RP - Soulstolen - Admin Events on RP

Irkalla Epsilon HQ
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Re: RP - Soulstolen - Admin Events on RP

Post by Irkalla Epsilon HQ »

Should chime in aswell since I was the Comdom/CD on the event.

Yes it could have been handled better with more of a build up. Yes the constructs were very murderbony. Thing is I died in the most cheapest way (Disintegration Beam of Harvester hitting a wall causing a Phoronfire) and I wasnt even made because it had an atmosphere. The event had an atmosphere. Dunno about the other two people having their last stand with me at escape but I had fun.

The round was not considered canon. It should have been announced/asked via vote if people want an event to that degree yes. But in my opinion I have witnessed far worse events. E.G. Forcing Ragin onto a normal traitor round on different servers.

Aslong the event is not just traitors/lings/revs with shitty LRP bullshit assassinate objectives its a good event in my book. Noone was targetted in particular. Noone should feel targetted. There are always people who complain about events yes. Hence why there should be a vote on RP so they have enough time to opt out of it. Maybe have dedicated event times like it was said so often. Sure opt in events are all fine etc. But opt out events maybe like once a week or so. Would be really interesting to have.

About the constructs being murderbony etc. They are by design murderbony. Just take a quick codedive and look at their stats. They are made to deal with mechsuits. Not puny 9mm assault pistols (I aint call that WT thing a rifle because it isnt).

Also why do we have "exploitable information" and "event participation HUD" if it never gets used..

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Re: RP - Soulstolen - Admin Events on RP

Post by Izzy »

These kinds of events are obviously not anywhere close to our standards for RP events, to answer that question.
Discussions like the mob stats and the general direction of the RP server's feel are well out of scope of the event complaint, and are being handled separately, so I won't comment on them here.
This was a failed attempt at making an event that was fun for everyone who wanted to be involved, and those who didn't. While I did see some of an apology and Soulstolen saying that they would learn from his mistakes in the discord after the round, I'll make sure he comes here to comment and bring this to a close.
You shouldn't be seeing events go wrong like this in the future. We're trying to make sure all administrators are up to speed on what kind of events are fun, and what works within the scope of roleplay and the game mechanics.

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Re: RP - Soulstolen - Admin Events on RP

Post by Soulstolen »

Genuinely forgot about this when I was gunna respond to it. I am not going to deny it was unprofessional and very chaotic and round ending; however when I see multiple people talking about how much fun they are having and only ome person talking about how they don't like it, makes me think a majority of people are okay with it.

I also had no idea just how strong tge constructs were, I made four of them and then a bit of weak shades which got killed easily. Didn't think this code was so buffed to antags and all that. I won't try to use that as an excuse but it's still even surprising to me.

Can things be better? Yeah, I've tried quite hard to formulate events and stuff, but it comes down to the fact that no one wants them even though they say "Make events better." This is a point in time where I've realized no one wants the events so I won't do them anymore, but I didnt know people hated them cause Ive only heard people come to me and say they had fun. I agree with most of everything stated here, its just simply something I never heard from anyone directly. Sorry for any inconvenience or frustration that was caused.

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Re: RP - Soulstolen - Admin Events on RP

Post by knouli »

Right, I was expecting things on the forum to be slow as this is where things are sent to die, but, I was also hoping for something shorter than a couple of weeks for a real constructive response. Alas, I’ll work with what I have been given.

Uh, to comment on some of the opinions shared . . .

I’m in agreement with Kazakin’s summary of how things ought to be put in terms of events. I’ve never been against them, just against their spontaneous nature and tendency to sculpt the round in a poor and haphazard way. Which is to say, I very much am in support for strictly ‘opt-in’ events. Events that augment the roles of players who have already decided to act within a certain way. Explorers having more ruins, or a catered admin ‘base’ to clear is 100% cool and supported by me as these are players who are taken away and separate from the station totally, and have zero or next to zero recourse to interrupt the typical play of the round on-station.

