Any thoughts or comments about my idea?

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Any thoughts or comments about my idea?

Post by Fishii »

So I've been on this server for around five or so months now and I really enjoy it, but, like most servers it's not perfect. Honestly this isn't even a problem or complaint since what's going on right now isn't "bad" or not optimal anyways. But I'd still like to give an idea for something else, maybe others will agree.

It's regarding the assistants. As we all know, assistant is the job you go with so you can fuck around, on paper it's the job you go with to learn and hopefully get mentoring from. But we all know it's the job you go to so you can fuck around, have sex, and generally not get yelled at for not doing your job. I'm not saying remove this position, maybe just rename it to something else considering 90% of the time you're not assisting anyone but your dick/vagina/ tentacle/ or whatever genital member you have down there.

As for my idea is for people who DO want to learn the in's and out's of certain professions is something I saw on another server I can't remember the name too, but what they did is had certain assistants for each profession. Medical Interns for the Medical doctors, Engineering helper for Engineers/Atmospherics,  Science whatever, you get the point. Instead of having one thing that's just sort of there, have specific of these assistants. Cause another thing is assistants are also met with a sort of... immediate distrust when asking to help with something. specially to head into a department they're not supposed to be in like security and engineering. So i'd think having specialized names for them would also give a bit of trust to them that they're supposed to be there so there really won't be much worry for having them blow something up being a traitor. 

Again this is just an idea, assistants really don't need to be "fixed" just that it's something I'd think it would be nice to see, thanks for reading this so far.

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RE: Any thoughts or comments about my idea?

Post by X34X35 »

I also like this idea. However this means that assistants (who want to screw up stuff) would have IDs giving them access to tools they may want to use (to screw up stuff). Why not just have 2 classes of assistant? One being the classic assistant and the other a civilian. The civilian would have the same abilities as the assistant but the title "civilian" is just to show that the player is not looking for a job but rather to simply RP and bum around the parts of the station they have access to (most likely the bar because let's be honest).

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RE: Any thoughts or comments about my idea?

Post by Girdo »

I've seen several Baycode servers successfully use the "assistant class system" you're talking about.

I'd be fine with renaming the current generic "assistant" to something like "civilian", and adding in niche roles for each department for people to learn/act as interns. The one possible problem I see is that those kind of specializations are usually used in HRP servers. Citadel is low-med RP, which means that the niche systems may be seen more as "lol direct buff I are assistant with free insu glove access now" as opposed to any sort of learning opportunity.


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