[digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

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[digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

Post by JGlitch404 »

BYOND account and character name: JGlitch Johnny Deserador (I think, may be Johnny Glitch, Johnny ''Glitch'' or any variant like that)

Banning admin: digitalsquirrel95

Ban type/duration (where you are banned from and for how long): Permanent from all servers.

Ban reason: Extremely long note history across Main, RP, TG, and Virgo dating back as far as four years, if not further. In this most recent incident , as part of End of Round Grief, cuffed, stripped and climaxed with another player without any form of consent, and when confronted by that person's IC partner, started all-caps yelling about how he cucked them. Due to their long history, on top of this, this ban has been applied to both Main and RP, and probably shouldnt be lifted, even with a vouch.

Your side of the story: Well, I remember the round ending and that person starting to shoot me with a shotgun while I didnt have anything in End of Round Grief. So I went full unga mode, managed to overpower them and take their shotgun, critted them and cuffed them and then I used the ''cum heart'' button on them. I'd like to state that there was completely 0 sexual intention behind this action, it was a completely ''monkey mode'' moment that was completely out of character, and I wouldnt had made it if it wasnt EORG, which is why I said those statements of ''HAHAHAH IM CUCKING YOU WITH YOUR WIFE'', since I assumed it wouldnt really have been taken seriously.

Why you think you should be unbanned:
Well, quite some time has passed, and I've been unbanned from every other server I had been banned in the past, these being: A.R.F.S, Vorestation and Paradise Station (In the ban reason it says that I have a long note history in TG, but that's not true).
These servers, even with my long note history have chosen to give me a final chance and so far I havent disappointed them and I've been actually very chill and well-mannered in all of them. Apart from an antagonist ban in Skyrat a couple of months ago I havent been getting in trouble anywhere at all, and, if needed, I could get some people to vouch for me for it.

I also understand why what I did was wrong, and I wont do it again even in End of Round Grief, as people may be sensitive to the subject.
I'm not justifying my actions with what I'm about to say, I just wanna state why I did it, in that period of time when the ban was applied I had been an Administrator in a Fallout 13 server called ''Drymouth Gulch'', in that server the policy for non-con ERP is that if you had ERP verbs on you were fair game and people fucked each other in End of Round Grief all the time, so it was kind of a habit for me, some admins even spawning ''Funclaws'' which were Deathclaws that used ERP verbs on you and killed you while doing so.

When the incident happened, even BEFORE I got AdminPM'd about it on the next round, I approached the player I did that to and I apologized to them in LOOC because I saw them being quite distressed about it in LOOC before the round ended. They accepted my apology and just told me to not do it again so we ended on good terms, however her IC husband insisted on me getting more than a note and pushed for a ban on Discord, changing their nickname to ''Apparently non-con ERP only gets you a note'' and ranting about it on Discord. I understand why they did it, since I also taunted them about it when I did it as stated on the ban reason. Like with his IC partner, I tried apologizing to them, but it was not accepted.

If I get unbanned from Citadel, that will be the last server I'm banned from, like with all the servers that have given me a final chance I'd like you to see that I wont disappoint, I'm here to have a good time and make everyone's enjoyment while interacting with me a priority, not the other way around.
I dont shield my actions behind ''Its IC'' or ''Its End Of Round Grief'' anymore, if something has the possiblity of making someone not enjoy their time because of me, I do not do it.

Thanks for reading my long appeal, I just had a lot to say.

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Re: [digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

Post by HazelBailey »

For reference if I were still an admin I'd be okay with this being lifted with the caveat that the ban is reapplied and actually made unappealable if he slips back into his old ways.

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Re: [digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

Post by Captain277 »

I wasn't a Headmin whenever your initial offenses were committed. I wasn't even around, in fact. I have little experience with your prior behavior beyond what we have written down in notes, records, and accounts from other servers and our own players.

In Hazel's ban reason, the first sentence - ("Extremely long note history across Main, RP, TG, and Virgo dating back as far as four years, if not further.") - raises a huge red flag for me. In my personal experience, players that exhibit a pattern of problematic behavior for years across different servers usually aren't reformed when they claim to be. Players sometimes take advantage of time and Staff goodwill to have bans reversed, and inevitably wind up reoffending. I have, somewhat famously, staunchly upheld bans against similar offenders due to this principle. The fact that Hazel recommends the ban never be lifted in the original note speaks volumes, even if they're now willing to give you another chance. In spite of this, I had originally intended to not pass judgment on your case until I could develop a firsthand impression of you.