Karamitsuko is right in that there is a lot of ‘uptime’ where things are typical, but I would like to accentuate another point of their own making. These kinds of events are borderline abusive, if not outright so. They are spur of the moment and this cult event in particular seemed to hold zero recourse to be voted in or opted out of. That is not to say that these high chaos events on station do not have their place, but they need a standardized delivery vehicle – ad hoc votes in the round being the very, very least I would ask for, with planned and advertised events announced a few days prior being my preferred means. I would be alright with surrendering a round or two to the chaos, and would enjoy in participation myself, but I want to know that’s what is going to happen as I’m otherwise on the RolePlay server for a whole different reason – and when we’ve a main server that caters to the ‘chaos’ I’m a little upset and curious as to the purpose of having split them in the first place.

Iraklla made a good point in the exploitable information and event participation HUDs. If we’re wanting to neglect the whole planned event idea and go for spur of the moment stuff that’s not voted in, let’s make sure we’re involving players who want to involve themselves in such things. If things were kept small, and I do mean small and surgical, I could see myself supporting tailored antagonists meant to involve players who have made use of the event participation tab to flag themselves as willing participants.

Izzy – if this is not the place for discussion for the server’s direction and how we’re planning on handling events going forwards, where is? The whole of my purpose here in this complaint is to rise question into why these events were growing more and more common and what was seen as standard. As their proliferation and relative silence from the staff would seem to indicate support for such actions. If we won’t be seeing stuff like this ‘go wrong’ in the future, how will this be assured? Though, if you’re cemented that this is not the place for such discussion, I ask again, where is and how might I start such commentary with those responsible for making such decisions on the direction of the server?

Soulstolen, so long as you’re genuine that you’ve turned this into a learning experience I hold nothing against you in the least. I’ve been here on Citadel for two years now, and it was admin abuse that instigated my one month hiatus about a year ago. I very much dislike it even in it’s smallest form – so watching one person’s actions build up into a total round ender flies in the face. This event was merely the straw the broke the camel’s back – and I seek more to tackle the issue directly than to point blame and finger at any single individual.

I’m not here for blood, but for answers and to know if these actions were condoned or nor by the staff at large. The responses I’ve got from what staff has replied leaves me in understanding that this is not acceptable behavior. But I find myself still in want for answer. Izzy has mentioned this is not the place for such discussion, so, I suppose this ends the ‘complaint’ until I’ve been informed of a more correct avenue through which such a discussion may take place.

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Re: RP - Soulstolen - Admin Events on RP

Post by Karamitsuko »

Honestly, this shouldn't even be a big deal. Just shouldn't be.

It's one round, and it went poorly. You should just say "damn, that sucked stolen." and move on. Not to sound rude or anything.

Just saying: This has been blown extremely out of proportion. I don't wanna be that guy but I'm finna say it: It's ss13, this stuff just happens.

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Re: RP - Soulstolen - Admin Events on RP

Post by knouli »

Karamitsuko, I believe you’re missing the point I primarily wished to address within this complaint. You are correct that this singular instance was quite that – a single shift, a single round that came and went. But this ‘event’ was but the latest of a string of poorly managed ‘events’ that I’ve born witness to through my time here. It was ‘one bad round’, but if this behavior is condoned how many more times would that ‘one bad round’ come about to make another, and another?

It’s not my desire to target Soulstolen specifically, though it has been established previously in the thread here that such behaviors were unacceptable, but rather to address the whole of the issue in its breadth. To use this complaint as a means to instigate conversation on the whole of the issue. As far as I’m concerned, Soulstolen has taken the infraction in stride and I hold no further qualm so long as this learning opportunity is observed.

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Re: RP - Soulstolen - Admin Events on RP

Post by Izzy »

It's something I can organize a round-table for in the near future, but it's a recurring theme in private admin chat, trying to test the waters to see what mechanics exist, what events work out, and what screw-ups we can improve on.
In general, events other than ERP events or hard antag events take days of planning and setup, especially when involving multiple people. It unfortunately turns into a case where no one is willing to put in the hours of effort when there's always going to be people who heavily criticize the results without recognizing them as a chance to get better. I think we've almost run out of admins willing to attempt events like this, because every time they test the waters, the backlash is far more than the experience gained to make better events in the future.
I'll have admins discuss the future of where we want to go with events, including covering the common mistakes that have happened in the past. As far as the complaint about this specific event goes, it was a very direct hard learning experience for us all, but I don't think there's any more to discuss about specifically Soulstolen's event in this thread.

Marking this as resolved, but not locking it in case you have any final comments about this event in particular. Contact me in citadel's discord for more info about the planned discussions about the overarching events issues.


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