[Fractious] FunkieBaby - Main Permaban

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[Fractious] FunkieBaby - Main Permaban

Post by funkiebaby »

BYOND account and character name: funkiebaby - Can't remember character name

Banning admin: Fractious

Ban type/duration (where you are banned from and for how long): Permanent ban on main server, applied on 2018-06-29

Ban reason: Welder bombed the shuttle as HoS and mindshielded before the round ended Disconnected and refused to respond when questionned about it.

Your side of the story: 2 years ago so my memory isn't crystal clear, the ban reason sums it up pretty well for all I can remember. Blew up some some welder fuel tanks aboard the escape shuttle, took out a few people along with myself. When admins tried to contact me, I had left the computer to do something and did not see the admin message, when I got back was banned.

Why you think you should be unbanned: This is my second appeal, first was around a month after the ban. I'll fully admit that during those times, I wasn't playing the server fully in good faith. My main goal was to get a good laugh, and my concern for other people's fun came second. I'd like to think that after taking a break for a while, I'm coming back with better intentions. I've played on more role-play oriented servers and definitely have a more mature mindset compared to those days. I can safely say that I've given up doing dumb shit to get a quick laugh and am completely invested in a more serious play style.

Posts: 142
Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2018 5:17 am

Re: [Fractious] FunkieBaby - Main Permaban

Post by MrJWhit »

All right, the banning admin has since retired, so this will have to be accepd/handled by a headmin. I'll send the word out.

Posts: 181
Joined: Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:55 pm

Re: [Fractious] FunkieBaby - Main Permaban

Post by Silicons »



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