[Bulhaya] : [RP] Event Manager Application

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[Bulhaya] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Bulhaya »

[Bulhaya] : [RP] Event Manager Application

BYOND Ckey: bulhaya
Character Name: Nerma Hijnar, Citrus, Ore Olus, Anna K., and a bunch more :p
Discord Username: Not Very Nice#9056
Reason for Application:

I’ve been fairly recently active after taking a few-month hiatus, and have had a few ideas for smaller events to try and get people to actually interact in meaningful ways, calm, chaotic or otherwise.

I also noticed that the EM’s on RP rarely, if ever, hop on whenever I check lol

Team Applying For: RP

1. When setting up an event for the server, what should be taken into account as your to-do list before announcing the event to the discord/server?
  1. Think-tanking and applying a creative process to creating an event idea- taking into account possible station on-going events or other planned events, as to not step on any toes.
  2. Going into a physical design phase, looking at the constraints and possible criteria of what we may be working with in-game.
  3. Soliciting folks for assistance in roles, mapping, or further set-up.
  4. Holding an interest/scheduling poll, while showing a soft pitch to gain interest.
  5. Polish and other last-minute changes that could be added to the plan.

2. What is expected of an Event Manager on Citadel Stations (Main and/or RP)?

Everything expected that comes with other staff in terms of maturity and patience (duty-wise, only if there is a further lack of other staff), along with the primary objective of running different events, be it big or small- thus attempting to engage with the playerbase in a meaningful and fun way aside from the usual station rp.

3. What would you call a fun addition to a current round if the players are wanting extra spice?

I think giving the players or current crewmates anything interesting to focus on aside from sitting in the bar or their respective workplace in tedium for 4+ hours is extra spicy. Of course, I wouldn’t want to just plop a harmful antag in the round or anything, but maybe something elusive, or interesting for people to rp around. Maybe an impostor health inspector to check up on the staff? Or a funny borg that may have a few screws loose and wacky hijinx ensues?

There’s a lot of rp potential and snappy ideas that I would like to try and go through, as long as there’s a crowd and crew to interact with, taking care not to be too disruptive if people elect not to participate. Potentially asking in OOC if people mind a pop-in with shenanigans, but if I notice that things are particularly dry, I’ll see what I can do to create some spice.
I would be applying the process from part 1 in a more concise and timely form… going from idea to in-game planning and execution at the beginning of, or potentially mid-round.

4. If an event you're hosting is going off the rails, or that the players are reacting to the event in a way that is steering away from your original plan and idea,
what would you do at that point for the event?

I always find it a fun critical thinking challenge to both myself and the players if something planned is deviating from the originally intended outcome. It means that I have to do a lot more winging and in-the-moment planning and executing, which is of course stressful, but fun as well, as it may lead to a more memorable ending than planned. Really, the purpose again of the event manager is to also make sure that the players are enjoying their time, and not feeling annoyed or unhappy at what I put out for them. So, if the plan is completely changed, but people had fun going through my event, I would be satisfied with my duty.

Thank you for your consideration! :heart:

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Re: [Bulhaya] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Zeldazackman »

Aye from what I can remember, you had some interesting takes and tidbits as a player back when citrus was still active that were amusing to watch even as a shadememe just phased out.

With the ability to then turn that perhaps wild creative energy into events it'd be even more interesting so you're getting a +1 from me.

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Re: [Bulhaya] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Jaybirdnerd »


I'm familiar with you and I've had experience watching you play the server. You're a fairly decent and trustworthy player as far as that goes and based around your application you seem to have a full understanding of the rank and role expectancy for this type of position. I can safely say without a doubt that you'd actively be a good fit for the role.

Immediate +1 based solely around your understanding of the rank's requirements and your past history of being a good noodle.


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Re: [Bulhaya] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Auraknight »

I was reluctant to comment on this when I first saw the application, however, on second review, I find myself lacking any of the complaints I had when I first glanced over it. I'm familiar with your antics, both as a casual player and as an event antagonist. I hope this will translate well into being an EM yourself, and wish you the best of luck.

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Re: [Bulhaya] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Captain277 »

Ayy. I know the name, and I'd love to get more EMs. +1

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Re: [Bulhaya] : [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Silicons »

+1 btw


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