Everoth's Clown/Mime application - Edit

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Everoth's Clown/Mime application - Edit

Post by Everoth »

Discord name: Everoth#8267

Byond ckey: Everoth
Characters you currently play:

Everoth Everforth: Diligent miner that drinks likes to meet and help crew members, drink at the bar and learn about the station and how it works to help keep it together.

PAC-08: A security borg, honestly i was testing just how borgs and security worked.

Job/Races you are applying for: Clown and Mime

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognize and log):

Punsy Honk-a-Bonk
Buddy Bearshy
(In case traitors, or other antags are allowed) Happy the Harlequin
- Mime
Ping Ier Ong (thinking of better puns)

In the case of applying for Mime/Clown, what are you intending to do to make them distinct and enjoyable:

Punsy Honk-a-Bonk: He is meant to be a joke telling clown, a bad one at that. Always fighting a punch to the face with a honk, they are just having fun in their own way after all. He loves bananas and pies and will always encourage the crew to take in their medical recommended dosage of potassium and cheerium to keep a happy crew. As a honk artist, he will fight boredom. Or mimes, they must be up to something!, after all why would they be so tight lipped? * honk*

Buddy Bearshy: I wanted to have a clown option for Ever in case there were a lot of wounded in medical to try to bring stuffed animals, cakes and smiles to the ones stuck in med bay. Help the crew around and try to keep their spirits up and learn medical, perhaps become a doctor one day.

(In case of being able to Antag) Happy the Harlequin: I wanted to make this one able to be one of those evil antagonist that would play tricks while trying to accomplish its objectives. As a true neutral black and white clown, it is as likely to make you smile, make you laugh or call for security when the show turns for the worst. I want this character to be able to be used when antag is possible to be a trickster, play some jokes that are harmless and at worst mischievous, stopping and being a good clown when he is good. And tricking security into his jokes, to make them laugh, and scream when its too late and they have fallen into a deadly trap.

Ping Ier Ong (thinking of better puns): This one is a sad panda mime, still working on the details, my attempt with this one is make a satirical sad mime with the tear makeup, but instead its the panda face. Mime is meant to be punched, no problem there, that will not make the mime any more sad. It will be mostly around to re enact safety drills and protocols for difference areas of the station, and how they can end up in unfortunate situations, like someone exploding in the middle of a phoron safety seminar, with pantomime and not actual phoron. Even if the panda looks sad, that would be far from the truth, its all an act, because if people remember the sad panda lessons, they will be safe, and that makes him a happy panda.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?:

Most probably I will not be able to use the job if i abuse by any reason, I know that if i am told by security to stop and i do not i may be banned or what ever they seem appropriate. I know that not being aware of the rules does not excuse it, i read the rules and ill give them another read before i plan something i am not sure if its with or not, if i still do not know if its possible, Ill ask an admin before i place any plan in motion.

My plan is to have fun and make people have fun either by laughing, punching the clown or by discovering a mystery or a horror to spice things up when the shifts become boring. All in good fun, all following the rules.
Last edited by Everoth on Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Everoth's Clown application

Post by HazelBailey »

I'm so torn on this. On one hand I've grown to dislike clowns on RP, but on the other, Everoth has been an absolute sweetheart that I'm happy to see around due to how friendly he is, plus he has a good idea for what he wants to do.

I'm willing to give this a +1

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Re: Everoth's Clown/Mime application - Edit

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

Please don't make me regret supporting this. Hazel has said everything I wanted to say, and, I completely agree with her. Every clown previously has... not lived up to our expectations or standards what an entertainer should be. Don't disappoint.


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