[RP] Rhyn’yai-Dyson Cybernetics Minor Corp Proposal

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[RP] Rhyn’yai-Dyson Cybernetics Minor Corp Proposal

Post by PlumeOfSmoke »

I kept this simple as possible cus seeing the funny ERP Minor Corp type a whole page for about a paragraph or so to be posted is wack, so here's what I got.

Rhyn’yai-Dyson Cybernetics, a Tajaran owned company, with a lot of human specialists from other mega-corps. They are known for providing highly expensive, but highly effective implants, limb, and organ replacements mostly for Tajara. Through their sale and production of luxury cybernetics they have been able to expand their production to affordable and extremely reliable cybernetics. They are now the number one Tajaran owned producer and exporter of cybernetics. The company is currently focused on selling their cybernetics to high profile Tajara outside Confederate Commonwealth space. Rhyn’yai-Dyson is just one step from being bought out by a human megacorp, and there are rumors it might soon be acquired by Vey-Med.


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