[Main] Admin/Ragolution - Possessing the SM crystal, dusting CE and HoS

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[Main] Admin/Ragolution - Possessing the SM crystal, dusting CE and HoS

Post by SectoidDan »

BYOND Name of complaint against: Ragolution

Your BYOND name: SectoidDan

Date of issue and round ID: 2019-03-12 12:30 ID 16682

Reason for complaint:

During a greenshift where I was playing as CE and only engineer, event meteors fired and damaged the engine. Due to a combination of not being near engineering at the time, and the seven emitters I had going, the engine integrity began dropping very quickly. By the time I had done everything I thought necessary to prevent it from fully delaminating, the integrity was low enough for messages to be announced on regular comms, around 20% or so. At that point I had done everything I thought necessary to prevent the engine from delaminating: the SM was still losing integrity, but at a much slower pace, and it looked like it would all rebound at around the 10-15% mark.

Ragolution, the only admin online at the time, apparently possessed the SM crystal and had it juddering around inside the core after I had left it. I'm fine with a little light shenanigans, where it's safe, and I even engaged by yelling at it IC. I puttered around a bit more, got injured by the anomalies that spawn throwing shit around the engine room, and as I was going to get some quick medical, the possessed SM crystal yelled at me: Image

While I was slapping a couple bruise packs on, there was a Central Command report:

While returning to Engineering, I heard from a cyborg that the Head of Security, Ichimiya Lydden, had apparently entered Engineering looking to help, and had been dusted by the SM. Upon arriving back at Engineering, I saw the SM crystal moving at high speeds outside the core, all through both the engine room and engineering at large. This continued for a few minutes while I and the cyborg watched. The crystal came within one tile of both of us several times. The HoS' remains were just outside the core itself, in the room with the core air alarm: not somewhere you could be dusted without a moving SM. Coincidentally, this is also the precise location where I was subsequently dusted by the crystal, returning to the core. It would have been immediately obvious that I was moving around the area, and just throwing the SM through the one tile wide gap was liable to hit me, which it did.

I had received a cloning scan earlier, and the cloner was on autoprocess, so I was cloned normally. I also saw the HoS being spawned in over the cloning scanner to be scanned, then dusted so they too could be cloned, but all of our gear was lost in a reckless fit of badminry. I sent a salty adminhelp on the spur of the moment, to express my dissatisfaction: Image
and received this reply: Image

"Helpful" advice notwithstanding, I don't believe this is an appropriate response from an admin that had dusted two heads of staff after possessing the single most dangerous thing on the station for shits and giggles, even on an extended round. All of this was pretty immature, for admin input during the natural progression of a random event. Possessing the SM crystal and having it run around engineering at ghost move speed was a particularly shitty move, and ended up dusting two heads of staff, and almost got a cyborg as well. That we were both able to be cloned isn't exactly much of a relief either, with no effort made to get us the equipment we lost due to dusting back, and I immediately left the round. As far as I can tell, the HoS was given a new ID by the Captain, and proceeded to more or less remain in their office for the rest of the round, too.

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Re: [Main] Admin/Ragolution - Possessing the SM crystal, dusting CE and HoS

Post by Nik707 »

I'm gonna say that if this is all true as it's stated, yeah, that's kinda silly action on an admins part and could have been handled better, but I'll wait to judge until I see Ragolutions explanation

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Re: [Main] Admin/Ragolution - Possessing the SM crystal, dusting CE and HoS

Post by Von Carstein »

Not sure if I should be chiming in on this, but I am the Head of Security Ichimiya Lydden in this post.

I saw the Central Command Report and ran to engineering to see the supermatter crystal because I was bored and this sounded interesting, upon running in with the cyborg that I had been talking too earlier in the shift I see the supermatter talking in the chamber, I forget what it said but it said something along the lines of 'plz halp I am stuck in here'.

So being the genius that I am. I promptly attempted to let the crystal out of the SM chamber because that is what a shitty person like myself would do.
There was a holofan in-between the two doors so I wasn't worried about losing any of the cooling mix and the SM would survive a couple seconds outside of its eternal prison.

