[Erokusan] Admin application [Main]

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[Erokusan] Admin application [Main]

Post by Erokusan »

BYOND ckey: Erokusan
Character name: Karu Talon-scale, Linda Rogers, Ekeci-The-Great-Ashen/Ekeci-The-Great-Star
Discord username (+user id): Erokusan#6514
How long have you played on Citadel?: Been around since 11/20/2019
How long have you played SS13?: I think its almost a year now? Maybe more, I've been around a long while
What is your timezone/general hours of activity?: My timezone is Central Standard Time (CST) and my general hours of activity are usually 7 AM up to 12 PM, sometimes more or less time on depending on how I'm feeling that day
Previous SS13 related admin experience: None, this would be my first time admining for a SS13 server
Previous non-SS13 related admin experience: I moderate my own server on discord, and I used to help run a forum back a couple years ago
Current administrators who have agreed to support your application: [edited out because i'm not an admin]
Reason for application: I've considered being an admin to help out, I think I was also requested to become an admin

Please answer the following questions to the best of your abilities:

1. How would you engage with two players having an out of character altercation?
It would depend on what they are argueing about, if it was a simple arguement I'd let it run its course if it only goes for a minute or two, if its about something more serious or goes on for more than a minute, I'd likely intervene or stop OOC for a couple minutes.

2. What should an admin do if they're involved in a situation that needs admin intervention?
This seems like a double ended question, I'd call in the immmediate admins that are available, if not them, then keep working up the ladder, if nobody comes around, I'll still try to work out whatever issue thats going on.

3. How should an admin determine in what way to punish someone who breaks the rules?
The severity of the rule they broke and how many times the person has broken said rules, I usually go by a notion of a warning, minor punishment, severe punishment, onwards but can adjust how I deliver a punishment if need be, I will also usually consult other admins on if a severe punishment is reasonable

4. Under what conditions should an admin de-admin themselves while playing?
presuming that means "Able to hear all channels" When there is an antag that uses its own channel, or a more general notion of not being an admin while actually playing in the game and not simply being a ghost or spectator

5. What is expected of an admin on Citadel?
To uphold the rules in a fair and reasonable way, to help the shifts be more fun and exciting occationally, and to deal with the tickets that come from each round

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Re: [Erokusan] Admin application [Main]

Post by MrJWhit »

I'm going to say no, with those answers to the questions.

More specifically a few things that jump out at me:
-We don't exactly have a ladder, it's the admins and then the headmins. The question is more for when someone ahelps something like "Ekeci has been a dick to me all shift, and I don't like it", and you're the only admin online.
-Being an admin in the game does /not/ let you hear every channel. Admin-ghosting does, and if you're spending the entire round in admin-ghost, you should really just cryo.

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Re: [Erokusan] Admin application [Main]

Post by DeltaFire »

Answers to this seem short but reasonable. I also don't remember any bigger altercations with you and your note history looks pretty fine in the time you were on here. The one concern I have is the (as of now) not that great time you've been here (few months), so I am going to be neutral on this for now, though if you'd stay a active player for some more months without bigger incidents, I'd support this. Though yeah, note that all admins except headmins are on the same 'level' as eachother, so no going up a ladder when asking others usually, a min 's a min.

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Re: [Erokusan] Admin application [Main]

Post by HazelBailey »

Thank you for applying, but due to the lack of substance in your answers, along with the lack of support from my fellow admins, I'm going to have to decline your application. Feel free to apply again in the future if you wish.


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