[PastelPrinceDan] - [RP] Event Manager Application

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[PastelPrinceDan] - [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by PastelPrinceDan »

BYOND Ckey: PastelPrinceDan
Character Name: Kiyoshi Maki & Orthrus
Discord Username (+user id): dan.#8166
Reason for Application: Wanting EU/Asian timezones players to also have events, and wanting to help in making the server fun!
Team Applying For: RP

1. When setting up an event for the server, what should be taken into account as your to-do list before announcing the event to the discord/server?

First, I’d bring it up to the other Event Managers – make sure I’m not planning to run something that someone else already wants to do. After discussing my idea with the team, try and see how the players would react to it – with a poll, most likely. If the reaction is positive, start planning more details for the event – the location and how to map it, in case it’s off-ship; any ‘scripted’ parts such as messages from Central over comms; coordination with other Event Managers or Admins who’d be here during the event to assist with running it. Plan with players who volunteer for an event if it’s one that necessitates volunteers (for example, I have a language-teaching event idea that would require volunteers from different species to be teachers). Then, once all is planned and ready, choose a date and time.

2. What is expected of an Event Manager on Citadel Stations (Main and/or RP)?

In my opinion, to make the server fun to play. EU/Asia players often spend their time on RP bored because at those times of day, there is, simply put, nothing to do. Cargo doesn’t get many orders, medical doesn’t get many injured, etc, you get my point. I want to give those players fun events so they can roleplay and participate in activities, either chaotic or chill ones, that will keep them interested in CitRP and will potentially make new players interested in coming back as well.

3. What would you call a fun addition to a current round if the players are wanting extra spice?

Admittedly, I wish to run more ‘chill’ events, so my idea of ‘spice’ wouldn’t be ‘send mobs that players can click until dead’. I’d give departments things to do, most likely orders from CentComm – tools from Science, chems or virus samples from Medical, drinks and food from Service, etc. If players want something more RP-focused, I’d want to send in characters they can meet – the new CentComm official that needs a tour, a lost person who found the ship by accident and who seems interested in a specific department and might stay to learn about it, etc. Just chill and fun things to do.

4. If an event you're hosting is going off the rails, or that the players are reacting to the event in a way that is steering away from your original plan and idea, what would you do at that point for the event?

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
More seriously, I’d improvise and either find a way to gently push players back towards my original plan, or just go along with what they have in mind and roll with it! Even if it’s not my original idea, it may be fun anyway! Player satisfaction would be my main priority, and if the way I run the event at first isn’t interesting to them and they wish to take it into another direction, I’ll make sure to adapt as well as I can to make sure they still enjoy it.

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Re: [PastelPrinceDan] - [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Cataclysmanic »

I’ve never personally seen you in any serious altercations, and you seem calm and open enough.

I say give em a shot. +1

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Re: [PastelPrinceDan] - [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by AvaricePleonexia »



Good player, seems rather reasonable, fun to play with. They have a good head on their shoulders.

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Re: [PastelPrinceDan] - [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Captain277 »

+1, We need to reopen Eventmin slots to get at least one EU manager on the team.

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Re: [PastelPrinceDan] - [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by auris456852 »

You seem to have been around for a while now and I can't seem to find any complaints or issues anywhere. Might as well give a +1.

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Re: [PastelPrinceDan] - [RP] Event Manager Application

Post by Silicons »

approved, awaiting verification


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