Izzy - Staff Application

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Izzy - Staff Application

Post by Izzy »

BYOND ckey: izzyinbox
Character name: Katlin Perkins
Discord username (+user id): Izzy#3987
How long have you played on Citadel?: Since May 2017.
How long have you played SS13?: Started in late 2013, but took a large break before starting back here.
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: CST (UTC-6), generally when I’m on it’s between 6pm and 6am, but this is subject to change.
Previous SS13 related admin experience: None.
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: I use to admin for a few Gmod DarkRP servers, as well as being a big part of the rule writing process for some of them.
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: A few admins such as Cebutris, Kevinz, and Bhijn have poked me in the direction of applying, but I don’t think have explicitly agreed in support.
Reason for application: I feel like in my time here so far, I’ve developed a good relationship with the community, so I’d like to give back. I think my skills and personality are a good fit for helping administrate the server. Additionally, for those familiar with my in-character antics, I’d love to express my creativity by helping with or running small events and toss my own flavor into the mix.

Below you will be required to describe how you would handle a handful of scenarios that may or may not require admin intervention.
For every scenario, describe your personal opinion of the intentions of the player(s), whether you think you should intervene, and how you would initiate an intervention with the player(s) if you decide to.

There are technically no "correct" answers for this, but you will be judged on how you respond to these questions.
You observe two players having a fist-fight in the bar. Player 1 puts Player 2 into critical condition, and then Player 1 quickly leaves the bar to go heal them-self. Checking their attack logs, you find that neither of them had any interaction before they started fighting. Checking their say logs however, you discover that both of them got in a verbal confrontation that got very heated, and that Player 2 both initiated the confrontation and threw the first punch. How do you proceed?
The relevant sections of the rules are 1.2 and part of the additional information for rule 3 which outline escalation.
Given that neither player a-helped, their intents seem to be focused on roleplay.
The situation fits proper escalation as described by the rules, so it does not require any intervention.

You observe one player acting suspiciously and decide to watch them. While watching, you discover that they are a new player with less than a day of time on the server. You also discover that they haven't said anything for the entire round. Their contents include a full set of tools, and not much else. While watching they spend their time breaking into unsecure areas like the bar back room, hydroponics, the chapel office, EVA. How do you proceed?
Rule 6 would be most relevant here, even though no rules are explicitly broken.
The intent of the player is fairly ambiguous without more information, such as checking their antag status and continuing to watch their actions.
At the current state, no intervention is required as their actions could have a basis in character, but I would continue to watch them. If their behavior escalates to breaking in to secure areas or stealing and accumulating more powerful equipment, I would intervene by asking them about the reasoning for their actions and pointing them to the relevant rules, and then work from there.

You observe Player 1 who is a scientist building a combat mech. When they're finished, they allow Player 2 who is their friend and an assistant to come and take the combat mech out of the department. Later, Player 2 gets into a fight with security over the possession of the combat mech, and decides to try killing the security players but fails and is killed by security instead. How do you proceed?
There are three main things that catch my eye:
First is the scientist giving the assistant the mech. Rule 6.3 is the main player in this part. It’s important to know the context to judge player 1’s intent, as building combat mechs and distributing them is fine in cases such as station-wide emergencies or if player 1 in an antagonist looking to create chaos. If not, I would ask player 1 why they built and distributed the combat mech to an assistant.
Second is the relations between the players. This part is tricky, as the rules do not define metafriending. However, while questioning Player 1, it would be good to remind them of the metafriending policy. Additionally, now is a good time to ask both players about outside communications if metacomms is suspected.
Third is Player 2’s fight with security. Escalation, powergaming, and self-antagging rules are relevant. If the player is not an antag, their intentions are clearly mislead from the behavior that is to be expected of them. I would ask the player about their reasoning for obtaining and keeping the mech, and why they resorted to killing security when confronted in character about it. Additionally, I would not hesitate to check the player’s history and confer with other admins, as this a more serious situation that would most likely end up in the player being punished.

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RE: Izzy - Staff Application

Post by kevinz000 »

Good responses. Enjoyable player in game and has a lot of knowledge about the game. I give my full support.

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RE: Izzy - Staff Application

Post by cebutris »

Good responses, good player. You do some gimmicks as assistant that are fun and creative in such a way that I would love to see what you could come up with for station events when/if you become a full admin. I'm definitely in support of this.

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RE: Izzy - Staff Application

Post by deathride58 »

How are you not staff yet

No major incidents come to mind, and I know you've always been a pretty good player in general. You have a firm grasp on what the game's about, and I'm still very surprised you haven't applied for a staff position at all yet.

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Ruby Flamewing
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RE: Izzy - Staff Application

Post by Ruby Flamewing »

I also give an approval to this, because level-headed and seems to know what's up and what to do in a given situation. I'd go into more details, but gotta catch public transportation here soon and I didn't post yesterday, on my day off, so...yeah.
Could've waited until TOMORROW, but was already here, so said "fuck it, no more delays, tell folks I say get this doggo approved". So here we are.
It is only waffer thin.

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RE: Izzy - Staff Application

Post by Cabbose »

Decided to quote numbers during their app, could be worse.


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RE: Izzy - Staff Application

Post by geemiesif »

Izzy has always been fun and helpful, and is one of the lewdest ive known.


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