Tupinambis : [MAIN] Event Manager Application

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Tupinambis : [MAIN] Event Manager Application

Post by Tupina »

BYOND Ckey: Tupinambis
Character Name: Peter Gibson, Lambda Xi, NTRF Announcement System, NTSS-13-451, and more!
Discord Username (+user id): Tupina#1837
Reason for Application: I've been enjoying main again, and I'd love to spice up main with a bit more variety and more unique rounds. I have some administrative/mod experience already and have been on the server for a while,.
Team Applying For: Main

1. When setting up an event for the server, what should be taken into account as your to-do list before announcing the event to the discord/server?

1: Brainstorm an event concept.
2: Consider the chaos levels and impact of the event. Some events may need more or less setup, and may be appropriate for more or less pop.
3: Consult admins and players on the event and gauge generally interest (or disinterest).
4: Actually make sure the event is doable, test elements on a private server.
5: Consult admins and ask if it would be okay to run the event.
6: Make sure that there will be enough admins available for when the event is ran.

Some steps may be less important or completely skipped if the event is smaller, secret, or more spontaneous for one reason or another.

2. What is expected of an Event Manager on Citadel Stations (Main and/or RP)?

Run and organize events, bus stuff into rounds as appropriate.
In a nutshell: Add more variety and intrigue to rounds than what is generally provided by game modes and midround random events within reason.

3. What would you call a fun addition to a current round if the players are wanting extra spice?

This depends massively on the roundtype, current situation, and player behaviors.
On an extended/low chaos round where people are bored, it may be fun to add some more RP oriented threats like traders, bay style provocateur's, health inspectors, and other elements that can cause a bit of excitement for those that want to engage with it without ruining the round for those that just want to chill.
On a secret/med-high chaos round there is more reason to bus more substantial and dangerous threats. The first and easiest way to do that is to ask the antags if they'd like some spice added to their round. Wheelchair ops is a classic, but there are a large variety of ways to give antags a special flair that makes the round more memorable and the antags more interesting to deal with. In cases where threats get dumpstered or just refuse to do anything, it may be appropriate to bus entirely new threats. HOWEVER, those threats can still be more RP oriented or calmer, it's a matter of reading the room.

Besides those two main categories, sillier and harmless things are almost always welcome. Playing into a chaplain's prayers, sending a drop pod of pizza, dropping a bwoink button in maint. These can all add a bit of spice without impacting the round.

4. If an event you're hosting is going off the rails, or that the players are reacting to the event in a way that is steering away from your original plan and idea,
what would you do at that point for the event?

This is less an if and more of an inevitability. Ultimately planning for players to behave in a very specific way is never a good idea, and it's best to adapt and respond with appropriate consequences for player actions. For example, if I were to bus provacateur's, and security decided to just kill them, it may be appropriate to setup a situation where centcomm and the provacateur's demanded the HoS was brought to justice.

If an event just straight up went off the rails, particularly if things just break or don't operate as planned, adapting is preferable where possible but it may be necessary to ask for admin intervention, particularly in cases where players rounds would be ruined otherwise. A good example of this would be if someone were to say, send down a drop pod for a joke, and accidentally drop the explosive version instead. Might be good to have an admin repair the area and heal the person that was blown up.

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Re: Tupinambis : [MAIN] Event Manager Application

Post by zI-H482 »

Right, the biggest issue with the current application is playtime right now. This may sound like an odd thing to bring up, but after reviewing the connections log to make sure there wasn’t any timezone bias going on, you’ve recently just broken a long hiatus. There was at least three months of no connections at all before you’ve started to play again in earnest and mostly a smattering of connections over a couple more months before the extended hiatus. We don’t consider this sufficient time to be properly in tune with the community but, if you keep on the current path, that’s something that can be fixed with time.

Furthermore, I don’t see anything particular objectionable in the app itself. You’ve described a reasonable process on making events, a reasonable expectation for the role, reasonable ideas for events and a reasonable solutions for when something goes wrong.

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Re: Tupinambis : [MAIN] Event Manager Application

Post by zI-H482 »

The role has been retired at the present time, so we're moving this over to Denied as a result.

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Re: Tupinambis : [MAIN] Event Manager Application

Post by zI-H482 »

Now that the role is reinstated, I've moved this back into Staff Application for further discussion at your behest.

The first question I want to pose on this app is if you have some ideas for events already and if you can list one or two. I'm just asking for some hypothetical events, so the answer doesn't have to be fully fleshed out plan but more detail will be appreciated.

Posts: 96
Joined: Tue Jan 14, 2020 7:36 pm

Re: Tupinambis : [MAIN] Event Manager Application

Post by zI-H482 »

Moving this back to denied.


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