[Halichan (Kodiak)] - Administrator Reapplication

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[Halichan (Kodiak)] - Administrator Reapplication

Post by HarliChan »

I am re-applying for my previous positions on citadel and am filling this out up here and slightly out of format to make a few statements first. I have had quite a few members of the active community ask me to return to post. After thinking about the events surrounding my resignation I can see that my decsion to do so was brash and in anger over comments that were made regarding Enzo's resignation and the state of the HRP server, I want to state that I have never in my history done something like this, and plan never to do so again, it was a shockingly and particularly charged day for me. I want to return to Citadel at my previous posts and continue helping the server in every way that I Can possibly do so, I made promises to this community I will keep no matter what. I also promise that in my return, I Do so with more resolve then I think I've ever had for a particular goal. I apologize deeply to the Staff team and to the community for any strife my personal resignation had caused, I love this community and I adamantly refuse to step aside at this point.

Below is a link to my previous application viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3938 and my experiences, which from 6 months of Administrative experience on citadel and observing closely some of the top brass has expanded immensely, I would like to add that I am now also becoming a decent mapper and respriter as well.

BYOND ckey: Harlichan
Character name: Kodiak Jackson/CAIA/SANSA

Discord username (+user id): Kodiak Jackson#7649
How long have you played on Citadel?: I've played off and on with a couple of my Ckey's for a while, I've been skulking about off and on since 12/01/2017 (initial discord join message for verification https://gyazo.com/67c923eaf41792019978719271f384e7) But I've been on as a daily regular for about two weeks now and the foreseeable future says I will be staying, probably permanently considering the state of my return is that- I'm forever-injured and am all but barred from working anymore so I have all the time in the world to game now and am doing so!

How long have you played SS13?: I've been around since 2008, so twelve years. The Earliest thing I can pull off the top of my head is NOX station, but I know it's been longer than that, Well before The birth of Hypatia from their split and yadda yadda.

What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: PST and I am usually active anywhere from 4 pm till 10 am the following day. I sleep for about 4-6 hours in the early morning to afternoon (graveyard shift habits)
Previous SS13 related admin experience: I have on multiple occasions hosted private space station 13 servers using V.O.R.E code for my Furry Community server of 133 people and counting. I'm the only one that was able to work staff for a server that had a fluctuating pop of 15 - 35 people which is right around where the RP server is sitting now.

Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: I was a floor manager for my local Fred-Meyer warehouse and helped delegate tasks, ensure everything was reported and handled properly, ensured worker safety and sanitation procedures were kept, There were one of us per Twenty-Five guys, so I managed a crew of Twenty five directly.

Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: silicons#4133 ??

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Re: [Halichan (Kodiak)] - Administrator Reapplication

Post by Redtail »

What's hilarious is that you still have perms on the forums. Potentially still have perms in-game as well. I see no reason why you shouldn't be let back in , personally so long as you can keep that "temper" in check.

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Re: [Halichan (Kodiak)] - Administrator Reapplication

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

I'd love to have you back! I agree with what Redtail said though.

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Re: [Halichan (Kodiak)] - Administrator Reapplication

Post by Captain277 »

+1, naturally.

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Re: [Halichan (Kodiak)] - Administrator Reapplication

Post by Silicons »



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