k5 - Maint App

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k5 - Maint App

Post by kfive »

Experience with Github: I've been learning it since before high school, though I only really really started actively using it since grade 11. It's been over half a decade since then.

Experience with BYOND: Enough to know how terrible it is. Just like javascript, though, it being that terrible lets coders do some really weird things.

Experience with SS13: All my byond experience is SS13-related.

Experience on Citadel?(Main/RP): 3 years as of the last staffapp cycle. I'm reasonably sure I have at least three cumulative months in-game over them.

Why do you feel like you'd make a good maintainer?: Aside from reading code more or less fluently, I've succumbed to the sunk-cost fallacy and am personally invested in the codebase and its sanity, not to mention the possibilities for fun. Also, I'm a lazy sob who only codes once in a while and I'd rather put the code reading and whatnot to use for more than just LOOC telling people what they literally can and can't do in game. Also, the repository is configured weird and I want to see if I can fix it or something.

I'll also be posting a proper staff app so no need to bring those concerns here. This is for the git access, not VV on server.

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RE: k5 - Maint App

Post by geemiesif »

I am not sure about the maintainer stuff but you seem to want to help so +1

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RE: k5 - Maint App

Post by derkuleen »

nerf dog borgs and its a +1 from me.
on a more serious note K5 has decent behavior, and we really could use more hands at merging creating PR's to get the dumpster fire that is ss13 working better. i give it a +1 due to how little is being requested and the possibility for it to actually help.
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RE: k5 - Maint App

Post by Nethaufer »

Don't nerf dog borgs and you get a +1 from me.
Also, you seem to want to help the server codewise and you don't seem the sort to make PRs just to screw things over because of personal likes or dislike.

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RE: k5 - Maint App

Post by deathride58 »

I'm still waiting to see if you've improved since last app. Maybe at a later date. -1

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RE: k5 - Maint App

Post by Nik707 »

I think your code knowledge is well above what I have, and I think in most situations you'd be better than me. That said, I notice a lot of remarks and responses that seem like you very often adhere to code standards begrudgingly, and would rather talk about why we shouldn't be doing something rather than just doing it. I also don't really feel as though we're as buried in PRs as we'd need to be to justify a 4th maintainer.

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Re: k5 - Maint App

Post by Worgilisk »

Gonna have to drop a -1 on this, personally
Though you might have led to the Promethean race being fixed-up, the events that led up to it involving you have me wary about what might happen, if you didn't have to rely on an admin to get what you wanted.

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Re: k5 - Maint App

Post by kevinz000 »

-1 for previous reasons, get more activity in and put more time.
I'm probably going to be far more nitpicky and subjective and anal over maintainer apps because maintainers don't just decide if something is quality enough to get merged they ALSO are usually going to be the ones making the final calls on things like balance, features, and all that kind of stuff that is impacting at a server-wide level. As a comparison, banning someone gets rid of them, changing a rule might get rid of a few people and make others play differently, but changing the code changes how the game works entirely, and I'd have to be really, really damn trusting and sure of someone before supporting them for this kind of thing.


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