Moderator or Admin application for RobinKitsune/RobinFox

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RE: Moderator or Admin application for RobinKitsune/RobinFox

Post by kfive »

RobinKitsune wrote:
kfive wrote: You're fine as a player but our one chat has suggested that you're a bit too easily disturbed by some things, and this app seems a bit like a power play to that end more than anything. I won't judge whether or not you're in the right with them but I would prefer to know admins aren't liable to lose their cool if the wrong words are said with them around. -1, sorry.
Rule 1, part 5. Do not harass another player out of character. In-charachter harassment is subject to admin intervention if it becomes overbearing.

I'm sorry that I got annoyed at an admin joining in on harassing me after I asked them to enforce an explicitly stated rule. I didn't know that complaining about someone repeatedly breaking a rule would get so many people angry at me. Yes, I went on a rant. But that was after weeks of admins completely ignoring me. Geemie's conduct was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I just want to be able to play the goddamn game without people calling me gay and a fag all the time.
And I think that an admin spamming me after I asked them to stop multiple times calls for temporarily blocking them.

I honestly don't understand why we have a rule that noone seems to want to enforce.
At the cost of sounding like an asshole, this is exactly the sort of reply that I was concerned about. The thing is, there's a fine line between banter and harmful insult - everyone draws it differently. I just feel you might be in this so you can draw your own line. That's the sort of thing that leads to admin shopping - OOC contacting an admin who you know will do what you want because none of the admins currently online will. Everyone of more sensitive temperament will start preferring you dealing with their complaints - like when whomever plays Rhodes Belenko got upset that my Maria wasn't reacting to their gender the way they wanted her to. My characters can't see your OOC notes, they'll react to you as they will; all I do is tweak their motivations and driving forces.

Edit because I forgot: Your story is one I'm sympathetic to, but you mishandled it. Post a player complaint on the forums so that it's visible. You can name both the players you're complaining about as well as the admin who you think mishandled the situation, and it'll be up for review by all the other admins in the process.
Last edited by kfive on Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Moderator or Admin application for RobinKitsune/RobinFox

Post by derkuleen »

Frankly im not sure you've the temperament for an admin. In my opinion Admins need to be easy going folk capable of dealing with strife and the sort of fuckery delt to us daily. More importantly you cant be the kind of person who lets that strife get to you, and you cant be the type of person that gets hot headed and acts quickly. Of course you dont want to let things get out of hand but letting things burn out is often better than poking the fire, eh? Whats more, there isnt alot of support for you here already and being on the fence im inclined to move towards what others have stated for you. your snappy responses don't bode well either, and yes i know our questions suck-alot, but still.
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RE: Moderator or Admin application for RobinKitsune/RobinFox

Post by deathride58 »

Unless you manage to do a complete 180 regarding your overall sensitivity and tendency to hold strong grudges pretty fast and pretty loud, you can go home with a solid "HAHAHAHAHA- No."
Big fat -1
Your history on other servers also isn't pretty at all.
Last edited by deathride58 on Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Moderator or Admin application for RobinKitsune/RobinFox

Post by Nethaufer »

Sensitivity has its places, but in regards to admin business, you would need to harden up by a long shot. I do not feel comfortable that you would take a hands off approach should someone ahelp something regarding you. Anything else the other admins have stated. Sorry but it's a -1 from me.

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RE: Moderator or Admin application for RobinKitsune/RobinFox

Post by kevinz000 »

More serious post:
Robin I believe that your heart's in the right place but I mostly agree with KFive. You're going to need a lot of thick skin to handle this with all the shit players throw, and you're expected to remain emotionally neutral to deliver unbiased rulings. Maybe if you worked on that a whole lot I'd be willing to consider +1ing this, but as of now I do not think you can handle the position. Sorry.

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RE: Moderator or Admin application for RobinKitsune/RobinFox

Post by Fractious »

Hi there,

I believe you're a very kind person and very reliable and also quite active.
I've heard stories about you losing your cold in the past, so that'd probably the sole issue I see about ya, are you ready to deal with that?
If so, I'd be quite glad to +1 you as a mod to begin with, and we shall see if you're a good candidate for min in the future.

Good luck,
Just try your best, and worse case scenario you will fail and learn.

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Re: Moderator or Admin application for RobinKitsune/RobinFox

Post by Worgilisk »

Your answer to question 4 definitely feels unsatisfactory, though that might just be due to knowing enough about it - in short, maintaining your admin status whilst playing means the game server will continue to show alerts of what's going on in the round, from when a random event is starting, who gets a mid-round role, and where an explosion goes off - and from who.
Oft not a problem, but during secret rounds especially, having all that information so easily available makes it generally better advised that an admin de-admins to avoid taking advantage of it all, even if just accidentally.

Other than that... I still can't say I would support your application, not when during the supposed 4 months you've been here, you've already gotten yourself a sizeable list of notes and warnings. If you can find yourself able to stay out of trouble until the next admin recruitment drive, I may be more partial to seeing you aboard the team, but as it stands, my support stands at a -1

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Re: Moderator or Admin application for RobinKitsune/RobinFox

Post by BlackMajor »

Seems the general consensus on this is already decided in the negatives, and I'm probably swinging that way too.
What I've seen of you in-game is.. well.. I havn't, I've only seen you observing while afk waiting for mid-round antag roles.
I'm relatively uninformed (or just forgetting like a big dumb) of what the drama surrounding you is, but that's a major concern if sparks are flying in the short duration you've been here. The answer to these questions don't inspire a whole deal of confidence either. Being an admin generally means putting the players before yourself.



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