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Serinexxa : RP Event Manager Application

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 9:11 pm
by Serinexxa
BYOND Ckey: Serinexxa
Character Name: Evanne Grimalkin
Discord Username (+user id):Serinexxa/serinexxa
Reason for Application: I'm always looking to breathe some life into rounds, and this will cut my ahelps and deadchat rambling by around 90%. I've played a part in many events as is- and some of the rounds with the most bored players have no or low staff.
Team Applying For: RP

1. When setting up an event for the server, what should be taken into account as your to-do list before announcing the event to the discord/server?
Time zones are one thing. A major event needs players online, of course. I'd want to double-check that no other events or the like are underway in the same time I wish to host one. Any major event might be scheduled for a specific day and time in order to allow more players the chance to join.
I'd also want to have a rough storyboard. An idea for what has led up to the event, as well as a possible route it may take- unless steered in another direction. I like to have contingency measures, but I can also improvise should these means fail. I want to know what I'm doing before I jump in.

2. What is expected of an Event Manager on Citadel Stations (Main and/or RP)?

Over all? Tell a nice enjoyable story our cast of characters can interact with and play a part in. Round spice on lowpop rounds when people are bored, giving departments things they can handle, or even minor things like giving a trader extra stock for the day. Maybe I can do more major things later down the line, but I have to be absolutely certain I know what I'm doing. I want it to be believable in character and make sense considering lore.
That being said, I'd prefer to start small and get my bearings before doing anything major. Both learning the engine, and doing minor interactions before anything too major. I also need to familiarize myself with certain lore aspects before including certain species and factions in these interactions.

3. What would you call a fun addition to a current round if the players are wanting extra spice?
Depends on the crowd! It's best to know your players when possible, as well as the current staffing majority. A round with many scientists present might enjoy an anomaly to study or contain. A round with many Security might enjoy a lost smuggler to question or detain. Explorers might want to encounter something alien and unusual, reactive to their "intrusion" that could be assisted, or perhaps taken in for Science.
I'd likely stray away from combat-only encounters for the majority of the time. You can't RP much if your character is dead for most of the round. Even on seemingly hostile encounters, I'd like to leave methods open of peaceful resolution open if the players are creative or resourceful. I want them to be believable rather than just kill on sight.

4. If an event you're hosting is going off the rails, or that the players are reacting to the event in a way that is steering away from your original plan and idea,
what would you do at that point for the event?

Here's where that improvisation comes into play. Maybe our Explorers or Security team skipped negotiation and went straight to firing- sure, we can work with that. Maybe those pirates have a hostage they can rescue. Perhaps the anomalous blob wandering the halls was ignored by science? Instead of suddenly gaining the sentience to use the radio, it could leave signs as a method of communication. Maybe a player assisting in my event has to leave early? I come up with a plot twist, like having the leader fall in battle and the second in command take the helm. Things rarely go according to plan- and you have to be willing to be malleable in a story that has yet to be written.

Re: Serinexxa : RP Event Manager Application

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:29 am
by Blubelle
You've proven to be pretty entertaining in the past and can come up with some good scenarios on the fly when you've been event characters, and this EM application looks to be pretty on board.


Re: Serinexxa : RP Event Manager Application

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:52 am
by Captain277
Oh gosh this still hasn't been voted on? Well I think you've got an eye for entertaining the players. I worry that you try to do antics too often, maybe, but that's an easy thing to get a sense for after you've run some events.


Re: Serinexxa : RP Event Manager Application

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 6:03 am
by Hjorthorn
+1 Have only had good interactions with you in achat and agreed with your observations and judgements regarding event boundaries and player conduct.