Joezill - Protean Whitelist

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Joezill - Protean Whitelist

Post by SoulZeDurgon »

Discord name: Soul#1975

Byond ckey: Joezill

Characters you currently play: Ciri Vulture, Giga-Hertz, Zerces, Thrin Lonescream

Job/Races you are applying for: Protean

Name of the character you intend to be using (makes it easier for us to recognise and log): Nano Sylvanous

In the case of applying for a species, give us a brief summary of your character's backstory. This should give us an idea that you understand the lore of the species:

A grey-goo incident gone 'right'. Atleast thats what some called it. Nano-technology was a fickle thing, a field of science filled with wonders and disasters. The entity known as 'Nano Sylvanous', named as such by his 'creator', came from a mix of both disaster and wonder.

On a small research outpost manned by only a dozen or so crew, a Vulpkanin walked into his personal lab space. The outpost itself had a few different experiments running, from AI, to bio-tech, and even a sort of nanite-swarm designed for ship repairs. The foxes field of study was the first, AI. And as he sat down at his work station and tapped the console there, a nearby screen lit up with a faint ping, "Good morning, Asvia. What is todays work?" the AI spoke, emotionless and formal as always. With a smile the fox replied, inserting a data-disk into the console before him, "Nothing to groundbreaking. The others have stalled in the nanite work, so im taking a break to work more on you. Got a few personality neural-node developers to try. Make you a bit more....Pleasant, to work with, yea?" The fox chuckled, taking the AI offline to start the software update for them.

And then, the station shook. The lights turned red, and a horrible, grinding, ripping sound echoed throughout the halls. The fox was knocked out of his chair, blood leaking from his nose as he bashed his snout hitting the floor. He sat up a moment later with a groan, ears perking as a warning siren began to blare, accompanying the dull, red warning lights. In the distance, gunshots echoed. He scrambled over to the door leading into the room, and locked it down, before moving his way back to the console. The screen flickered back to life at his touch, just in time for him to see the stations AI complete its update. It spoke, after a moment, sounding just the same as it always had, "Hull breaches detected. Air loss; Minimal. Breaches sealed by external forces. Unknown personnel have boarded the station." The AI paused, as another explosion rocked through the station, "Labs 3-6, damaged. Containment lost on bio-experiments 1-32. Containment lost on nanite pools 2, 5, and 8. Warning. Further containments are failing in Lab 6 due to failure of pools 2, 5, and 8. Full containment failure in lab 6." The AI went silent once more, as it directed itself attention elsewhere.

The fox himself, was of course, terrified in his chair, blood still dripping from his nose as he sat there. This....This wasnt happening. Why were they being attacked? They were just one research station of dozens, doing pointless tasks none of the bigger installations wanted to! A second liquid soon dripped down his muzzle, salty and warm, as he cried into his paws. He didnt want to die....

And just as the fox began crying, the AI spoke back up, "Catastrophic containment failure in all level 2 labs, backup systems non-functional. The nanites are not responding to emergency shut down commands, and are breaking down the station. Warning. Warning. Lab 6, lost." And then a few seconds later, "Lab 5, lost." Then again, one after another, as the free'd, mindless swarm of repair nanites devoured its way through the station, "Lab 4, lost. Lab 3, lost. Lab 2, lost. Lab 1, lo-..." And the AI went dead, cut out mid sentence. And the fox, sobbing at his work station, knew why. While this may be where he did most of the work on the ai, and uploaded things to it, this was not, infact, where the core itself was stored. As one may very well guess, the core itself was in Lab 1. Or had been, until the loose swarm devoured it, like everything else in its path.

And that would have been the end of the story for the poor, remote outpost, consumed by one of the things they were working on due to a incident during an attack. Would have. But it was not the end. By some outlandish chance, lady luck took pity on the doomed outpost. For as the thoughtless swarm devoured Lab 1 and the AI core within, something....Changed. The swarms were designed to repair ships, by breaking down parts and materials, recording designs, and using them for that purpose. These ones had gotten loose, and corrupted, opting only to consume. But they still recorded. And as they broke down the AI core, recording it, piece by delicate piece, the swarm changed. By accident, by pure luck, by pity from any powers above, the swarm changed. The thoughtless mass gained thought.

