Akulai's Moderator Application

Asylum Reaper
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Akulai's Moderator Application

Post by Asylum Reaper »

BYOND ckey: Wolf888
Character name: Naryssa Akulai, AKUL, Night Hawk
Discord username (+user id): Asylum Reaper#7777 | 251802831302950914
Reason for application: I've always enjoyed becoming a bigger part of communities that I enjoy being a part of. Though I don't wish to take on full responsibilities like an Admin has to, I still wish to be able to help out when or where I can. I've enjoyed Citadel a lot ever since I first came around and joined it. And I finally decided to see if I could become a bigger part of the team.

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?
Depending on the situation, I would start with a PM to them to see what the main problem is. I would get both sides and see what way I could change things around to make both parties happy, or both parties agree to let it go and continue on to enjoy the game. If it happens to be an issue that gets out of hand, I would mute them both if it gets brought into OOC so that I can further control it and separate them should they try to do something IC in order to get things situated, if I must, I would try and have another admin work with one side, while I worked with the other to try and get an agreement reached.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?
I'd like to think an Admin should have another staff member intervene rather than taking care of it themselves so that equal punishment/treatment is given if needed rather than favoring themselves to get out of trouble. If it just happens that they're the only one online at the moment, they could possibly try and see if another staff member could hop online for a moment to deal with the situation so there's no suspicion of abuse of power.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?
I would like to believe that the best way to determine would be to first, depending on what rule was broken, they should take a look at their history of remarks and see if this is something that is reoccurring, or see if it's something new. Second they should possibly speak with any other staff that might have a say in it to see what they might think and come up with a reasonable punishment as to not leave such a bad taste in the player's mouth that they would not want to play again. Thirdly, they should account for the way the player acted when confronted, such as if they were evasive and tried to lie about it, or if they were compliant and told the truth about what they did, or why they did it.

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?
I'd like to believe they should de-admin themselves when they are intent on playing a full round without having to deal with any issues, they are planning to take a break from admin related activities, or plan on going away and are the only staff member online at the time. They should de-admin when they are playing as an Antag, Security, Head role, AI or any role that would assist them with knowing who is what to prevent any metagaming in all ways possible. That is unless they happen to be the only staff member online then they should probably try to manage on their own, or opt out of those possible roles so they can do both with little to no interference in their experience.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?
An Admin should be one that knows the rules and is willing to uphold them to the best of their ability while taking care not to break any themselves. Such admins should also know that they need to stay unbiased when dealing with any sort of situation and not show favor in any way to leave the best experience possible for all players. They would also need to show professionalism and not show toxicity.
They should show good communication and good activity, and they should never shy away from asking for help if it's really needed rather than just trying to wing it.

Posts: 178
Joined: Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:55 pm

Re: Akulai's Moderator Application

Post by Silicons »

We don't have a moderator role, regardless I'll be getting to this in a week or two, as I will need time to collect my thoughts.


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