[RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by HazelBailey »

Discussion on this complaint is currently ongoing in admin chat, so while I cant give a verdict on the complaint I can say this.

To a certain extent, making a slightly antagonistic character is allowed, like Snowfield said, it gives security something to do. What isn't allowed, is doing it multiple rounds in a row for the entire round. Now, given we dont really have a timeframe for these, it's hard to say how often this has been. That being said, the metabuddying is still plainly obvious, and using the excuse "I was protecting them because they're my IC partner, doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't be giving benefits to someone just because of who they are, that you wouldn't give to someone else, such as bodyblocking security so the other can get away. That is very much against our rules, and if caught on server, will result in punishment, regardless of what happens in this thread. I would also like the people that deal with this on a regular basis to ahelp the next time events like those listed in the original post happen. I haven't seen an ahelp related to anything JGlitch does since the incident where they found clown gear and spent the entire shift running around like a lunatic, which was three weeks ago. We aren't always watching what goes down in security, but if it's going on often enough to be an issue, we need ahelps to know when it's going down.

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by JGlitch404 »

Oh I assure you I dont do it several times in a row in a same day, no way, that would get old so fast.
The frequency of these has been once every day and not more, unless I joined a round late and only spent 20 minutes in it.
Now, if that's too frequent, I could do it like, once every week or so.
Now I was confused about the metabuddying thing before but now I get what you mean, even if it's all IC it gives us benefits, tho I assure you, there's never been the case of my character getting arrested while my friend's character is doing something else somewhere else and end up being rescued by him, when I got helped, it was because he saw it happening.
We wont do it ever again, instead we'll approach it differen way wich, now that I think about it, is more realistic and high RP.
If a friend in real life would get in a fight, I would obviously go help him out no questions asked, but if a friend of mine is being arrested in front of me, apart of being distressed and maybe yell, I wouldnt try to push the officers and try to disarm them. This will NOT be repeated.

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by pontifexminimus »

Well, I was asked to offer my insight by two other people by now so I guess I have to do it, although I rather not get involved into it terribly too much? But alas, here we go.

Jglitch's behaviour I have observed a couple of times now on Citadel, the biggest one being when he tried to do some weird street doctor stuff and breaking into medbay for it. He interrupted Sidera and me (Maximillian Crowley) a couple of times while we talked due to it, due to constant calls about people trying to break into medbay. Slightly annoying, but not too much.

Then, when there was another thing going on in medbay, I called Security (in the form of Ahz and Aster) to Medbay and we discussed some stuff – it ended with him trying to break into the OP Room 2 again and steal the shit.

Now, this is basically a rehearsal and the story ended up with him being arrested and immediately being pushy about being processed at the fastest expedient moment possible while complaining Ahz takes her “sweet time” even though she was just handling another security call and he was already secured – I don't know anything about how it went with his arrest proper (as I wasn't there) and his processing (as I wasn't in security either), but his behaviour in the Emergency Treatment Centre was constantly attention-demanding, pushy and belligerent.

Later on the tram he tried to provoke security even more by getting a meta buddy to attempt and free him and emoting spitting into security's face. Charming.

Then he went to Discord to complain about Security being abusive and all the other stuff. I think this thread went on enough about this already.

Now, you might know, I'm an admin on Virgo/VOREstation. And I can tell you what an intense feeling of deja vu I got over these incidents and his behaviour on Discord.

Now, I'm a person who thinks the history of someone on another server is tangential at best on the behaviour and experiences an user can provide on a server. But it's pretty telling as soon as Jglitch got banned for constant IC-antagonizing and disruption coupled with Global Community Rule 6 breaches ( Be respectful to others – essentially “don't be a twat”) finally for the third? Second? Permanent time they come to Citadel -

And do the exact same shit.

I find it kind of tiring, really. It was a cycle. He and his meta friends roll up, do something stupid, disruptive (my favourite was a literal gaggle of hyenas screeching about killing humans and attacking crew members), he gets told off – even banned temporarily. And he moans and complains, blames everyone but himself on how poorly he is treated and that he will change, etc., pp.... drops off for a couple of weeks sometimes and then come back to just do it all over again. I got sick of it at some point and asked for a QC ban. Ace overrode it and just personally banned him due to his grocery shopping list for a 10-head family long player note history.

So yeah. This behaviour is nothing new to me or any other staff on Virgo.

That's something to consider, I guess.

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by JGlitch404 »

You are either confused, dont remember things pretty well or you are lying.
Jglitch's behaviour I have observed a couple of times now on Citadel, the biggest one being when he tried to do some weird street doctor stuff and breaking into medbay for it. He interrupted Sidera and me (Maximillian Crowley) a couple of times while we talked due to it, due to constant calls about people trying to break into medbay. Slightly annoying, but not too much.

