[Poojawa] Maintainer Application

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Re: [Poojawa] Maintainer Application

Post by deathride58 »

So, uh, this post is probably gonna be fairly emotional, since this is a little heavy for me. And by a little I mean holy fuck I'm not designed to handle these types of emotions.

So, back when the events were happening that were leading up to your original resigning, I had a lot of faith in you. You had some issues, but I felt confident enough that you would be able to work on resolving those issues if given enough time. This is why my support for you was pretty much damn near undying back then, I had faith that you would be able to work on yourself and improve as a person. This is also why I was rather blunt towards you about a year back regarding the issues you've had, as I've noticed they were starting to get much worse as time went on, so I tried pointing them out to you in an attempt to try to work out a way you could possibly improve on them, and yet all you did was resign. I'll admit that I was a little bit of a dick about it, but hey, what happened, happened. I genuinely wanted to see you come back after you posted your resignation letter, but then you started pulling some stunts, which really made me start thinking twice about you. I think you might've apologized for what I'm hinting at, but what's done is done, and hey, we all do some pretty dumb shit sometimes.

So. About a year goes by, and you've gotten back into being an active developer. And you're still a genuinely good coder when you've got your sights set on something; the code behind the color matrix'd human rendering is a pretty damn good example of that. Your code is the kind that I don't have to go through with a fine comb to make sure things won't catch fire, since most bugs with your code tend to be edge-case scenarios or are bugs that're hard to catch in local testing (especially when throwing into the mix the bugs caused by trying to run two clients on one machine!). Buuut you haven't really shown a whole lot of signs of improvement in other areas since the talk I had with you a year back. You've shown that your skin's grown thicker, for sure, I can give you that without a doubt, but you're very much prone to not knowing how to admit fault when appropriate, among a handful of issues that I tried pointing out to you directly back then. A prime example of what I'm talking about is the incident where you blamed metastation for causing seemingly inconsistent issues with your code, when in reality it was actually an edge case bug that needed very specific actions to reproduce locally; you did everything in your power to try to shift the blame onto something else instead of swallowing your pride and acknowledging that your code was the most likely root of the bug in question.

And the issue of not knowing when to admit fault or otherwise swallow your pride is something in particular that I think would make it a fairly bad idea to consider letting you back into the ivory tower, especially considering that the issue in question, among a handful of others, has been present for quite a long time now. If you could try to work on those issues, I'd be able to wholeheartedly give you a plus, but as it stands right now, I'm going to have to leave this with a single -1.

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Re: [Poojawa] Maintainer Application

Post by Poojawa »

To address that concern, I'm not sure I remember being so adamant that it was the map as once I was actually shown what was the issue (because I didn't have access to the profiler or runtime logs) the issue was promptly resolved and improved upon. If anything It was more intended as an offhanded joke rather than 'Shifting the blame'. Yeah, a random discord search and screenshot will probably answer that more or less out of context to how quickly it was fixed since the info was mainly on the OOC chat.

It really wasn't edge case, but my not being experienced with just how expensive GetFlatIcon() was in a large scale environment. Once Kevin actually got the rest of the information I needed, there was no further issue, and it hasn't since been an issue except when raised up as some spectre of how fallible I am.

If I'm provided accurate, unbiased feedback and evidence of a thing, sure I don't say so much in words, but I do fix it. I don't really understand how one can 'admit fault' that doesn't just seem like dumb grovelling this day and age - and times where I've even admitted that I was incorrect just get ignored more often than not.It'll just keep getting brought up anyway to "shame" me on whatever argument a topic devolved into. Case-in-point, Cameron's contributions to this thread.

I'm not sure I recall what 'stunts' I pulled other than just leaving the discord server either. Most everything has just been large scale disagreements with what quality of game the playerbase has preferred compared to what I've felt it more likely ought to be.

Again, another reason why I specifically mentioned recusing myself from PRs that I personally disagree with. I don't see how better to to just avoid that potential issue all over again other than that. Sure, I'll probably keep to my opinion on the matter. And sure, it'll probably conflict with some other people's, but I' not going to spite close it.

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Re: [Poojawa] Maintainer Application

Post by BlackMajor »

Yo this is a fairly controversial topic and all that I'm far past the bill to even comment on since I'm pretty sure Pooj has moved on by now (and it seems the majority was not in support so I'm probably gonna have to close it but I'll leave my message to stir for a while first) but I figure I might as well lay out what my quick thoughts were on the matter that most folk already knew from discord messages.

I don't think they'd be bad as a maintainer.
They've got a lot of experience with this old ducktaped wad of code and can do good with it. And for that I can support them.
But they also, admitedly, get a bit hot headed or dismissive at times, which makes a lot of people dislike having them as someone who makes decision on what is and isn't good for game health.

Really, all it'd take to steer clear of that is to get a second pass through the other maintainers that we now have more of.

It has my approval, but I'm past the time for that.

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Re: [Poojawa] Maintainer Application

Post by BlackMajor »

It hurts me a bit to move this to denied. But the time's passed and I was late to the party.

If you come back round, pester me to nudge folk to let you have a go at it.


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