BobDos - XenoChimera Application

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BobDos - XenoChimera Application

Post by BobDos »

I do hope this is good enough. Wish me luck.
Discord name: Bob Dos#7276

Byond ckey: BobDos

Characters you currently play: Heyes Knapp(Been a while though), Armeth Auman, Fetcher

Job/Races you are applying for: Xenochimera

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognize and log): #GK04898 with the nickname "Big Buddy"

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: Buddy can't quite remember much about their origin. Only being somewhere dark. Hunting, consuming, growing and fleeing into the dark to do everything over again. Then suddenly, bright lights. Strangely dressed figures pound the air with deafening sounds, intense pain and paralysis following shortly. Sharp, stabbing implements dig into its flesh, passing out from the resulting liquids passed through them. Eventually, Buddy awakened in a lab. The strange figures subjecting them to various tests. The first time buddy truly remembers anything was after being fed a death row inmate. The sensation of a brain being formed and a mind developing inside. Over several years (and a few more sentient lives consumed) , Buddy's developed enough to be considered sentient, yet they could still use some learning. Now, under the 'protection' of NanoTrassen, Buddy is to assist Science. Frequent psych visits and a careful eye from Security should be done.

However... All buddy wants is to be trusted, respected and possibly even loved. Being raised in a lab isn't a very cuddly environment and after developing such pesky things as emotions, feels even worse. The stigma against Xenochimeras is not kind.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: Basically, Xenochimeras are a colony of flesh eating cells and a slurry of DNA. They steal the DNA they eat, use what they can to be more fit for survival and store the rest for later. The cells have a very basic ability to communicate with each other and can self replicate at a higher than average rate. Even if they develop an advanced neural network and sentience, they can fall into cycles in which they return to a feral, animalistic state.

In the case of applying for Mime/Clown, what are you intending to do to make them distinct and enjoyable: Not being a mime or clown but I will voice my idea is that big buddy will be helping Xenobiologists as a test subject/intern while learning how to fit in with society.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: As the rules say, my whitelisting will be revoked. Depending on severity, stronger action may also be taken.

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Re: BobDos - XenoChimera Application

Post by Nethaufer »

Nicely thought out backstory, good summary of the species. Not seen anything bad from you on your other characters. You have a +1 from me

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Re: BobDos - XenoChimera Application

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

If Neth is willing to vouch for your behavior, then I've got no qualms with this application. You've got my support.

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