Ban Appeal [talkingcactus]

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Ban Appeal [talkingcactus]

Post by Nigitsu »

BYOND Name: Nigitsu

Reason Banned: Griefer. Self Antagging and attacking security as a mime after admin-helping to be a syndie and not receiving an answer.

Admin who banned: talkingcactus

Length Banned: 1/25/17 to Life

Appeal Reason: First off I apologize for griefing and self antagging.. The shuttle was coming in about 10 minutes for the end of shift and everyone was bored. The EVA was put on emergency access for people who wanted to go out in space. I wanted to make it more entertaining by breaking into the brig and stealing some stuff to goof off on the shuttle. So I did and cuffed a braindead HoS and stole some laserguns. That's about all until I was banned without a warning or thought.. I was thinking it wouldn't be such a big deal since it was at the end of the shift and I wouldn't be able to ruin the round if it's over. Once again I understand that what I did was wrong and I am extremely sorry. This is my most favorite server and most enjoyable server for me to play on SS13 and I hope I can be forgiven for what I did to continue playing.
Last edited by Nigitsu on Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Ban Appeal [talkingcactus]

Post by Theoun »

Appeal denied - you racked up several infractions in a short space of time & your actions weren't acceptable. "The round's about to end" does not mean license to grief. Simply put, we have no reason to believe you're going to change your behaviour if we allow you back.

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