Upon opening the doors I was imminently dusted by the supermatter in-front of the cyborg who began screaming about my dusting over the common channel and trying to flee from the supermatter now chasing them around the engine room.

About 2 seconds later in deadchat Ragolution is asking me if I had a clonescan, I thought the entire scenario was hilarious and told them I was okay with dying because it was funny but hadn't gotten clonescanned earlier in the shift, both of us thought it was comedy gold, so then I watched the CE's dusting transpire with the rest of deadchat before Ragolution respawned me, I am mentioning this because Ragolution was very apologetic during their Admin PMs to me without me even adminhelping over the situation and I feel like the overall the entire situation was wasn't that detrimental to the round and was just messing around mildly on a lowpop greenshift.

Plus I fully expected to be dusted during the process, who goes and plays with the supermatter without expecting something horrible to happen to them?

To be honest the biggest problem that round wasn't the SM possession, it was the awful captain who didn't know how to do anything. I did end up sitting in my office for the rest of the round but thats mostly because the Captain made a bad ID that only had security access so I couldn't go annoy people in other departments, and it was overall a boring greenshift.

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Re: [Main] Admin/Ragolution - Possessing the SM crystal, dusting CE and HoS

Post by Ragolution »

So during that round I came to either the correct or incorrect conclusion that you couldn't be ashed by the SM unless you stepped into it, yourself. I believe I bumped into a few characters when I was possessing the crystal and they seemed perfectly fine. In any case, it doesn't matter if I was wrong or right. I ran with that and just kinda said "Fuck it, if those dumb fuckers walk into the crystal it's their problem."

You'll also note I was being very staggered with the movements because, ultimately, I was trying to do my best not to dust anyone. It wasn't my intention to atomize any of the crew, though the DUMMY who walked in and opened the chamber really hecked himself with the air flow that pushed him into it. I know it was erratic at times, but I tried to avoid people, I think you just ended up getting Spesswinded, too.

Beyond that, yeah, not a great idea. I ended up taking this suggestion from deadchat and figured 'yeah okay that sounds funny' but I didn't really know where to go with it when the door actually opened. I had it shout some stuff about what was wrong (Too hot) and move around a bit but then I realised how far I'd gone when it was outside the box and had to wait for someone to open the door so it could swooce back in.

ULTIMATELY I blame SPESSWIND but I know that it wouldn't have been possible if not for my intervention in the first place. I'd like to think we had a good rapport up until this point so I was hoping you wouldn't be that upset about the whole affair, but here we are.

Edit : Yes, after testing you CANNOT be dusted by the crystal running into you, you MUST run into IT.
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Re: [Main] Admin/Ragolution - Possessing the SM crystal, dusting CE and HoS

Post by SectoidDan »

Apologies, I know it's been a while but I've been busy.

I don't think that the crystal not dusting people unless you walk into it is a great defence, particularly as you yourself had to actually test it later on to see if that was actually the case, and we certainly couldn't be expected to know that IC or OOC. Standing completely still in a very hot, very radioactive, full of anomalies engine room is also not particularly reasonable, especially considering what I just said above about us not knowing. Having the crystal yelling at me is all cool, and if you wanted to continue being funny that's probably what you should've stuck with, in my opinion. If you just didn't want it to explode and interrupt the round, there are better solutions, like teleporting it elsewhere or just deleting it. Hell, if you'd varedited its integrity to some ridiculously high number so the next stability announcement was at like 120,000% stable or whatever, that would be funny without running the risk of dusting people.

All that said, all I ever really wanted out of this complaint was a simple "I fucked up, my bad" and I think I've pretty much got it at this point. If lessons are learned, that's a bonus. I'm definitely not demanding your head or your +FUN+ or anything over this, which was really a fairly minor thing in the grand scheme of things. It just got me salty.

I too like to think we had a good rapport, and that we'll continue to do so after this. I think you're a good admin, but I also think that even the best make mistakes.

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Re: [Main] Admin/Ragolution - Possessing the SM crystal, dusting CE and HoS

Post by AvaricePleonexia »

Seeing as how Ragolution stepped down; just gonna move this to resolved.


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