[MAIN] - Ignored by sec and ahelp

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[MAIN] - Ignored by sec and ahelp

Post by Everoth »

BYOND Name of complaint against: sec department, Xenov Drake for one particular issue and Ahelp.

Your BYOND name: Everoth Everforth

Date of issue and round ID: 07/31/2019 - Round ID 18465

Reason for complaint:

So i wanted to ask what happen there? I was under arrest since arrived as a curator. I was dealing with beepskys and asking sec to help me for 30 minutes. I had more help from the crew than from sec on dealing with it. At one point the beepsky got me for the 5th time and i got pulled to the church by an officer to get beated instead of helped, after asking for long at this point i send an Ahelp ticket.

So i ask the admin the following and just got that same answer. I know abductors are part of the game, but im not loosing im begging for the staff in charge to help me or tell me why was i under arrest for doing nothing. Just to be later, I was abused by security while defending myself from the beepsky again. Drake beat me and dragged to prison, i had to explain three times, some times right after explaining the same thing that i was being arrested for no reason, i was defending myself, and i have been mugged several times from the times beepskys beated me.

They released me, I went back to get my stuff and Drake opens fire on me again!, i run to the HoP line to get a formal complain and an ID and he stops and leaves. After that i just had to protect myself and the QM against a beepsky, went to medical and was ignored again so i could never stop laying eggs, so i grabbed an odyseus to heal people because everyone was wounded and no one was helping anyone. I think one doctor was operating someone but never answered when i asked for help, receptionist did not moved from the desk and chemist where doing their job, not their area.

During that time i was only replied twice by ahelp, once to close the ticket as loosing is part of the game, i had to go to discord and ask if that was alright, because i could not believe sec could do that for a full round wile not being manned by antagonist. The second answer was just to say, "I thought you meant about the abductors, so i replied stating, no, this is the issue, it is still happening, im still getting no help. Can i get help?, and had no answer after that. What did i did to deserve such bad treatment from sec and being ignored for so long? only the HoP helped me get my id and pda after i was mugged and beaten all round. The round was incredibly miserable to play and i was only a none antagonist curator, i did nothing but place soapstone marks on the library, departures and medical before i was being arrested like a few minutes in. Every other crew member and borg noticed and tried to help me, and i thank them so much for it, or i would had just killed myself in that run.

I have a screen cap of the Ahelp ticket that i sent, on that round i only had the admin say back that, he believed i was complaining about the abductors, i explained him the actual issue, and had no answer or solution all round, so i resigned to play music as i was abducted to do so and heal people in departures with the odysseus because medical i had no idea why the medical department was doing.
Here i finally got the only reply in the whole round, nothing after i replied to this message, explaining again the situation.
Here i finally got the only reply in the whole round, nothing after i replied to this message, explaining again the situation.
ahelp 3.png (35.19 KiB) Viewed 2080 times
Here i tried to get the Admin attention back while i was being taken to sec, arrested for defending myself against beepsky when i had enough.
Here i tried to get the Admin attention back while i was being taken to sec, arrested for defending myself against beepsky when i had enough.
ahelp2.png (32.99 KiB) Viewed 2080 times
I had my answer really fast, i dont think the one that saw the issue actually checked what the problem was.
I had my answer really fast, i dont think the one that saw the issue actually checked what the problem was.
ahelp.png (16.46 KiB) Viewed 2081 times

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Re: [MAIN] - Ignored by sec and ahelp

Post by Sylas »

The IC issue was for the bit where you said you were being beaten by sec, and I saw you being taken by abductors, who were disguised as sec.

I also had to leave at some point, and think I might have forgotten to hand off your ticket to someone who could finish it. Sorry for that, I wasnt intentionally ignoring you.


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