[Jaybird1] Admin Application [RP]

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[Jaybird1] Admin Application [RP]

Post by Jaybirdnerd »

BYOND ckey: Jaybird1

Character name: Trenton Stevens

Discord username (+user id): DoctorJay#7558

How long have you played on Citadel?: For a year now, if not a year and a month. October marks the year mark for me I think? And now we're in November, so it's likely a year and a month.

How long have you played SS13?: A year, a month, and a day at the current time.

What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: mostly around 8pm - 6am on the best days, on worst days it's around 8pm-3am. This is all Eastern Standard Time/GMT -5.

Previous SS13 related admin experience: Was an EM for a few months, around probably I think??? 3 months now, if not 2.

Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: I've adminned, Staff/Modded, Tech Supported several altered versions of the same GTA V RP server on discord, handled a lot of staff things in quite a few other discords, played as an admin on a minecraft server for a good while.

Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: Capitan277, I'm unsure on who else at the moment.

Reason for application: Personally from how it stands right now I with our trialmins stepping down and our headmins leaving we really do need the extra hands on deck. There's few RP staff on whenever I'm on or the ones that are tend to generally be either afk or asleep and just on the lobby not really watching what's going on. I've seen a few RPmins come and look at stuff and leave for an hour or two, but I tend to stay on the server for upwards of sometimes two rounds back to back, if not three pending on the mood I'm in, and where I tend to generally focus on being awake at night (or at least here it's night when I'm active) and during the deadshift hours I'm here for a lot of happenstances that I can't really do anything about or help because I'm only an Event Manager, and have to either ping the RP staff to check out or just let it be and do my best to help without helping, which sucks, because I actually really care a lot for the playerbase here and being limited to only aghosting and LOOCing people to help them with their problem is like...a bit ass, pardon my language. In summary, a good portion of the time I feel like if I were admin I could actually do something and help the server out in it's shorter staffed moments than I do currently. We also have more main-focused staff than RP staff, and that's also a huge deciding factor as far as I'm aware.


1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?

A. If it's people LOOCing over some idle incident between the two that's turning into a huge argument I'd probably step in and try to settle it the best I could by intervening and trying to help come to a good conclusion. If they're idly bashing one another over the course of many rounds (as in Unga Dungerson did something 4 rounds back that Dunga Ungerson didn't like in OOC, and they were still arguing...) Then that's when I step in and request they either take it to DM's or somewhere out of the game and have this conversation there, or remind them of the 'Don't be a dick' rule, which actively antagonizing one another in LOOC over the span of multiple rounds IS a violation of that rule.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?

A. Asses the scenario the best you can, pull info from both sides (given they've had a minute to breathe and calm down), and come to a fair conclusion that would help both parties in the end. If, instead, this means 'What should you do if you are directly involved in a problem that needs admin intervention' instead, and I misunderstood the question entirely, that's when I request another admin come and look at the situation before I handle it myself. I don't like having bias come into play when administrating or handling an admin-tier problem. If there are no admins to help with the situation, or it's not an option at the time, I can do my best to give an unbiased stance on my side of things and try to apologize for whatever wrong I've done to that person or wrong in general, but politely inform them of where they are in the wrong as well if it is, in fact, another person at play.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?

A. The severity and repeatedness of the infraction should be a determining factor as well as the responses they choose. Some people do choose pointed words without realizing it, but if people are being repeatedly unhelpful and rude towards staff then it's clearly blatantly obvious that they inevitably will end up being a repeat offender or a problem until you handle the problem accordingly. Sometimes it's best to add a note and come back to it, but if they're being a constant source of problems and are giving off the aura of 'I will forever not care to follow the rules or listen to you or any other administrative effort to intervene' that's when you should absolutely step in and give them a ban, at least temporarily?

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?

A. I believe the best condition is when you would like to take a break from being admin for that round, or would like to stop seeing dchat and random LOOC's so you can focus on what you're doing and not have to worry about admin-based things for that time. However, if you are currently dealing with an admin-based problem and you are the only admin around, going de-admin to avoid handling the problem would be shirking your duties I'm fairly certain.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?

A. Listen from all sides before making a final call on anything, be as helpful to the players as you can be, assist all the administrative staff on things they need help with, and above all else keep in mind that there's someone behind every character with their own issues and problems that they face every day, so being unhelpful and rude to them would only cause more problems, so try to help others have as much fun as you and everyone else is having as long as they're following the rules in doing so.

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Re: [Jaybird1] Admin Application [RP]

Post by Zeldazackman »

This gets a +1 as you've got a level head on your shoulders nerd, plus you do already try to help out with server stuff as an event manager so it'd just be cutting out the middle man on this aspect

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Re: [Jaybird1] Admin Application [RP]

Post by Captain277 »

Obviously this gets a +1 from me, but I'll go ahead and say it formally.

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Re: [Jaybird1] Admin Application [RP]

Post by MrJWhit »

Absolutely a +1

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Re: [Jaybird1] Admin Application [RP]

Post by Silicons »



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