Allow other people to put on the captains armor on

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Allow other people to put on the captains armor on

Post by Snowdragon01 »

Clothing, fine. Armor? No, and the captain arrives with his own armor so that shits back up. 

Your guarding the nuke disk, the thing that can blow up the entire station and your not supposed to have armor or a weapon? BS.

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RE: Allow other people to put on the captains armor on

Post by Worgilisk »

I assume by 'other people', you mean Acting Captains,
At which point, there's this note on this topic within the server rules; 'Changing into the captain's gear and changing your job title to something unrelated to your actual position('Captain' or 'Acting Captain') is confusing for both players and admins.'
Aside from that though, there's also the potential issue of it being at least slightly powergame-y - securing power to ready yourself for an antag that may never even come, and that alone is a slippery enough slope if we (the admin team) approve this idea.
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RE: Allow other people to put on the captains armor on

Post by Snowdragon01 »

To be honest i'm about to drop this topic anyways as I don't plant to make that long of a return visit.

I assume there's a problem with coding and byond not being that good of a platform. It shouldn't be hard for admins to view weather or not they are acting or real captain but yet it is.

I wouldn't assume it to be powergaming personally as your are guarding the nuke disk because you should really take some kind of armor and thats readily available. It just makes sense rp wise as well.

Sorry if all the sentences don't flow correctly, I have some issues i'm dealing with right now that makes it hard to check this.

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