matter whatsoever, said geneticist immediately started making drugs and decided that the best course of action was to brag about it on radio.

I later notice that this geneticist was not using science’s pre-existing portable chemical dispenser as I had previously thought but was in fact using the ones within chemistry to create space drugs and lsd at factory rates.

I then decided as the head of the medical department to confront them on this matter wherein their only reaction is to say "Oh shit" and try to make a quick escape in which they eventually manage to leave me in their dust although with two laser marks on them as to make the further point that, on what I thought was them illegally hacking into a staffed chemistry, was a big no-no.

After a little bit of time I caught them again within chemistry and decided to make an executive decision that to avoid them running away again and provide an endless cycle with no security staff, I would incapacitate them with my laser gun until they fell over unconscious.

Upon doing so provided me with ample time needed to drag them toward the sleeper to administer more than enough chemicals to save them and to keep them incapacitated while I inspected their gear which was revealing as expected, copious of illegal drugs that they had wasted time within chemistry manufacturing.

I had then made the critical discovery that their id had been altered from a scientist to a geneticist with them having never updated their PDA to display their new job position. (I was mainly the assumption that it was a scientist this entire time up until this point.)

When I had attempted to enquire the captain about this odd matter considering the ID change, no response was received from them at all worryingly enough.
Making a logical choice, I decided to drag the troublemaker to the recently arrived on station hop’s desk to have them transferred into any other department than mine considering the already apparent case of their actions.
(I unfortunately had to save someone mid route to their desk being the only semi-competent medical staff on call and didn’t get to know what assignment did the hop gave them.)

With this important matter sorted, I logicly returned to medical to provide anyone that’d stop by with a cloning scan or treatment should they request so, which more or less had me waiting within for nothing to occur, seeing this I decided to make use of this idle spare time to create a beneficial healing virus.


A little later on in the round as part of a random event, giant angry spiders started to pop up around the station, and as expected in the inevitable stationwide mess, the clown randomly exploded in a bloody shower of gibs in the medical lobby with his corpse later unexplainably re-appearing later on good as new within the chapel.

The then stated clown unexpectedly started being strewn about,  projected into all sorts of areas throughout the station knocking into windows and grills at break neck speeds.

Unfortunately we could not really reach them in any easy way due to the ludicrous speeds that they were traveling at to break said windows. (Maybe this was supposed to be an horror event gimmick but all in all it was okay, nothing much else to be said on it.)

These shenanigans continued on for a bit until it decided that it’d explode again later in halls, leaving a disgusting pile of yet more gibs and a general mess behind for us to clean up after .
Deciding to check the crew monitor to see if anyone was injured due to the “Clown”, I immediately see that the captain is quite injured within their office.

Considering the matter of having kept all access from the late join of the captain for emergency events, me and one of my doctors rush over and discover multiple unbreakable force walls all over the doors.

Undiscouraged on this startling new discovery, we decided to break into one of the walls only to see the force-walls began to extend, proving to block us further.

We then get the well deserved reward of our valiant attempts of rescue by being scolded by the captain who is now unexpectedly fine without any explanation, and no longer covered in blood sitting in his chair full of vomit anymore.
We take this as our cue to leave the area only to have the wall we breached magically become normal again. (Okay, it's fine to repair the wall but using admin powers that visibly certainly isn't what folks would consider great within a touted mid-roleplaying server.)
A little bit afterwards between the retrieval of two corpses for cloning, I learn that the HoP promoted the drug dealing geneticist from earlier that I brought him to the position of warden for what appeared to be no reason considering their disregard for the law and standard operating procedure.

Much excitement soon follows on the command channel before we settle on the compromise of the HoP having noticed the oddity promising to demote the newly appointed warden at the slightest fault should they happen to mess up.


After having that matter settled, the shift then goes on as normal with me using my spare time to spread the beneficial virus that I had developed earlier to the crew, finishing up science and upgrading the cloner to autoprocess along with the rest of the station since, expectedly, the four people of whom were originally present in science for the shift weren't able to do any of it due to their crippling need to generally ignore their job to play in dorms or go brain dead.

Afterwards in a casual stroll around the station, located near tool storage I spot on my crew monitor notifications that oddly enough, some people are dead within aft maintenance.

Making the logical assumption that they fell victim to the angry wrath of spiders, I pulled out a laser cannon that had been printed within science earlier and slapped a flashlight onto it, having decided to deal with the spider's head on in after signaling the dead people's locations over the radio.

Suddenly however, in comes the warden wearing a heavily armoured security hardsuit within the station, of whom makes a straight bee-line for me on a procured sec-way like a screeching bat out of hell.

Being far too busy trying to enter maintenance carefully without being surprised by a facefull of angry spider bites, I decided to continue my careful journey inside the maintenance tunnels as the bodies of my fellow crew members were far and away more important, leaving me hoping that the warden wasn’t out looking for an opportunity to get unjust retribution at me for the few grazes I gave them earlier.
Suddenly without any communication at all they decided that yes, after me having stated over the public radio on the matter of people dead within the tunnels needing to be retrieved, that its the proper and just time for an assault from earlier and tries to tase me in a fevered rage with the bolt hitting one tile from me.

