Yuliy, RP Maintainer application

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Yuliy, RP Maintainer application

Post by Yuliy »

Experience with Github: Minor, but gaining control of it bit by bit.

Experience with BYOND: Program itself, minor. Recently learned about SDMM.

Experience with SS13: Minor, but playtime is about 4 years by now.

Experience on Citadel?(Main/RP): RP - 5 months.

Why do you feel like you'd make a good maintainer?: 24/7 in-home after losing a job (thank you 2020 Corona).
The timezone I am in is Asia/Australia, so I'm able to manage the situation in a different timezone from the US/Europe.
While I am aware that the skills I have are lacking, but I am willing to learn every function I do not know while handling the situations I take.

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Re: Yuliy, RP Maintainer application

Post by Jaybirdnerd »

Hello Yuliy,

I'm glad to hear that you're interested in becoming a maintainer for the server!

However, having said that, I've several questions regarding your status on how well you can code before I can give you my +1. Primarily, what exactly have you worked on beyond mapping for the server? I'm not seeing any relevant Github links posted in this thread, and would like to see your work before giving the go ahead on my end.

I would also like to take this time to let you know that being a maintainer is a rough job. You're gonna have to go through and fix code bugs and etc. and with your given minimalist level of knowledge about the code itself and your only experience in coding is dealing with SDMM/Mapping for the server, well, honestly I don't think this is a good idea for you. At least not right now. There's the issue of what you know so far and being a maintainer extends into having to keep the code running, having to fix bugs, and etc. beyond just mapping for the server. Being honest, I'm not too sure beyond that what maintainers do, but I know that's at least the bar of what you need to know at this current time.

That said, your prior experience with SS13 and experience with Citadel has you looking keen outside of those two minor hang-ups. Again, as I stated, I think you need more experience under your belt truthfully before we can solidly go 'Yeah let 'em be maintainer'. Right now as it stands personally I would like to see you come back in a bit with more coding knowledge than sign on this very day and move forward with getting overwhelmed by Github based things or DM in and of itself. This position requires extensive knowledge of code as you will have to go around doing bugfixes and I don't think playing it by ear is gonna work extremely well if your experience with the code is minimal.

Having said that, I'm well aware the extent of free time and it's benefits when it comes to taking up a new hobby. I'm also sorry you've lost your job due to this pandemic, and I hope in the future you're in a better place than the one you're in now. It can be tough, man. I really do hope things get better for you. Knowing you'll have enough time to sit down and learn the code in order to better assist along with bugfixes, updates, and etc. though is enough for me to give you my vote in the positive. Also, DM can be a complete mess to learn so you may wanna strap in and ready up for a time and a half with the code if you get in.

Verdict: +1 mainly only because you show promise in the department of wanting to learn and move forward with knowledge of the server, not to mention you've been making map updates for a while now. That, I do know.

Here's hoping the code treats you well when you do become maintainer, because I'm not kidding, DM is a time and a half to learn and you're basically going to be playing it by ear for a while judging off your application. It'll be a rough road, my dude.

See you next post,


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Re: Yuliy, RP Maintainer application

Post by Yuliy »

Jaybirdnerd wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 7:49 am
Hello Yuliy,

I'm glad to hear that you're interested in becoming a maintainer for the server!

However, having said that, I've several questions regarding your status on how well you can code before I can give you my +1. Primarily, what exactly have you worked on beyond mapping for the server? I'm not seeing any relevant Github links posted in this thread, and would like to see your work before giving the go ahead on my end.

I would also like to take this time to let you know that being a maintainer is a rough job. You're gonna have to go through and fix code bugs and etc. and with your given minimalist level of knowledge about the code itself and your only experience in coding is dealing with SDMM/Mapping for the server, well, honestly I don't think this is a good idea for you. At least not right now. There's the issue of what you know so far and being a maintainer extends into having to keep the code running, having to fix bugs, and etc. beyond just mapping for the server. Being honest, I'm not too sure beyond that what maintainers do, but I know that's at least the bar of what you need to know at this current time.

That said, your prior experience with SS13 and experience with Citadel has you looking keen outside of those two minor hang-ups. Again, as I stated, I think you need more experience under your belt truthfully before we can solidly go 'Yeah let 'em be maintainer'. Right now as it stands personally I would like to see you come back in a bit with more coding knowledge than sign on this very day and move forward with getting overwhelmed by Github based things or DM in and of itself. This position requires extensive knowledge of code as you will have to go around doing bugfixes and I don't think playing it by ear is gonna work extremely well if your experience with the code is minimal.

Having said that, I'm well aware the extent of free time and it's benefits when it comes to taking up a new hobby. I'm also sorry you've lost your job due to this pandemic, and I hope in the future you're in a better place than the one you're in now. It can be tough, man. I really do hope things get better for you. Knowing you'll have enough time to sit down and learn the code in order to better assist along with bugfixes, updates, and etc. though is enough for me to give you my vote in the positive. Also, DM can be a complete mess to learn so you may wanna strap in and ready up for a time and a half with the code if you get in.

Verdict: +1 mainly only because you show promise in the department of wanting to learn and move forward with knowledge of the server, not to mention you've been making map updates for a while now. That, I do know.

Here's hoping the code treats you well when you do become maintainer, because I'm not kidding, DM is a time and a half to learn and you're basically going to be playing it by ear for a while judging off your application. It'll be a rough road, my dude.

See you next post,

First off, I am deeply thankful for the effort full of posts you have given, and the positive response of the chance of support to give.

Moving on, related to the coding knowledge, I am very aware that my skills are bare minimum at the current time.
However. I would like to say that I am taking one step at a time, fixing out the coding mistakes that were on the map, rather than simply placing the items only. An example is an engineering rework I have previously made, as there was an issue related to the coding.

Also to mention I am constantly calling out to gain some possible bits of help from the other peoples who know about the codes well.
That much, I am willing to learn and improve myself not only as a mapper but also as a coder.

I am uncertain how others shall think about it, but from what I think of it is, learning while on the work shall give more chance to actually learn about the job, more than simply eavesdropping from the other's workings.
Hence, I have decided to request to become a maintainer on the RP server, to gain much more direct experience rather than listening about it from a far distance.

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Re: Yuliy, RP Maintainer application

Post by Silicons »

at rp's current state the criteria for maintainer should be whether their design direction/view is compatible with the server as well as if they can work well in terms of actually deciding on prs, just my three cents
they should obviously still have some moderate experience in dm so they don't end up merging awful or malicious code, and understand when to call another maintainer for help checking things over

the reason i say this is because frankly rp has not a lot of active maintainers and this stuff is really beneficial imo

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Re: Yuliy, RP Maintainer application

Post by Yuliy »

My sincere apologies to everyone who had the decision and such, but I'm afraid to inform everyone that my real-life situation got even direr than I have expected.
Pulling the application off because doing the work as a maintainer of the server is impossible, at the current moment.
I shall retry again when the situation shows a positive.


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