peesh diona app

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peesh diona app

Post by peesh »

Discord name: peesh#2807

Byond ckey: peesh

Characters you currently play: Carter Baskett (though the entire reason im doing this is cos im purging some characters eg "him")

Job/Races you are applying for: Diona, per subject.

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognise and log): slightly up in the air, either something to do with the void or something, since diona names get wild (if you see something like "Embrace of the Forthcoming Void its prolly me, though i think i might be the only diona)

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: its a diona, not MUCH of a backstory, except for being hired by NT in some weird hopes of strengthening vox relations. tendency to ask questions or be very confused. (look i do lots of on the fly bullshit, like i did with finn, this is subject to change)

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: essentially "plantlike" species of smaller creatures, built up into one larger one. tends to think of itself as a group, slow both physically + mentally. super chilled, friends with pretty much everyone.

In the case of applying for Mime/Clown, what are you intending to do to make them distinct and enjoyable: clown diona would be funny, but eh. n/a

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: it'd be pretty difficult to, but like vox, i'd get fuckin banned yknow

ps. those who tend to think im lowrp shitterville, just peep my vox sometime, ask crashinator 'bout it

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Re: peesh diona app

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

I know I said put in a modicum of effort and you'd without a doubt get this accepted, but, whew lad. Peesh if it weren't for how well I knew you, and how well you roleplayed, I'd not be giving this application the time of day. Just give me a little bit more on the summation of the species, some esoteric bit of knowledge about the Dionae beyond, "essentially "plantlike" species of smaller creatures, built up into one larger one. tends to think of itself as a group, slow both physically + mentally. super chilled, friends with pretty much everyone," this weak sauce. If you wanna go the extra mile, you can also throw in a bit of the character's personality into backstory section, but, I won't say no if you don't. Just gimme a lil' something that proves you've read the VS Dionae wiki and I'll change my -1 to a +1.

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Re: peesh diona app

Post by peesh »

ight bet, i felt like it'd come to bite me but i could do this

diona nymphs use genetic material (so blood since theres no such thing as punching someones teeth out) to gain nutrition, knowledge of languages (somehow?) to eventually evolve into an adult

diona need light to survive, since they're plants. no light = no nutrition, no nutrition = no regen

no home planet, no government, little to no structure in their society.

larger diona gestalts grow to the size of space stations, feeding off of stars (if only)

one of the only species to be respected by vox

like i said, backstory will likely be on the fly, plus the...whole lack of society thing is difficult to work with
personality in like, 3 words? curious, creepy, but innocent (or is this 4 words)

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Re: peesh diona app

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

I'm willing to give Peesh my +1 on this.

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Re: peesh diona app

Post by HazelBailey »

Likewise, +1 from me as well

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