peesh admin application (oh god)

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peesh admin application (oh god)

Post by peesh »

BYOND ckey: Peesh

Character name: Carter Baskett

Discord username (+user id): peesh#2807

How long have you played on Citadel?: Roughly 5 or 6 months

How long have you played SS13?: 10 to 12 months, don't quite remember

What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: Usually on past 12pm AEST (Yes, I'm from down under) but will sometimes be on earlier. Not the most consistent, but still trying.

Previous SS13 related admin experience: none (though does messing with the tools on a private server count?)

Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: none

Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: kevinz000 
Reason for application: kev keeps telling me. The idea grew on me, so I've decided to try. I'm curious to see how the day-to-day is with admins or moderators on a server like this. I'd also really like to do events, I've got a few ideas. I know I'm a bit of a meme on the server, but I'm willing to take things a bit more seriously for this role. I'm not too fussed if I get in or not, I'm just trying for the sake of trying.

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?
If taking place during the round in OOC, likely just tell them to stop. If it continues, try and mediate or resolve, get context without getting IC OOC. If it doesn't work, tell them to stop some more, mute OOC, warnings for each.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?
Get context of the situation from all parties via ahelp or LOOC, if other admins are on, discuss it with them. Come to a conclusion and handle in an according way. If no rules were really broken, and it's just someone crying wolf, don't bother, maybe give whoever ahelped a warning if it took attention away from something more important.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?
Depends on the rule being broken. If they just accidentally IC OOC, not much. If they break prefs repeatedly on purpose, then ban. Depends on the rule being broken, or if there's multiple being broken.

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?
If not planning to handle much, eg. focusing on RP or something, or if there's already a lot of staff on.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?
Competence. Knowing what to do. Generally good with people.
Last edited by peesh on Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: peesh admin application

Post by Nik707 »

waht the fuck

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RE: peesh admin application

Post by madamheichou »

This application does not feel complete. Answer to question 2 isn't what was expected, nor is answer to question 4. I would suggest collecting more experience on the server.

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RE: peesh admin application (oh god)

Post by kevinz000 »

okay now that i actually read it
2. No complaints other than please don't warn people for ahelping. Ahelping should be encouraged for when someone is unsure, as I really, REALLY hate the mindset of "I think they're antag so I won't ahelp" that main people tend to have when they're wrong or the whole "I don't think my case is urgent enough to ahelp". If someone is being griefed or thinks there's a rule breach, they should ahelp, don't make 'em scared to.

and as for 4, it's in the admin guidelines, in reality it boils down to admin information being metagamed even if you consciously try to avoid it. so in main this means deadminning if security/antag/head/silicon roles, and if you're in conflict with antags. in rp, there personally is not really any situations that require it unless you're sec on a merc event round or some crap like that.

I'd recommend taking Peesh on as a mod and seeing how he does with tutoring.

EDIT: Here's the adminchat post I made that's less drunk-looking
He asked me to review his thing on DMs before he made it but I opted to just tell him to post it because I don't feel like experienced admins should be handholding people through something they're supposed to fill out themselves, even if I normally joke about the whole "hey lemme rite this for u" meme. Note that I basically told him to let me look at it but I took no action when he actually did.
I think he has potential. He's normally a memer but he can be serious when he cares to and I think he has a good heart and personality.
His questions aren't the best by far, but I think he'd make for a good moderator. Give him a chance.
It's a good position to learn and be taught from, and a good stepping stone to see how someone's doing before considering giving them full admin.
Take this with a grain salt as although I try to be unbiased when it comes to official bizness, peesh is still an IC friend that I've pushed because from a cursory glance he seemed like he has potential.
No one's perfect when they start out and he legitimately reminds me of myself.
+1 for moderator.
Last edited by kevinz000 on Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: peesh admin application (oh god)

Post by StellarWolf »

Hello Peesh! Like the admins say, it really isn't a complete app. Baring that, I have had pretty good experiences with you! Minding, all were mainly meme based, but they never really ended in trouble. I think you would make a good addition to the staff team. Just...don't be TOO meme'y as an admin lmao.
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Re: peesh admin application (oh god)

Post by Worgilisk »

Definitely not the most 'complete' of applications, and like Kevinz mentioned, it's a really bad idea to start warning people for ahelps that don't go anywhere - save that for people who are abusing the system, not for those erring on the side of caution.
I'll give a +0.5 support though; you have the potential to be good, but I'm not sure you're there right now.

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Re: peesh admin application (oh god)

Post by BlackMajor »

Peesh why.
You're a likeable person, sure, but the answer to these questions is actually wrong, surprisingly (2 and 4).
Mostly seen you on RP, and you've been given multiple opportunities to be an ass when I've been around (been antag and did well one round, in another somehow got a combat mauler and just dabbed) but didn't, so that's nice.
Your time on the server is /rather/ short, as well. And those answers aren't making me really confident.
This gets a big +0 from me.


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