[DigitalSquirrel95] JGlitch - Permaban Appeal

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Re: [DigitalSquirrel95] JGlitch - Permaban Appeal

Post by JGlitch404 »

mouseofthecake wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:41 am
JGlitch404 wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:41 am
I apologize if I seem upset on the reply, but that's because I am, I'm frustrated man, what happened three years ago should be water under the bridge at this point, the people I did it to not only forgot about it, but had forgiven me, and had vouched for my unban in the previous appeals.
I've been working very hard these years to be unbanned from every server I've been banned from, and to STAY unbanned, I've had my ups and downs I don't claim to have been ''the perfect player'', but the results speak for themselves, I'm unbanned from every other server, Citadel is the only one where I remain banned, it would be the final step to end the chapter of being ''that guy that is banned from every SS13 server''.

For the love of god, please, what else do you want from me?
A permaban is usually a decent way to nudge folks in the right direction, make them think about what they did wrong and such. It's also a good way of simply keeping out the ones who've done things that definitely qualify for the "perma" part.
You're the latter.

As mentioned before, the incident that got you banned would've earned you a perma despite all of the drama you'd caused before it. That you had such a sordid history with us only reinforces the fact that it's meant to stick, despite any developments you might've made across time. I don't care where else you've been playing, how many vouches you got, or how long it's been. It's a permanent ban. We simply do not want anything from, or to do, with you. That's it.
Honestly? If you guys want me to be 100% sincere with you? Before even writing this appeal I asked a couple of friends if I even should, they all said yeah, why not, a lot of time has passed, that I've changed. I was kinda hesitant to do it regardless, but I did it anyway, surely I'd get unbanned this time, surely after a vouch from a reputable server, three years and having been unbanned and stay unbanned from all other servers would be enough. Surely I'd get unbanned this time, but in the back of my mind I knew that there would exist the possibility that this staff team is so unbelievable petty, so incredibly biased that no matter how many good reasons I gave, you would ignore them and still say no.
I wanted to test it, why the fuck else would I want to be unbanned from here? I can play everywhere else :D

I would honestly have way more respect for you people if you just admitted that you just dont like me, and that after three years you all can't move past that, rather than try to pick any straw you can to give me a reason not to unban me.

But yeah, congratulations, you've proved me wrong, jokes are on me for telling myself that there was no way that the staff team would sink so low.
This kind of thing is exactly why your server is dying, all the way down to the pop list, enjoy the empty castle where you can rule over the dust bunnies that collect in your empty server, I got every single other SS13 server avaliable to play in lmao :) .

I've given enough captures proving that I've changed, but here's a last one, proving that now the people that need to change are you guys, at prime US hour for people playing SS13, you've got this pop, it just speaks for itself;


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Re: [DigitalSquirrel95] JGlitch - Permaban Appeal

Post by Blubelle »

Banning people for what really translates to "your attitude and your actions are something we don't want in our server" instead of "pettiness" and keeping them banned is not the reason we're lacking pop.

We don't think you've changed over what we've banned you for. It's a permanent ban for a reason, and the way you've been acting in this appeal makes me believe you probably won't be ready to come back at this time. This attitude you're presenting throughout this entire appeal, especially with that last post outright taunting the staff making the intent clear as to why you're acting this way suggests you think you're entitled to be unbanned because Citadel is struggling. Either that or it's because you believe you got nothing to lose now so you're going full mask off on what I'd definitely consider pettiness. Or both.

There are several reasons Citadel is struggling, but this ain't it, chief. Arguably, keeping out problematic players who we truly believe will contribute nothing but negativity to the community is part of why we're still afloat to begin with. We have a lot of patience towards long-term players as well, and considering you were a long-term player back then, I think it speaks volumes that you had gotten removed.

As it still stands - personally for me, my own stance is - your attitude and your actions are something I don't want in this server.

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Re: [DigitalSquirrel95] JGlitch - Permaban Appeal

Post by JGlitch404 »

Blubelle wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 1:52 pm
Banning people for what really translates to "your attitude and your actions are something we don't want in our server" instead of "pettiness" and keeping them banned is not the reason we're lacking pop.

We don't think you've changed over what we've banned you for. It's a permanent ban for a reason, and the way you've been acting in this appeal makes me believe you probably won't be ready to come back at this time. This attitude you're presenting throughout this entire appeal, especially with that last post outright taunting the staff making the intent clear as to why you're acting this way suggests you think you're entitled to be unbanned because Citadel is struggling. Either that or it's because you believe you got nothing to lose now so you're going full mask off on what I'd definitely consider pettiness. Or both.

There are several reasons Citadel is struggling, but this ain't it, chief. Arguably, keeping out problematic players who we truly believe will contribute nothing but negativity to the community is part of why we're still afloat to begin with. We have a lot of patience towards long-term players as well, and considering you were a long-term player back then, I think it speaks volumes that you had gotten removed.

As it still stands - personally for me, my own stance is - your attitude and your actions are something I don't want in this server.
My attitude is being done with your BS. Again, I'd have way more respect for you if you just admitted that the reason you wont unban me is because you don't like me.
I ain't entitled to anything, this isnt a public service, you can choose who to let in and who not to.
But stop pretending that I'm the problem here, come on, if in other places they've given me the chance, and are now vouching for me says otherwise. There's a reason why I'm not being unbanned, but this ain't it, chief.

Now, please do one of the following;

Unban me from the server and notice that I indeed have changed and I'm not causing any issues, and close the ticket.
Admit that the reason you're not unbanning me is because of personal bias/you just dont like me, and close the ticket.
Stop typing and digging yourselves a deeper hole because frankly it's getting embarrassing at this point.... And close the ticket.

And yeah, I'm aware I'm being condescending and spitting venom on these last replies, but you've just drained any good will and kindness I had for the staff that replied to the ticket, because up to this point I've given nothing but respectful responses that acknoweldged your points, and provided counter-argumetns that you've all just completely dismissed.

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Re: [DigitalSquirrel95] JGlitch - Permaban Appeal

Post by mouseofthecake »

Sorry we're not living up to your expectations. Even sorrier you had to go and rape someone to get yourself permabanned, though. Not to mention all of the toxic behavioral patterns that preceeded that - patterns that are resurfacing right now, like clockwork.

You should cool off and go play anywhere else, dude.

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Re: [DigitalSquirrel95] JGlitch - Permaban Appeal

Post by Captain277 »

Captain277 wrote:
Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:02 pm
There are certain patterns of established behavior that justify permanent bans with prejudice, in my book. In my tenure there have been a very few players that accumulated such ill will from the Administration and larger community, that I believed their reintroduction to the community would be to its detriment. This particular ban is one of those cases.

After the discussion in the last appeal, and the apparent trajectory of this one, I'm going to say my opinion hasn't changed. I'm giving this appeal a -1. I won't flat out deny it, on the extremely off chance there's dissension in the Administration that hasn't been voiced yet.

As it stands though, it's a no from me. And it's unlikely to become a yes at any point going forward.
Wow, this thread kinda blew up while I was otherwise occupied. If I'd known it would go on this long I would've just closed it with my response. The consensus of the Staff team is that the ban should not be lifted. Independent of that consensus is my own opinion, which was stated here in my initial denial. The way this thread has since degraded notwithstanding, I don't think anyone's minds would have been changed. As I stated in my initial denial, there are several cases of permanent bans that are simply never going to stop being permanent bans, and this is clearly one of them. Rather than let the back and forth continue and watch this conversation go around in circles, I'm just going to close this thread now and mark it denied.


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