Then, when there was another thing going on in medbay, I called Security (in the form of Ahz and Aster) to Medbay and we discussed some stuff – it ended with him trying to break into the OP Room 2 again and steal the shit.
I tried to steal the surgery kit only ONCE, I didnt try it again in any other round or in that one at ALL.
And as I said before, that was after we asked for them at science, cargo and even maybe medbay, but the last one I'm not so sure since I wasnt the one who asked there.
Also, let's talk about that failed surgery heist now that we are at it! The job was supposed to be as fast and smooth as possible, I go in, hack the door that leads to maintenance at south east in the upper medbay, get into the surgery room, grab the kit and get out, we never interrupted anything, I never ''tried'' to break into medbay several times, I did it once, and it failed.
Now, this is basically a rehearsal and the story ended up with him being arrested and immediately being pushy about being processed at the fastest expedient moment possible while complaining Ahz takes her “sweet time” even though she was just handling another security call and he was already secured – I don't know anything about how it went with his arrest proper (as I wasn't there) and his processing (as I wasn't in security either), but his behaviour in the Emergency Treatment Centre was constantly attention-demanding, pushy and belligerent.
I dont want to get processed at the fastest moment possible, I expect an appropiate amount of time with a decent amount of roleplay, I didnt get that. She arrested me at lower medbay when I she found me in a locker, tased me, Sid proceeded to beat me up, Ahz didnt stop her, negotiated with me about taking time off my clock if I didnt press charges and I said no, etc, etc... Then dragged me up the stairs after Sidera treated me (I think it was her but it doesnt matter) and I got buckled to a bedroller, where she spent 4-5 minutes talking to people while I was just laying there, cuffed on a rollerbed, and she would've spent more time there if my character didnt complain about it, I think it's understandable if my character was being pushy, he was in front of like 5-6 people while cuffed on that rollerbed.
I find it kind of tiring, really. It was a cycle. He and his meta friends roll up, do something stupid, disruptive (my favourite was a literal gaggle of hyenas screeching about killing humans and attacking crew members)
Excuse me? The only hyena I have ever played is Zuri and we never did anything like that, we never killed or harming a crewmember, EVER.
And while I was trying to remember if and when I've done this, I remembered that I had my admin notes and the only note that's similar to what you've described is this one: https://prnt.sc/op8rro
This is my first admin note, it happened in November of 2015, almost FIVE years ago, I'm aware that before I was a piece of shit and a lot of people know that I've recognized that and the only thing that I want to do now is move on and improve as a player, a person and a roleplayer... For what reason but to try to make me look as bad as possible would you bring this up? I'm here, asking for a chance to prove myself, redeem myself to everyone's eyes and you decide that mentioning something that happened almost half a decade ago is something you should do, thank you.
Maybe I sound like I'm playing the victim here, but this genuinely pisses me off.

Why dont you mention the good notes in my ''oh so big'' admin notes?
Like: http://prntscr.com/op8un6
I'm aware this was in 2017, but if what you mentioned is a valid argument, this is a more than valid counter-argument.

Later on the tram he tried to provoke security even more by getting a meta buddy to attempt and free him and emoting spitting into security's face. Charming.
I'm just going to quote my friend's previous post:
I was there during both last incidents Kazkin mentioned, the first one behind the POV of the already said Mikayla, with whom I watched over an ilegal security camera monitor how they caught JGlitch's character breaking into medbay, including the whole arrest and beating by Sidera.
PD: I have the rest of my notes from Virgo on my PC, if anyone want to see them, I have no problem on showing them, PM me in Discord and I wont have a problem sharing them, but I think that the only relevant notes are the ones I have on Citadel, and that arent from 5 years ago, and according to an admin I dont have anything too serious:

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by bear »

I'm pretty tired while writing this, so forgive me for any typos or if this isn't as coherent as it should be.
we never interrupted anything
Implying that the VERY LOUD NOISE of crowbarring a door open and then WELDING A WALL DOWN wasn't going to alert anyone. Ok. You have to actually think about if what you're doing is going to be disruptive or not, because you seem to interrupt people regardless if you mean it or not.
I got buckled to a bedroller, where she spent 4-5 minutes talking to people while I was just laying there, cuffed on a rollerbed, and she would've spent more time there if my character didnt complain about it, I think it's understandable if my character was being pushy, he was in front of like 5-6 people while cuffed on that rollerbed.
'I interrupted Security while they were on a completely seperate call and then had to wait five minutes before being processed.' k
I'm here, asking for a chance to prove myself, redeem myself to everyone's eyes and you decide that mentioning something that happened almost half a decade ago is something you should do, thank you.

