Ban appeal

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Ban appeal

Post by Tristan63 »

BYOND Name: Tristan63

Reason Banned: Tickets accumulated to 20 many in one round; Went through gateway as HOS,ignoring a swarmer shell in gateway room, beat self with a wrench while shouting over comms "Xenos" reason being for "Mass hysteria for me to quell", and  going brain dead without informing anyone

Admin who banned you:  Theoun

Length Banned: Perma

Appeal Reason: Two reasons stated above are completely accidental, the Swarmer shall in the gateway room I did not even notice and still got punished for that, and me going braindead was due to my routers internet going off. I would like to appeal this ban because I love Citadel station 13, being one of the only servers that I can enjoy good RP, and fun jobs. I also realize that beating myself with a wrench, and trying to initiate RP was pretty damn stupid of me and I apologize for stressing the admins on that. I will not try to initiate RP like that ever again (FailRP?) unless im an antag or something. Sorry and I hope this thread gets answered.

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RE: Ban appeal

Post by Theoun »

The swarmer shell I'd excuse if you hadn't spent time in that room, and you still abandoned the station as HoS, as well as tried to throw the station into chaos - which you specifically admitted in admin-PMs - so you could "enforce law" over a non-existent threat, which is entirely inappropriate behaviour. I also specifically recall you went braindead in the Head of Staff meeting room; a room totally unused other than for such.

The fact of the matter is you didn't get permanently banned just for the above infractions; you got permanently banned because your tickets accumulated high enough to warrant a permanent ban, as you have consistently broken the rules up until this point.

Appeal denied.

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