Wizard's Protean app at last

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Wizard's Protean app at last

Post by Wizard »

Discord name: Wizard#8520

Byond ckey: DiscordWizard

Job/Races you are applying for: Protean

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognise and log): Athena 

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: 
Athena is one of the many AIs created and developed by a NT artificial intelligence development branch stationed in a deep space facility on the Virgo system itself. The research team focused on developing AIs capable of sentience and self thought while still regaining blind loyalty to NT and the efficiency of non emotional AIs.

Athena so far has been their greatest achievement, having changed the course of its development and evolution at some unknown point in in time in a way different than the other AIs created alongside her, possibly because of the long periods of service on the NSB Adephagia. Whatever the reason may be, Athena has been steadily developing and replicating a complex set of emotions, ideas and most importantly, curiosity, that has warranted her to be the first candidate for the second stage of the plan, aimed to get the AI unit closer to the crew and encourage it's emotional development, while closely monitoring it.

But they know a simple ipc body wouldn't work, and an organic one would not give them any of the insight or research they look for, not to talk about the possible incompatibilities and issues. Because or this, the supervisors of the research branch have allowed them to proceed to their second stage alongside another team that has been developing a nanomachine based prototype body in secret, based on reverse engineered bits of tech from several species alongside some help from a somewhat interested SolGov military research division. The first body prototypes finished, they just needed a last piece to complete it, a quite important one. A loyal and advanced enough mind to control it, and Athena was more than happy to volunteer. She is soon to depart to the station she's been serving in to perform the first public experiments, and to further both science and herself as a being.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: Proteans are highly advanced synthetic bodies composed of a highly customizable and changing mass of nanites enveloping a number of control and vital elements. These bodies are rare in the galaxy, and only the most advanced of species or research programs can be expected to create and use them, to various degrees of success.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: As with all the other applications I expect a retaliation based on the broken rules, be it a warning, a note, a short ban, a whitelist removal or a perma one depending on the severity of the incident. I also expect Proteans whitelists themselves to be affected if for some ungodly reason my brain cells degrade to the point that not only do i find a bug but abuse it constantly to break the rules.

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RE: Wizard's Protean app at last

Post by BlackMajor »

Oh hey wizard.
Good to see you again, that's a nice elaboration of your character.
I already know you're in no stretch a bad player, so you have my approval on this. Glad you recognised that the species is rare and secretive, for the most part.

As per the norm however, get a second approval before proceeding to approved.

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RE: Wizard's Protean app at last

Post by HazelBailey »

Very good responses, you have my approval.

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RE: Wizard's Protean app at last

Post by BlackMajor »

Moving to approved.

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