Developer Complaint: Poojawa

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RE: Developer Complaint: Poojawa

Post by Sylas »

kevinz000 wrote: Yourdoom:
Not everyone has done the same, and I want to make that point.  Not everyone has been civil in the debate and there's been a lot of hate being flung around. We are volunteers. I'm not saying he's been professional at times with his opinions on people but honestly at this point I can not say it's entirely unjustified.

As for having him demoted:
He's been here far longer than most of us and while I don't agree with the methods he is attempting on making the place not just another tg ripoff with minor differences and a different rulebook and I respect that.
If he is fired are you or anyone else skilled enough to take the mantle and tread onwards with rebalancing and overhauls? Currently it is just him, bhijn, talkingcactus who's been gone for a long time, and me who is normally too busy to do much on downstream, among a few other more or less regular coders in the bus. No randomized door wires and stuff arnet the best game design in my opinion anyways but can you do better while doing anything at all?
While the method of change and the exact details aren't as appealing it is in the right general direction.
Age and experience should absolutely not be a barrier for unprofessional behavior, it should be the opposite.

As for your question before?
What I want, myself, is to see pooj either made only a contributor, or put on a probationary period where everything they add in is taken into consideration, and their behaior towards the community is moderated. I want pooj to stay, just not her rude attitude, they're a great person when they arent being needlessly sarcastic and dismissive, to the point of blatant arrogance.

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RE: Developer Complaint: Poojawa

Post by kevinz000 »

Yes, it should be the opposite, but the recent drama leads me to believe that they are just stressed from all the flak they've been getting for trying to improve the game in their way because no one else was dealing with certain issues.. Fully removing them from a staff/maintainer role after they've done so much would be very, very unfair.

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RE: Developer Complaint: Poojawa

Post by Ruby Flamewing »

Honestly, this mess is no different than the last time they went dark and didn't do anything here for about 4-5 months. They were trying to fix things, people were up in arms with pitchforks and torches, being complete and utter shitters to Pooj to the point that they retaliated verbally when verbally attacked and screeched at. In the end, they just stopped doing anything here, and as a result, a lot of things stagnated. A lot of things that players, and we staff, ended up complaining and bitching about happening. Why? Because that was before Kevinz was here, and we didn't have anyone who knew how to fix any of the problems - and banning people wasn't fixing the problems, because they simply continued to exist for someone else to come along and abuse.

Pooj comes back with a vengeance, fixing and patching things, and guess what's going on? People are up in arms again because folks don't want change yet continue to complain about shit being broken or unbalanced - only to bitch when they get fixed or balanced. If we lose Pooj, what are we expecting to gain from it? Not much, considering they're the de facto person trying to balance what we got and trying to shift us away from just being another TG or Hippie clone with furries. If that's what folks want, can go to TG or Hippie for those experiences, minus the furries, and problem solved.

Now, I tend to just watch and listen, and now I'm speaking from what I've experienced in my time here. Should Pooj reign in their self-merging PRs and speedmerging acts? Definitely. But people shouldn't be hostile to someone for trying to fix a broken game then act like the victim when they get attacked in retaliation. Don't act like a dick, don't get treated like one by another; don't play stupid games, don't win stupid prizes. Think some and use some common sense - things work better that way.

And no one's perfect, or always right. We're all adults here, let's bloody act like it, please.
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RE: Developer Complaint: Poojawa

Post by Knightfall5 »

kevinz000 wrote: What do we want to get out of this?
That is my question to you all.
Yes, self merging is an issue but this thread screams of "DEMOTE HE".
I don't personally agree with /all/ of the changes or decisions either. Some of them like the Tesla vs sm I am very opposed to. However:
What exactly do you want done to the stsff member in question?
And a more worthwhile question: has anyone complaining about said things voiced their opinion in a CONSTRUCTIVE (eg: so we can improve things with your feedback, not BAD REVERT REMOVE) way? Has anyone that so far posted been less than professional when dealing with Poojawa in discord or anything else, at any point in time during the recent events?
I came to Citadel about three weeks ago now. I voiced concerns in a constructive way, and was flat out ignored. I've seen things get pushed through despite them being heavily disliked with all concerns brushed aside. When things went down in Discord that started all this, me and others promised to calm down and be constructive again so we could work together. And what does Pooj do a couple hours later, despite us trying to bridge the gap? ... /pull/5840

They are giving us little incentive to be constructive or to want them here. It's a two way street, if they don't play nice then you can't expect the community to treat them nice either.

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RE: Developer Complaint: Poojawa

Post by Cabbose »

Knightfall5 wrote:
I came to Citadel about three weeks ago now. I voiced concerns in a constructive way, and was flat out ignored. I've seen things get pushed through despite them being heavily disliked with all concerns brushed aside. When things went down in Discord that started all this, me and others promised to calm down and be constructive again so we could work together. And what does Pooj do a couple hours later, despite us trying to bridge the gap? ... /pull/5840

They are giving us little incentive to be constructive or to want them here. It's a two way street, if they don't play nice then you can't expect the community to treat them nice either.
You do not know the half of this paradigm, friendo.
Last edited by Cabbose on Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Developer Complaint: Poojawa

Post by areebur »

I mean seniority is a thing, yes. I don't doubt his ability to code but its hurting the community at this point. He's not just hurting the player base, but he's spitting back in Jay's face as he does it by breaking blatant rules. He's getting away with it because he's been around for so long; And that's probably why Poojawa's adopted this sour attitude twoards people that don't like his prs/people that make prs that he doesn't like. He needs to stop this childish behavior and act like he cares about what the people want, and not what he wants.
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RE: Developer Complaint: Poojawa

Post by GrayRachnid »

Quoting myself from when this was an issue two weeks ago.

I think its pretty important to note that developers shouldn't be coding changes for themselves to enjoy. While I understand that because SS13 is an open-source f2p game this is common occurance, and i've done it myself, when you have a relatively large community then developers should be in general coding mainly with the community in mind and not for themselves. You'll never be able to stop coders from coding things for themselves and having fun with the things they add, this is their motivation to code, but at the same time I think they need to understand that if you're coding for a large community that they need to listen to the community instead of just being brickheaded about it.

What i'm basically saying is that if you want the privilege to be coding for a large community then you need to be able to handle the authority and the power that comes with that privilege. I can't imagine that becoming a Maintainer on citadel is an easy task and Pooj definitely put a lot of work and effort into citadel to land where he is, and he should be proud of all his work, but getting to where he is now and then, say, abusing his authority for his own interests is a selfish thing to do when you have a community with around 50~ regulars.

I'd just like to mention that these are my thoughts from two weeks ago and i've long changed my opinion on Pooj(for the better at least) but I still think they contain some wisdom in them.
Last edited by GrayRachnid on Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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