Responding to their attacks in kind, I decided to shoot back with the only weapon in my hand having made the proper assumption that they’re not one for conversation when there happens to be grudges ready to be reaped upon.
Having originally been intended for hunting the hostile spiders, the laser cannon was my only option.

The warden proceeded to empty their taser down the maintenance tunnel, downing me in the process, thankfully however she was so caught up in their multiple showing of power that I had ample enough time to get up off the ground and try my hand at getting away from them to neutralize any further escalation but quickly get put down again by a stray taser bolt once more with them picking up the laser cannon.
Having none of this and only wanting to retrieve the bodies after retreating to a safe area to state my intentions again over the radio once more, I miraculously get back onto my feet and decided that it’d be in my favor to attempt another chance at escape.

Sadly the warden decided to force my hand on the matter by continually opening fire with lethal rounds from a handgun stolen from the emergency armory that had caused me to fire the last charge of a basic laser that I had within my inventory in their direction to buy my chance of escape from the lunatic.

Upon seeing another attempt by me of escaping, they continued to fire the .45 colt “Borrowed” from the armory on me, knocking me into critical condition and bleeding out on the ground, wherein seeing this, she began to empty the last rounds of her pistol into my face.

Thankfully against all odds with a sliver of health remaining before my death, they decided to halt their further assault upon my weakened state with my healing virus pulling me out of critical condition while she grabbed me and proceeded to fumble out of maintenance without a light to aid them.

After enough time was spent by me laying down and continuing to regenerate from the virus, I decided to go for broke as death would be favorable to spending more time within their overtly barbaric presence and decided to get back up one last time in the hallway having made up my mind not to get tossed into perma-jail by this then scientist turned genetics drug lord turned warden overseeing the entire armory and proceeded to fire the last few shots of another one of my procured laser guns that I saved, putting her down into the welcoming silent embrace of unconsciousness once more in the shift. (The clown had gotten access to all of cargo from the captain beforehand and had decided that the best course of action would be to order not one, not two, but three full crates of laser guns for whatever reason.)

Dragging sleeping beauty behind me, I applied a bruise pack to myself from my medical kit and fully emptied my hypospray on them so as to keep her alive while I sorted out this mess as quickly as possible, I then cuffed them and took her ID off of them, fully intending to get the hop to demote her as he promised on the first sign of trouble.

Thankfully the healing powers of the hypospray did fantastically and got the warden back up onto her feet, admittedly with barely enough time to get them fully cuffed and stripped of the laser cannon to prevent more damage.

Unfortunately for me, an unpredictable element appeared right after on the field of play in the form of a Mr. Carter Macintosh, a  janitor who seems to have made it his lifelong goal to be within the way of progress at every possible chance and cause rampant discrepancy to the crew’s general expense.

He started his actions by stealing the laser cannon that was still on the ground for himself as a well earned trophy for a hard days work of breaking things, upon seeing this I had asked them kindly to return it with them refusing to hand the weapon over when ordered to but thankfully the situation was quickly resolved with them being downed by an ever vigilant beepsky, but not before firing off a few stray shots trying to destroy it and generally leaving me to take said stray panicked shots broadly in the chest from my own weapon in the process.

With the situation handled on this matter, I decided to retrieve the cannon lying on the ground and stuff it into my bag of holding less any more folks attempt to swipe it, having had enough I then decided to go over the warden’s spent colt and place it away as well to deny the janitor another chance to acquire lethal armaments lest they use it on the crew and continue the pace to the HoP’s office with the warden in tow.


Unsurprisingly, as I'm dragging said warden toward the HoP’s line, the janitor returns with a newfound meaning of “Justice” and begins to start yelling accusations of kidnapping and trying to push me on the ground to render helpless for “Punishment”.

It's here and then in the back of my head that I’m starting to question just exactly how he had gotten out of beepsky’s  zip-ties so suddenly with no outside help to be seen, barely a scant few seconds separating the cuffing from his previously halted attack, something didn’t seem quite right here...  

With my health in red and the equivalent of a rabid assistant staring me down like a delicious piece of “tender all access kobi beef”, I tried to rush onwards towards the HoP’s office with the cuffed warden, trying my best to ignore the janitor in an attempt to defuse the situation except for the usual baton whip whenever he got too close for comfort, hoping to get her demoted as per the HoP’s previous promise on the matter.

Unfortunately, he responded to my continued action of ignoring them and began to disarm me again and again rendering my baton to be safely kept in my pocket lest they nab it for themselves.
It was then at this moment upon seeing the loss of another potential toy to play with made him realise that a change of tactic was needed, and so he began throwing space cleaner grenades at me in the hopes to slip me.

Having quickly ran out of cleaner grenades he then proceeded to conjure up soap and bear traps in further attempts to throw at me with ill intentions.

Thankfully with luck on my side just this once, somehow he managed to throw an armed beartrap in his own way, causing the cruel metal teeth to sink grisly into his leg and slowing him down significantly, but alas my luck was not to be as strangely enough however, he removed it near instantly in a conspicuous manner.

