Jamie Fox Shadekin Application

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Jamie Fox Shadekin Application

Post by jamiefox »

Discord name: Torbin#2541

Byond ckey: Jamie Fox

Characters you currently play: Jamie Fox

Job/Races you are applying for: Shadekin

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognize and log): "Curious, the Shadekin" is what first came to mind, but the name is something unique with this species and I would actually like a chance to chat with staff about something appropriate. Names such as "Wanderer" or "Wayfarer" would be good as well, but "Companion" or "Friend" might also be fun. Since an individuals name in this species carries so much levity, I would want to make sure it fits with the general idea I have for the character.

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species: (At the currently lack of a name, I will refer to this character with the temporary name of "Id" for this summary. This should make it easier to keep up with things.) Being Shadekin, Id has only ever known the universe through its own interactions. Those interactions which come so naturally to a Shadekin likely also change the way the species exists. So when Id first saw a human, this was very fascinating. A poor creature that was stuck in place.. able to be sealed into a room. Upon further investigation the human was found to be quite friendly and often offered food. Though it did tend to wave around various boxes with lights that made amusing beeping sounds while Id enjoyed the exotic treats. More humans came, they spoke with each other verbally, and lived in metal boxes.. all so strange at first. Though while they thought they were studying Id, Id was likewise quickly studying them. Picking up bits of language, habits, behaviors. When they decided to leave, Id decided to follow them to better study their curious, yet seemingly friendly, ways. (I'm finding it very hard to keep this brief) The basic idea is a shadekin who is very curious of humanity and possibly addicted to junk food. I have no interest at all in any form of antagonistic or combative play as this character and would be happiest if those roles were blocked so the engine could not try to force them on me.

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it: Shadekin are seemingly mammalian creatures of high (Human level) Intelligence. They do not respirate and have no DNA. They are able to travel through bluespace tunnels and come from a higher dimension called The Dark. It seems names come more from an individuals strengths or attributes than something given when they come into being, which makes me feel like they perhaps choose their names when they come of age, or miiiight even be given a name by elders at a certain point. Spoken language seems to be very tricky to master with their usual vocalizations consisting of variations of a 'mar' sound. I really liked the idea of this species because of their nature of moving inter-dimensionaly, and the idea of playing this as a persistent character hold a great deal of appeal to me. Having something so very alien and different, but by nature quite docile and harmless, is very charming.

In the case of applying for Mime/Clown, what are you intending to do to make them distinct and enjoyable:

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: I certainly have no intention of breaking any server rules, though if I did I would be most grateful if staff would inform me of the (hopefully very minor) infraction so I would be aware as to not do it again. Otherwise I expect it to be treated as any other rule violation. If a clown used that role to break rules maliciously, I would expect them to be restricted from playing clown. Same here. Accidents are understandable, trolling is not.

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Re: Jamie Fox Shadekin Application

Post by Nethaufer »

There's actually already a prominent shadekin by the name of Curious on our server.

However, I'm decently sure we're not accepting shadekin species whitelist requests at this time.

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Re: Jamie Fox Shadekin Application

Post by jamiefox »

This is extremely disappointing but I do understand. If it's ok, I would love to leave this request in place in case the species is ever opened again for future play? I don't have a whole lot of time to play and this actually managed to get me more excited about playing than I have been in a very long time. Either way I thank you for the quick response. :heart:

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Re: Jamie Fox Shadekin Application

Post by HazelBailey »

Unfortunately it's unlikely we'll ever make shadekin whitelistable. They're a little too powerful to be freely handed out, even as a whitelist species


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