If you play on this server, read here

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If you play on this server, read here

Post by noobpwnt4lif3 »

I'm kinda fed up with this server. Owner seems to let people run wild, especially the admins. I'm not the only person who's gotten upset over an admin abusing on this server, thingpony talkingcactus and apparently some guy just named administrator to name a few. This server has around three admins that actually help out and uphold the rules, the rest seem to just use their positions to ban people who do things they don't like, and try to twist other people's actions in ways that justify a banning. I've been threatened a ban just for ruining an admin's antag round, even though it was justified. I've been banned for powergaming when i grab items from the armory even though the station is becoming a warzone from traitors. I've recently been banned for throwing a molotov at a securitron who was chasing me. Do you see what I'm trying to get at here? The admins seem to use their powers to harrass/grief certain players if they do things that annoy them or affect them. Even better is that the griefer admins seem to stay dormant when the nicer admins are on, so I'm assuming most of the good admins on this server are the ones with the power to demote the shittier ones. Admins like Mp5a5 are the ones that actually help out, the ones that actually play on the server instead of sit idle all game and spec other players to find someone to tro- I mean look for rule breakers.... yeah... i'm kinda tired of this server. i like some of the people on here, which is the only reason why i didn't leave the first time i was banned for no reason, but since i can see that me being permabanned for daring to kill an admin attacking me or something, i really have no reason to keep playing. for a game that is notorious for having horrible admins, this server really takes the cake. id love to see other people reply about their experiences with the admins on this server, have they been nice to you? I'd really just like this to be a wake up call for players and admins alike. I'm not gonna make any abuse reports because unless they crossed another admin i doubt it will do anything.

Again, this rant is more to spread awareness and get players talking about this sort of subject, instead of keeping it hidden, in fear of them being punished. Please reply with your criticisms, abuse stories, things youve seen, etc. However when I  say criticism, i mean the constructive kind. if you're here to just say i'm salty or mad because bad or something autistic like that, i'd really rather you not comment because you're just contributing to the problem. thanks.
id really love to see what people think on the subreddit because it seems that people are more willing to speak up about this sort of thing over there, probably because the few people who go on this forum are the admins who are doing this shit or people who don't care as long as it doesnt happen to them.
Last edited by noobpwnt4lif3 on Mon May 09, 2016 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: If you play on this server, read here

Post by Leon_Leonardo »

Hi, GameMaster speaking. I took the liberty of looking at your notes and speaking to the admins who dealt with you.


As you can see by your notes, you have been noted five times in the past five days for breaking our rules. Of those five times, at least one was a repeated offense. If you can't tell, we don't take kindly to people repeatedly breaking the same rules.

If you don't want to play by our rules, don't play. It's plain and simple. I'm closing this thread because complaining that you got banned and trying to paint it as you being a victim of admin abuse is not okay.

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RE: If you play on this server, read here

Post by Jay »

I actually don't let people run wild. It's just most of the people who end up coming here to make a complaint typically end up being the ones who break the rules over and over, then get upset when a punishment hits them. So they come here to make up things to make themselves look like the victim. I do remember you and I do remember watching your replies to admins when questioned.

All you did was act like a CoD superstar telling admins they "got owned and to stop being a bby".


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