On the topic of Justice

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RE: On the topic of Justice

Post by DerFlammenwerfer »

Okay, so while I am new to Citadel Station, I have been playing SS13 for almost six months now, playing primarily on Paradise (another MRP server before it evidently dropped off the face of the earth) and on Hatestation (a LRP-MRP server which I am a GameAdmin of 3 month's experience, whose playerbase consisted primarily of people from 8chan's /v/ board.)

In K5's favor:

-We have established that while talkingcactus was mostly justified in giving k5 a jobban, it should have been for Captain as opposed to all heads of staff, since the captain has its own set of rules associated with their role that are different from the other heads. The Captain arguably has fewer responsibilities that are spread across the station as a whole rather than a single department.

-Speaking within my experience as an admin, if you ban someone, regardless of whether it's a job-ban or a server ban, and you do not list what rules were broken and why, you have done something wrong. If they broke the rules, you need to specify which ones. While having it listed in the notes is beneficial in the case that the accused appeals it and has to be informed exactly what they did wrong, an unspecific ban reason makes you look like you have a personal onus against them. If you cannot ban them objectively, then you probably shouldn't be banning them in the first place. In addition to that, poojawa wasn't simply borderline unprofessional. That was pure, unadulterated disregard for professional courtesy and, considering this is a MRP server, that "muh RP" remark was just salt in the wound.

-This is a situation where his actions would/have ultimately made the round more interesting without necessarily ruining it for other people. In this particular case, I can argue that leniency would be in order, especially if the admins who banned him were actively participating in the round. (frankly you should not be on duty as admin whilst playing an active part in the round, since in most cases you cannot remain objective if you are fulfilling the role you chose at roundstart) .

In the admins' favor:

-While going incognito is an excellent idea if there is a target on your back, doing it at roundstart without confirmed revolutionaries involves putting off your responsibility to ensure the smooth operation of Citadel, which you should not do without sufficient cause to fear for your life. Frankly, you should have designated the next person in succession to take command, since that would be far less likely to break SoP.

In total, I'd say that while the the admins had just cause for disciplinary action, they went about it the wrong way. I may see it this way partly because I take a more loose approach to the server I admin for (partly because we dont have as many rules as citadel, though "don't be a dick" is second only to "dont metagame.") and partly because I am just laissez-faire enough to allow more mundane roles to be less boring, since that reduces the chance of them staving off boredom at someone else's expense.

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