[s0ldi3rkr4s0] Protean App

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[s0ldi3rkr4s0] Protean App

Post by Kraso »

Discord name: Kraso#2503

Byond ckey: S0ldi3rKr4s0

Characters you currently play: Connie Melton, Stela MacIntyre, Natalia Tkachenko, Ivix Khizuz

Job/Races you are applying for: Protean

(I'm going to preface this by saying that proteans literally have no lore except "wow!! cool nanomachines!!!" and that I'm going to use a theorical character that I won't play because I prefer background to be developed organically rather than being handed to people on a silver platter.)
Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognise and log): Matias Tonalli

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species:
A man born into an easy, wealthy, and comfortable life out of the way, in the Orion frontier, Matias had quite the unremarkable childhood, even if it was a pampered one. Inheriting Tonalli Interplanetary as President and Chairman of the Board at the age of 25, it was clear earning the respect and loyalty of the rest of the board would be a daunting task; nonetheless, he successfully won most of them over, proving his skills as a sharp-witted businessman.
His methods of pushing the relatively insignificant aerospace company forwards was nothing to scoff at, either: cajoling, extorting, and bribing involved in much of his schemes, the young man was set on raiding other, smaller businesses, eventually ending with a hostile takeover of the companies - the meaty parts picked away for niche functions, the remaining assets liquidated and sold off. The small company was well on its way to earn its place in the stars.

But luck, like all things, eventually runs out. As Matias aged and his first white hairs appeared, he would soon come face-to-face with failing health: during medical diagnostics, it was found that the man had little more than a year to live, thanks to the works of a failing autoimmune system - multiple scleriosis threatening to destroy his success in life. With a ticking time bomb looming over him, Matias looked for any way to delay, if not outright cancel his meeting with the Grim Reaper. And after weeks of research, with desperation slowly setting in, he found the answer: Uploading his conscience into a Protean shell. Naturally, the means to obtain one, as well as the appropriate licences, would still be outside of his range for a man of his calibre; unless he banked on time to give him the necessary wealth, or indebted himself with a loan for the rest of his life.

And time was not something he had. But life? He'd have plenty of that, and more. If only he were to sell his majority stake to NanoTrasen. At least, that's what the haircut told him. Having one ear planted on the ground - or rather, an agent combing through rumours - helps setting up the bait. Now all they had to do was reel the man in; but combined with his wishes of living forever, that was more than enough to push him over the edge. Another tiny company under NanoTrasen, soon liquidated like many others before it, but that didn't matter to Matias anymore. He was 'free' from the shackles of such a mortal body, the only issue: a loan he had to take to cover the extra expenses, paid back by working for the same company he'd just given up a career's lifetime to, an almost hopelessly unpayable debt that could very well haunt him for the rest of his 'natural' life.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: A synthetic 'species' that is capable of transforming to a blob of nanites, can get around the map by using vents in said form, does not require oxygen, and lacks DNA.
In short, gray goo.

In the case of applying for Mime/Clown, what are you intending to do to make them distinct and enjoyable: N/A

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: Whitelist revoked, likely server ban if it was anything more serious.

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Re: [s0ldi3rkr4s0] Protean App

Post by Silicons »

+1 sure yeah

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Re: [s0ldi3rkr4s0] Protean App

Post by Kassus »

Honestly? All I know about Proteans is PJ and that another one at some point existed playing God before getting vored by a mimic. I want some new fresh faces for them, have my +1 you neat fellow.

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Re: [s0ldi3rkr4s0] Protean App

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

That's a rather solid back story. I quite like how much is implied here but not outright stated, moreover I'm certain that such a character is healthy for the RP server's atmosphere. Application support granted.

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Re: [s0ldi3rkr4s0] Protean App

Post by Silicons »


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