[Unknown - MrJWhit involved] Florida Man - Discord ban

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[Unknown - MrJWhit involved] Florida Man - Discord ban

Post by L_Nacho_Chaos_L »

Discord name: Florida Man#4175

Banning admin: Unknown, MrJWhit involved.

Ban type/duration (where you are banned from and for how long): Discord, Permanent.

Ban reason: Harrassment

Your side of the story: Called Grima "DUMB SYNTH" and then asked MrJWhit why he warned me when he... warned me (It might not have been a question, I don't remember exactly what I said and I can't check because I don't have access to the Discord server.). Got crew role removed, then removed from the server.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I am NOT defending my actions, I KNOW I did something wrong, this is an apology. I promise to stop being a jerk. I know that what I did isn't allowed now, you can trust me not to do it again. I just want to come back. PLEASE just give me a chance to prove that I am capable of not being a jerk. I will try to stop arguing with admins, I won't participate in conversations that I have nothing to add to, I'll respect what people don't want me to do, just let me back in.

This server was my only way of interacting with other human beings in a way slightly more meaningful than just memes, please let me back in. I can't get a vouch because nowhere else is like this server, so I'm going to behave differently elsewhere by default (And I don't want normal people to know that I was, at any point, in this server, because... it's a Discord server dedicated to a furry SS13 server, what else am I supposed to say? (Also, I don't know how to get one in the first place.)). At least let me back in so I can discuss this in #staff-forum, replies here are too slow and there isn't any real risk if I can't access the majority of the server.

I am not defending myself. I understand why this happened, I understand that I deserved it, I'm just saying that I CAN stop being a jerk. Being banned for a day has already been enough for me to realize that I DID actually do something wrong. It... probably shouldn't have, but I am way too sensitive to this kind of thing so... yeah.

...also, if this is "too early", what ISN'T too early? I'll wait if I know how long I have to wait.

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Joined: Tue Jan 14, 2020 7:36 pm

Re: [Unknown - MrJWhit involved] Florida Man - Discord ban

Post by zI-H482 »

You just had an appeal denied and opened up another one under fifteen minutes. This one is also denied as a matter of course. Further ones you open up for a month will be simply be deleted.


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