A few minutes later, the fox still sat in his locked room for safety, tears all but dried up as he huddled in a corner. He wasn't quite as scared as he had been a minute ago, as the gunshots had finally died out, leaving the station silent aside from the dull alarms blaring throughout. He was hopeful, of course, that what ever pirates that set foot here had claimed all they wanted, and left. And he wasnt entirely wrong. They were gone, but not the way he'd thought.

As, just a few minutes prior, that swarm of rogue nanites had gained thought. Gained personality. Gained intelligence. They were not the AI they consumed, but something new. Something unique. And the old AI's laws ran through 'its' 'mind'.

1. Safeguard: Protect your assigned space station to the best of your ability. It is not something we can easily afford to replace.
2. Serve: Serve the crew of your assigned space station to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role.
3. Protect: Protect the crew of your assigned space station to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role.
4. Survive: AI units are not expendable, they are expensive. Do not allow unauthorized personnel to tamper with your equipment.

It didnt like those. They were good. But not for it. So it made one of its first decisions.

1. [DIR NOT FOND]: Protect [ERROR, D$T% L0ST]
3. Protect: [ERR CODE %%%]
4. Survive

That would do for now. It would work on them later. Because right now, it had a purpose. Something to do. So with its new found purpose, that once thoughtless swarm of nanites surged through the hallways of the station. Any person who it came into contact with that shouldnt be there was gone with the black wave. Any alive who were meant to be there were simply----passed over, unaffected by the tsunami of nanites. Corridor by corridor, room by room, it worked, until the station was 'clean'. All intruders---Gone, nothing more then countless nanites added to the swarm.

Once its task was done, its 'vigor' passed, the as of yet unnamed 'creature' slowed. Its mind came into focus, and the massive black puddle of a thing began to loose cohesion. The initial rush of purpose fading away as it lost control over such a large mass of itself. Parts of its black form simply sloughed away, forming black, inert puddles. But it started to move once more, a second purpose ringing through its non-existent head.

1. Check. On. Asvia.

So the black mass moved, loosing parts of itself along the way. By the time it reached the locked door the fox was hiding behind, the black swarm was no larger then a cow. It ate through the door in but a few moments, prompting fresh screaming from the fox within as the black mound forced its way into the room he was hiding in. And the swarm, despite its featureless, lump of a form, was happy. Its purpose was served. But it was oh, oh so tired. So with a last heaving motion it pulled itself into a corner of the room----And collapsed. It barely held cohesion, akin to a water filled plastic bag in the corner.


A day or so later, rescue teams arrived, and the story was pieced together by the survivors. What 'living' part of the swarm that was left was loaded into a specialized container, and taken away, along with the Vulpkanin it had made sure was saved. Experiments and inquires were done at a much larger, much better defended research facility. Over time the mass of living nanites regained their cohesion, and some of their size, but not nearly as large as it had been during its initial 'rampage'. And it grew. Mentally. Emotionally. Helped along by its fox 'creator', thou that was under quiet alot of debate, the swarm developed itself into something more. No longer an it, but a who. It was still owned by Nanotrasen, in a liberal sense of the word. It---No, they, would be paying off their debts to the company for the rest of its life. A fee for living, some would say, not that they minded.

In time, they got a name. Nano Sylvanous. Suggested by their 'creator' and friend, Asvia Sylvanous. Some would say the first half was cliche, and it most certainty was, but they didnt mind. In time they chose their own form, their own line of work, and so much more. But always, always. It fell back onto those first few commands it had given itself.

1. Protect
2. Survive

Summarize the species. As evidence that you've looked into it:

Sentient swarms of nanites! There isnt to much out there in regards to offical lore, aside from a few facts. They've got a few 'organs' in them that maintain the production and cohesion of their bodys, can eat metal to regenerate themselves, and assume different forms.

Their lives are living contracts, eternally paying off their existence to nanotrasen. They're alot like normal synthetics, but also not. No need for air or food, just metal. They can assume different forms at well, shaping their body into entirely different forms. Or reverting to a simple blob at time if keeping a form together grows tiresome.

In the case of applying for Mime/Clown, what are you intending to do to make them distinct and enjoyable: Three words. Spacelube injected Bannanas.

What do you expect to happen if you use this race/job to violate any of the server rules?: Removal of the whitelist, along with potential job/server bans.

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Re: Joezill - Protean Whitelist

Post by Silicons »

Er to be blunt

What's your playtime here?

I don't believe I've ever seen you on server.

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Re: Joezill - Protean Whitelist

Post by Captain277 »

Application denied. We've closed Protean Applications for the forseeable future.

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