Lord_Papalus - RP Event Manager Application

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Lord_Papalus - RP Event Manager Application

Post by PapalugaTheSecond »

BYOND Ckey: Lord_Papalus
Character Name: Valvatorez zos Aiur, Vindler, Asisstant Machine Architect NQ-Z 7891
Discord Username (+user id): Lord_Papalus
Reason for Application: I already held multiple events and I'm sick of bothering Kevin every few months for temporary perms
Team Applying For: RP

1. When setting up an event for the server, what should be taken into account as your to-do list before announcing the event to the discord/server?

- What I plan to do
- How to execute the plan
- What to do when people inevetably take it off the rails
- Prepare multiple outcomes
- Figure out which roles are the most needed
- Announce it with a time that's most fitting and not intruding on other events.

2. What is expected of an Event Manager on Citadel Stations (Main and/or RP)?

First of all? Make it fun for people. We're here to play a video game, not complain in OOC that event was poopy because only one person was engaged in it (it happened to me before, I learned from my mistakes). While not all events need to be combat or just a visitation, all need to be fun to engage in, and have the option to not engage in them at all.

3. What would you call a fun addition to a current round if the players are wanting extra spice?

That depends on multiple things, main one being the number of players currently online and what jobs they are playing. Setting up a combat event when there's 3 people online and all of them are either cooks or bartenders is not fun for most people, but giving them a treasure hunt for items spawned into maintenance to send to Central Command might be.

4. If an event you're hosting is going off the rails, or that the players are reacting to the event in a way that is steering away from your original plan and idea,
what would you do at that point for the event?

Roll with it, every event can be adjusted to what the players do. For example, during the changeling event I wanted the players to capture and send the changeling to central at which point they'd get rewards, but the players instead let the changeling loose on Miaphus'Irra, which meant that after the event players were given a debriefing in which it's explained that the changeling was actually dangerous.

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Re: Lord_Papalus - RP Event Manager Application

Post by LordME »

You have been kicked off lore maint for being bad for the server's image
You are generally abrasive
And take pride in upsetting people about non issues

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Re: Lord_Papalus - RP Event Manager Application

Post by Silicons »

i'm not going to +1 or -1 at this moment

here's where i'm at:

- you make some decent events
- you make some decent lore
- you make some decent ideas and contributions
- frankly your ic is also rp'd well, if a bit abrasive, but i actually don't consider that an issue because ic is ic


event manager is considered a permanent staff position with all the authority and responsibilities it holds
given that multiple staff including myself have seen you do wacky things on the discord, to put it politely, i'm not sure i can support this with the silicons endorsement(tm) because this is a staff team image thing
once upon a time my stance on this is that administrators were required to chill and drop any remaining volatile attitudes at the door, but nowadays that really just applies to everyone with a staff rank because a server is represented by its players and staff in equal amounts, and i'm not sure the pros outweigh the cons here.
if you really want to be EM you will have to change how you conduct yourself on discord a little, because you'll be acting as a representative of the staff team then, not just a player who's helping run events.

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Re: Lord_Papalus - RP Event Manager Application

Post by Jaybirdnerd »


As far as I've seen in terms of your personality, you would absolutely without a doubt be a poor fit for EM status.

Completely ignoring the fact that you had your Lore Maintainer status revoked and the situations therein, there are other unmentioned things you do on a regular basis that alone would immediately turn me away from greenlighting or giving my positive reputation towards you becoming a permanent member of the staff team. Some of those things involve content you post or say in the community areas as well as your abrasive attitude towards others. Bringing the Lore Maintainer status revocation? Yeah, it's going to be an absolute no from me.

This is not to say that in the future if you were to rectify this behavior, maybe my personal stance would change. You do make good events and you have an interest in the server, but tragically two net positives against more than three net negatives are not gonna work here.

It's ideal to keep in mind the following: When you apply for these positions, it's keen to consider that what you do or say as staff will be representative of the staff at large intended or not. I do not think that someone who regularly posts inflammatory content within the community as 'funnyposts' would be good optics for us. If you in the future decide to change your ways and understand why this is a problem, then maybe we'll (or I'll) switch stances. As it stands, I would genuinely prefer you to not be staff due to the aforementioned issues listed.


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