Enzo Leon Permaban Appeal Rp Server Self Antagging

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Enzo Leon Permaban Appeal Rp Server Self Antagging

Post by BUBBAGUMP69420 »

BYOND account and character name:BUBBAGUMP69420/Connor Walker

Banning admin:Enzo Leon

Ban type/duration (where you are banned from and for how long):Permanent/RP

Ban reason:Self Antagging

Your side of the story: I don't really remember it was stupid and I think I got in a bar fight got arrested and stuff, in my old ban I remember telling the detective to pick another role since this was a non antag server but I did it in a dumbass way and was not very nice about it I went on discord and found this its old but pretty much sums up what I did.

[Silicon on discord]:"keep someone from making mistakes" ah yes by shitting on them through ooc while the round Is still going instead of ahelping and then giving zero respect to staff when asked to why
this isn't your first gig either this isn't the first server you've done this kind of crap in, if you want to leave that's on you goodbye then nice knowing you etc etc, to be entirely blunt not much of value will be lost considering your attitude here."

That was from silicon in a discord conversation and it pretty much hits the nail on the head I was an asshole, I didn't like enzo, but instead of remaining calm I was an ass to him since he was an ass to me, (I was naturally hotheaded and have anger issues(cause of bullying), I learned to better control them now, but at that time I was still very much a hothead but ya uh silicon you were right I was an asshole.

Why you think you should be un-banned: The more trips I take down memory lane the more I realize what an idiot I was back then, and I am constantly learning as well and improving, I tend to do things and not think of the consequences, I act first think later, and it has caused problems for me, I just want a second chance on this server.

In conclusion I didn't like Enzo but I did not need to be an asshole to him cause I didn't like him, I wish at this point I could just make a new byond account I done so many stupid things that I regret, and it has caused me to have a bad history, I meet with admins who I think will hate my guts cause of what Ive done but we end up just laughing it off, most of my bans are years old by now, and I always loved your code in my opinion the best bar none, you guys put a lot of work in it, and it is so cool and fun, I can only imagine given two years what has changed would love a second chance.

PS Any Grammatical errors please point them out I was pretty much rushed through my classes in high school English and middle school English, they didn't care if I knew the material they just wanted to pass me through, English is my first language but I am a sponge if you point it out ill learn from it even if its just hey correct this(PS I learned that the word I is always to be capitalized so even if this ban doesn't get accepted I gained something from it.)
Last edited by BUBBAGUMP69420 on Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:58 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Enzo Leon Permaban Appeal Rp Server Self Antagging

Post by Silicons »

Honestly our staff team wasn't as great back then and there was a lot of grief.
Oh and y'know the banning admin didn't even note what said ""hostile actions"" are/what the actual ""self antagging" was, giving the rest of us utterly zero information to operate off of later.

But all that said, we still have some English standards on the server. Think you could show that by reformatting the appeal/whatnot to be more structured and coherent?

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Re: Enzo Leon Permaban Appeal Rp Server Self Antagging

Post by BUBBAGUMP69420 »

will do do i have a learning disablity in english(which was just a writing disability regardless they didnt teach us much just pushed us through)

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Re: Enzo Leon Permaban Appeal Rp Server Self Antagging

Post by Captain277 »

Alrighty, after some discussion with the staff team, we've decided to grant this appeal and lift the ban.

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