Within the hour of me making that decision, you'd opened a Staff ticket. Your mere presence invoked a significant amount of pushback from active players. In administrative matters, it's my duty to ensure the server runs smoothly and the environment is stable, friendly, and enjoyable. I watch player reactions very closely. The amount of players who expressed some level of discomfort at the prospect of your return is troublesome. It's another red flag.

As it stands, taking the impact on the community into consideration, I don't believe it's in the interests of the server to lift your ban, and am voting against it. If the other Headmins are interested in giving you a second chance, I will still uphold your ban on the RP server until a change in behavior has been demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Thank you for your time.

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Re: [digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

Post by JGlitch404 »

I opened a staff ticket to warn about a possible drama happening with a player, which I didnt want for it to occur.

What Hazel did surprised me a lot to be quite honest, and I'd like to thank them for saying that on the ban appeal even when they really didnt need to do so considering they retired. So tbh it was really appreciated.

The players reaction upon my arrival was to be expected, Captain. I've been quite the big shitter before I never denied that and this will make people dislike you, which is completely normal.

But know this, even if I get hate thrown at me, even if I get insulted, you will never see me throw shit back at anybody at all, I'll do what I did, make a ticket expressing my concerns and seek staff help and advice.

No matter in which server I would be unbanned from I assure you I would not create any kind of trouble.

Thank you for considering all the factors, I understand your reluctancy.

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Re: [digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

Post by HazelBailey »

While I have posted in support of this, Captain does bring up a really good point. You have a reputation on the server with anyone that remembers you and it is very much not a good reputation. If this does get lifted, I can see you not enjoying yourself as much as you think you would, getting cold shouldered by a number of people that wouldn't want anything to do with you, or even people purposefully antagonizing you in an attempt to get you remained. I won't withdraw my support and what little it's worth on that basis alone, but you should keep that in mind moving forward with this appeal and consider if you really want this unban.

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Re: [digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

Post by JGlitch404 »

I do, I can deal with cold shoulders and even antagonizing, but if it gets out of hand or it reaches the metagrudging point where it would affect my character ICly I would just bring it up to staff because at that point it'd be against the rules.
I believe that, in time, and with a constant behaviour pattern people will accept me back into the community, I still do have a lot of friends here that want me back so I'm not completely alone.

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Re: [digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

Post by zI-H482 »

Much like Captain277, I wasn’t on the staff team during your incidents. However, looking into those incidents reveals a history of problematic behavior that has been extensively documented. Furthermore, it’s difficult to take what’s said at face value when other admins have pointed out in previous appeals that you’ve promised to change or said you have changed before only to relapse. When we did our due diligence for this appeal we didn’t find much in terms of solid evidence of improvement on our own. As a result, I will state any ban appeal you make will require a vouch at minimum.

That said, a vouch wouldn’t be a guarantee in this case; there’s been a fair bit of discussion on this appeal already among staff, and the vast majority of them are very much against it approving it. Those that have had experience with you don’t believe that you have changed and while others still feel that the weight of all the stuff you’ve done here precludes an additional chance.

While I’m willing to hear out the full case with vouches included before making a final decision for Main, they will have to be some pretty exceptional vouches for me to shift my mind at this time. My advice to you would be to take advantage of the chances the other servers have offered you to rehabilitate your reputation there because there’s really just too much bad history at the moment.

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Re: [digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

Post by JGlitch404 »

For real, I'd like for everyone to consider Hazel's suggestion for a compromise, the person who decided to permaban me.
You lose nothing really, if I do reoffend and start being the massive shitter I have been in the past, permaban without any chance to appeal forever. But if I dont, then its something positive as well right?

The server I've been playing the most to count for a vouch is Skyrat, tho. Would that suffice?

Edit: Well it's not entirely true, I've been playing on a server that isnt on the hub much more than Skyrat as of late, it started quite recently but we have 115 members on Discord. The server is called Gurgstation and I actually helped out building it a bit.

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Re: [digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

Post by nope »

Honestly; he may be a shitter but I've probably done way worse than him, I'd at least recommend a compromise, it sucks to be pushed away forever you know?

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Re: [digitalsquirrel95]JGlitch - Main/RP Permanent Ban.

Post by zI-H482 »

It has been considered However, there is more than just the one opinion of a retired admin being weighed here. There’s not even tenuous support for an unban among the current staff team. I would be overruling them all if I were to decide to accept this appeal. You’re asking to stake my credibility with them and the wider community on your improvement. While I’m not afraid of making unpopular decisions if I think they’re the right ones, I’ve seen the same red flags that Captain277 has seen and what I have read about your previous incidents has not engendered a lot of trust.

If you feel like Skyrat would be the best place to find someone to vouch for your improvement, I’d be willing to hear what they’ve got to say. However, I’ll state again that they will have to be pretty exceptional for me to change my mind.

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