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Staff Application - RoyalKurwa

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 1:22 pm
by RoyalKurwa
BYOND ckey: RoyalKurwa
Character name: Charlie Kirkson
Discord username (+user id): butt#5906
How long have you played on Citadel?: I dunno. A year?
How long have you played SS13?: Two years.
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: GMT/Depends, usually on for like 10 hours or something might change when I get a job.
Previous SS13 related admin experience: none
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: Garry's Mod, iunno Minecraft.
Reason for application: I feel like it, why not I guess.

Below you will be required to describe how you would handle a handful of scenarios that may or may not require admin intervention.
For every scenario, describe your personal opinion of the intentions of the player(s), whether you think you should intervene, and how you would initiate an intervention with the player(s) if you decide to.

There are technically no "correct" answers for this, but you will be judged on how you respond to these questions.

You observe two players having a fist-fight in the bar. Player 1 puts Player 2 into critical condition, and then Player 1 quickly leaves the bar to go heal them-self. Checking their attack logs, you find that neither of them had any interaction before they started fighting. Checking their say logs however, you discover that both of them got in a verbal confrontation that got very heated, and that Player 2 both initiated the confrontation and threw the first punch. How do you proceed?

Whatever, it's properly escalated. If P2 bwoinks this click IC issue button. I assume these examples are in an extended setting.

You observe one player acting suspiciously and decide to watch them. While watching, you discover that they are a new player with less than a day of time on the server. You also discover that they haven't said anything for the entire round. Their contents include a full set of tools, and not much else. While watching they spend their time breaking into unsecure areas like the bar back room, hydroponics, the chapel office, EVA. How do you proceed?

Ignore it probably isn't a big deal but like totally keep tabs on them. Bwoink them if someone comments on it in a pm, something along the lines of "Hey buddy, why are you hacking into places are you new to spacemans? other than that just leave them for now."

You observe Player 1 who is a scientist building a combat mech. When they're finished, they allow Player 2 who is their friend and an assistant to come and take the combat mech out of the department. Later, Player 2 gets into a fight with security over the possession of the combat mech, and decides to try killing the security players but fails and is killed by security instead. How do you proceed?

So they let their metabuddy(?) have a combat mech and they're an assistant. Well player 1 gets bwoinked because "Why did you give /assistant/ [Person 2] a combat mech?" As for person 2 they get "Hey buddy, why did you decide to fight security with a mech as an assistant during extended(PRESUMED GAMEMODE)?" depending on notes deal with them accordingly since they died, not much harm happened but still give them 5 notes for grief if they have previous notes about said issue or if they were generally abrasive during the confrontation, even if notes not given stern warning needed.

RE: Staff Application - RoyalKurwa

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:14 am
by Cabbose

RE: Staff Application - RoyalKurwa

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 5:23 pm
by Kenzie
I don't really like your reason for applying.

RE: Staff Application - RoyalKurwa

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:48 am
by RoyalKurwa
Kenzie wrote: I don't really like your reason for applying.
What about. Because I want to help look after a server I love being on and help to maintain peace and order? I dunno.

RE: Staff Application - RoyalKurwa

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:19 pm
by RoyalKurwa
You're a no good griefer Charlie Kirkson, all you do is powergame and kill stuff in space. Denied, reapply when you've matured.