The janitor restlessly followed me wherever I’d go, from the command hallway to cargo and around the central hallway, why we even managed to end up at arrivals in enough time.

Despite his best pushdowns, I managed to quickly call the HoP for help who, when he arrived, had no idea of what course of action to do in the newly found situation he was thrust into.

Judging that my baton was still rendered useless right now and perhaps even more so considering the risk of it being stolen and used against my new unmoving comrade far too high, I decided that enough was enough and decided to take out my safely kept charged laser cannon and proceeded to shoot the unintelligible angry janitor twice with it in the hopes of him being finally coming to terms with their actions and leaving us be to lick their wounds clean or to perhaps incapacitate him because it was at this point the HoP had decided to step this one out and stick to the sidelines.
(The cannon fire left him above critical, but within the red as registered by my medical hud as those things hurt.)

It was after this that I was surprised to see him stop for the first time, not moving for a couple of seconds before his I saw his health indicator above his head replenish from a red to fully healed and healthy instantly with my medical HUD, after which he promptly attacked again.

Upon seeing this ungodly abomination of events I decided not wait around to chance even worse and instead took the hallway path towards the brig, wherein having come to his senses, the hop finally decided inaction solved nothing and proceeded to help me.

At this precise moment, I received a ban from cactus, with contestable reasons like:
  • Saying that I killed the warden, which is false, they were well alive from the end to the beginning thanks to my hypospray.
  • Claiming that I shot the janitor without any reason whatsoever after they had pushed me, however failing to mention on the matter that the janitor tried to rob me, slip me, get me stuck in a bear trap and spammed disarm onto me gleefully.
  • +2 tickets for RDM (Random Deathmatch), which again, I’d like to bring to note that I didn’t kill anyone despite having a considered full and just reason with the warden following the proper events of escalation.

To summarize, this is to bring to attention as to how during this round I was given exaggerated offenses, how an admin apparently spawned as a janitor given the evidence and voluntary exhibited a provocative behavior and how powers were used and perhaps abused blatantly toward the end.
I'd also like to present the small matter of note on how cactus barely responded to any of my PM's both on skype and byond on this matter of occurrences.

I’d also like to thank you the viewer for your time in reading this seemingly never ending documentation of a series of odd events on this very fateful round on citadel.
Last edited by TalkingCactus on Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: A complain of admin abuse

Post by Vivallion »

This is a serious pain to read or try to make a sense out of, anyone wanna make a TLDR?

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RE: A complain of admin abuse

Post by Zeldazackman »

Oh god this post, holy shit.
Last edited by Zeldazackman on Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: A complain of admin abuse

Post by lbnesquik »

Annnnnnd here a pic of the ban message.

Last edited by lbnesquik on Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: A complain of admin abuse

Post by Chokin and Tokin »

I was ghosting for the majority of the shift. You were being a shit. Don't be salty and wait your time out.

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RE: A complain of admin abuse

Post by lbnesquik »

I am not doing a ban appeal and saying if my behavior was worth of the ban, I am doing a complain because during this round admins used their powers in case they shouldn't. The captain getting a magic forcewall protection, his instant healing of everything, the fact that he was the nuke disk carrier and that this disk later disappeared somewhere (the pinpointer I was given was telling me it was not on the same Z-level anymore, indicating admin teleporting).  There also the second healing of an obvious shitter who may or may not have been an admin as he paused for a second before getting a full heal, which is maybe the time needed to bring up the player panel and self heal. And worst of all, the claim that I killed peoples despite the fact that I didn't allow them to die using either the entire doses of my hypo spray or sleepers reagents.
Theses thing are the issues that I am complaining against, not my ban.

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RE: A complain of admin abuse

Post by Casany »

From what I read, i can only assume that things got handled badly. Maybe the admin was not paying attention much, and only saw part of it. Either way, i have no right to say who is wrong or right, just putting that out there.

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RE: A complain of admin abuse

Post by Healsgood »

Seems like everyone was super hasty on the application of lethals when they where not needed to be totally honest. I recommend, when in a command position, ask the HoS, if he is not available, Warden if he is not available, Captain for a taser OR stunprod and one or two handcuffs. That is all you need. 

But you dont even need those considering many heads have E-guns, which last i checked had a blue stamina drain disruptor function, when fully drained someone should stay down long enough for you to slap cuffs on them.

When i was new, a long time ago i would apply too much force, but think about it this way, cops dont immediately draw their weapon when they see some guy they need to arrest, they warn him, and ask him to come quietly, then they move up on the continuum.

http://www.nij.gov/topics/law-enforceme ... inuum.aspx

But the biggest problem is the fact that you had a Laser Cannon as CMO. Why? I dont think a corporation such as Nanotrasen would wish its senior medical officer to be carrying around the most powerful experimental design for a weapon that can be built by their research lab (atleast on this server) to kill spiders? All you need is your telescopic baton to be totally honest, an E-gun is more then appropriate for killing spiders.

But anyway, just my two cents.

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