This is where I start to take genuine issue, like I said earlier. You're now not arguing about the points being made in the thread, you're now literally doing the same exact thing that people were angry at you for in the first place. You do shitty things and then make up terrible excuses, and then proceed to whine about how you just want another chance and you want to be better and apologize profusely, and then do it literally no less than fourty-eight hours later. This is part of why this complaint was made. It's a shitty, VERY manipulative thing to do, and this is not the first time even I alone have talked to you about it. It redistributes the blame of the actions from you onto the other person and makes them feel bad about calling you out on your shitty behavior. Saying that you want to improve isn't good enough unless you actually improve to a level where people don't dread having to RP at you.

But, maybe you did improve, like you said. Even then, if this is actually better than how you were two or three years ago, according to your own post, I'm legitimately terrified of what kind of person you used to be.

Excuse me? The only hyena I have ever played is Zuri and we never did anything like that, we never killed or harming a crewmember, EVER.
More blatant lying by literally telling an admin from the server you got banned from that something didn't happen. Why are you like this? You say you're going to stop doing the things that people get mad at you for, and then you literally immediately do the things that you said you would stop doing. This is a cycle that I've seen ICly and OOCly to the point it's just exhausting now.

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by pontifexminimus »

JGlitch404 wrote:
Tue Aug 06, 2019 10:04 am
For what reason but to try to make me look as bad as possible would you bring this up? I'm here, asking for a chance to prove myself, redeem myself to everyone's eyes and you decide that mentioning something that happened almost half a decade ago is something you should do, thank you.
Maybe I sound like I'm playing the victim here, but this genuinely pisses me off.
I was asked to by a citadel admin.
Sit down, I have no personal quarrel here. I was literally requested to share my perspective here.


And really, "It happened five years ago" is only really valid if you stop doing the things you were doing - this whole complaint is proof to the contrary.

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by JGlitch404 »

I'm tired of being called names, liar.. Manipulative.. Are you being serious right now or are you taking the piss? Everything I've said is true and I've posted proof backing it up when necessary and when I had some.
Everything that can be said has been said, and this topic serves little to no purpose anymore, now we are bringing up things from five years ago and Bear is just putting titles above my head with no base at this point, quoting this and calling me a liar:
Excuse me? The only hyena I have ever played is Zuri and we never did anything like that, we never killed or harming a crewmember, EVER.
And completely ignoring what I said inmediatly after that:
And while I was trying to remember if and when I've done this, I remembered that I had my admin notes and the only note that's similar to what you've described is this one: https://prnt.sc/op8rro
This is my first admin note, it happened in November of 2015, almost FIVE years ago, I'm aware that before I was a piece of shit and a lot of people know that I've recognized that and the only thing that I want to do now is move on and improve as a player, a person and a roleplayer... For what reason but to try to make me look as bad as possible would you bring this up? I'm here, asking for a chance to prove myself, redeem myself to everyone's eyes and you decide that mentioning something that happened almost half a decade ago is something you should do, thank you.
Wich is a perfectly valid counter-argument, a lot of time has passed, sorry if my memory was fuzzy about it at first, but as you see I've acknoweldged it and even posted the exact note about it, how in the actual fuck is that lying?

I know I've been given many chances before and I admit I ignored them all all of these years ago, but that's not the case anymore, I tried doing something fun, bringing something new to the table, but it seems as I didnt do a good job about it, that's fair! But I'm learning from these mistakes, you dont see me killing and assaulting people like I did in 2015 anymore, you dont see me throwing insults and shit all over the place like a monkey in a zoo.

And Pontifex, just as I was typing this response you answered with:
And really, "It happened five years ago" is only really valid if you stop doing the things you were doing - this whole complaint is proof to the contrary.
I stopped. You dont see me attacking anyone or saying I will kill humans or anyone for that matter, the closest thing I've done is play with a cap gun, joking with it and being a bit silly. If anyone, at all, can prove that I've been attacking people or threatening them with harm, please prove that I've done so. Playing slightly antagonistic characters is fine and allowed as stated by Hazel. Hitting someone a couple of times with a towel while being playful is not the same thing, taking drugs and having contraband on me is not the same thing, stealing something because of perfectly IC valid reasons is not the same thing, no matter how hard you try to make it look like I'm the same way I was in 2015, I'm not.

Regardless of what admins do from this point on, I'm going to do what I want the most, move on and keep making improvements, keep making friends both IC and OOC and enjoy the game and the community behind it.

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Re: [RP] JGlitch - Constant self antagging, low-rp, metabuddying

Post by Izzy »

As far as this complaint goes, our RP admins and I are up to speed on the situation, and are absolutely ready to continue to receive ahelps in game for any further rule-breaking scenarios that may happen. We have had communications with them privately over topics brought up here, and will act accordingly using this information in future in-game help requests.


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