[Nezuli] Admin

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[Nezuli] Admin

Post by Alina »

BYOND ckey: Nezuli
Character name: Alina, Angel, Kari, Nari, Shira, Shiri, Void
Discord username: C0rtana#0525
How long have you played on Citadel?: Since March 2018
How long have you played SS13?: Since March 2018
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: GMT+1, generally active at my 18:00 till 24:00
Previous SS13 related admin experience: None
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: Gamemaster for Roleplaying Games (since 2007), few months as Moderator on private WoW servers, Lead of Aviation in an Arma 3 MilSim unit (organisation of people, settling of complaints, investigation...) and a Zeus (GameMaster) in that unit.
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: I mentioned thinking of applying as an Admin to Cap/Ms. Blue Booty and they said they could see me doing so. Don't know if that counts as them agreeing to support my application.
Reason for application:
Often when I play, I find no admins online, probably because of timezones. This means that if I run into a real issue, or if I see greytiders join, I have to try and poke admins in Discord. Since I assume that I'm not the only one who ran into such situations, I want to try and help the server by being there, and help the people around me.

Please answer the following questions to the best of your abilities:

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?
If two players have a dispute, I can try and offer my help, depending on what the topic is. If, for example, the topic of discussion is something related to IC happenings, I can offer my help to de-escalate. Maybe them not arguing with each other, but presenting their case to an uninvolved third party to help settle it, could be the right thing to do. Help them find a solution, a compromise.
If the topic of discussion is something more... out of the game, like different political views, and those political views do not go against server rules or real life rules, I could ask them to try and keep their discussion civil, or agree to disagree when a civil discussion isn't possible.
If the presented political view is against server rules (racism or worse), I would give the person a warning and escalate from there if they don't stop.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?
First of all, try and get hold of another admin to take care of the issue, bringing a neutral party in. If that is not possible, and the situation absolutely needs an immediate admin response and can not wait until another admin can help, then the involved admin has to be as neutral as possible, being willed to judge themselves, and them present what has happened to other admins afterwards to be reprimanded as needed. But that should only happen if something needs immediate admin response and no other admins are there to handle it.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?
It depends a lot on multiple things. Which rule was broken, under which circumstance, under which intention... There is no straight answer, it depends a lot on what happened.
If someone joins the server and uses a macro to spam radio messages, calling people slurs and insults, and it's their first time on server, then that is an obvious shitter and the answer is simply a ban. They aren'T a member of this community, they didn't come here to play, they came here to cause problems.
If someone new joins th server, possibly with a default or weird name (Ben Dover, Maxus Diccus), best would be to observe them and watch what they are doing. If it's obvious they are going to do something (guy picks up a welder and starts dragging a welder tank in search of someone), immediate action can prevent a lot of problems and allow for the continuation of the round without interruption.
If someone breaks a silicon law, but they have been here for a month or longer, and it is plausible that it was a mistake, a simple word of caution and a note would be enough. Repeated offenders get harsher punishments.
But generally I believe that no one, who isn't obviously here for the first time and only to cause chaos, should immediately face a ban. It's better to start small, with talking, word of caution, warning, and so on.

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?
I don't know exactly what de-admin does, but I assume it means that the admin sees everything like a normal player. As such...
If an admin is involved in an event run by someone else, de-admin can be used to limit their knowledge, so they do not see the messages that an admin spawned something in or similar.

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?
I believe, that the admin should be fair and just. Treat others with respect, help others, observe and judge when needed. Protect players from shitters. Don't stand in the way of roleplaying, but allow things to happen and evolve and play out. Moderate where needed, help where needed. Maybe do little events when suited to give people something to do. (Read the room. If 10 of the 12 players are in the dorms, then it's better to let them have fun. But if there are like 3 Security (and possibly also Miners/Explorers) and they are all bored, one could respond to what is happening. Event says that rats are in an area? Maybe spawn in some extra rats as a little challenge and change from the normal. Spiders walked out of the cave? Might spawn in some more and make it Security's job to clear the surroundings. Give people something engaging to do, without disrupting the fun for everyone else.)

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Re: [Nezuli] Admin

Post by Auraknight »

While I personally believe you would do just fine as an admin, and don't find any significant complaint with your questionnaire, from what I know of you I worry that your nerves might get the better of you as an admin. I would, of course, be happy to be proven wrong, but I suspect you would find this to be far too stressful, both in the short, and the long term. I am currently undecided on what I think this should result in for my rating, for on one hand, I do not doubt you would be able to capably operate as an admin, but the above point is also not one to be ignored entirely.

While I normally find myself simply saying 'net 0', I've also come around to the line of thinking that if you cannot positively recommend someone for a position, it is as good as a negative review. All the same, I don't think that a -1 is proper here. For the moment, I will leave myself as undecided, and see what comes.

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Re: [Nezuli] Admin

Post by Alina »

Hello, and thank you for voicing your honest concern about me!
I do hope that I will be able to proove myself, and in case it really is too much stress for me to handle, I will hand in my resignation.
But before I do that, I want to try it and give it my best!

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Re: [Nezuli] Admin

Post by Zeldazackman »

Having though about this for a bit over the past day, I will say that nez is has a decent head on their shoulders when it comes to decision making and trying to keep the piece (Sometimes to their own detriment).

It would be useful to have them go though a basic "how to" for dealing with the more commonly seen issues and the like.

I'd be willing to do so to get them up to speed, past that for their past behavior both ingame and as part of the community they get a +1 from me.


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