Start banning people

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RE: Start banning people

Post by Snowdragon01 »

I've calmed down now. But seriously the security should be watched more.

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RE: Start banning people

Post by Kenzie »

This mostly just sounds like an ocean of salt, but there are still some important steps that we should go over when it comes to resolving stuff like this.

Step One: Adminhelp. Always do this first. The only reason to not do this is if you did something retarded to provoke everyone first, and are now suffering deserved consequences. But if you actually did nothing wrong and have just had the shit beaten out of you for no apparent reason or whatever, then adminhelp. At worst it will be valid or an IC issue for reasons you may not be immediately privy to. Do not neglect to do this entirely and assume that the admins are already aware. It is not very difficult for an admin to close duplicate or inactionable reports. It is very difficult for an admin to simultaneously be aware of everything that could potentially be an issue during a given round. Also avoid doing this at the end of a round (unless necessary; i.e. shuttle grief) or at the start of the next round. It is a great deal more difficult to search logs after the game has ended, and people who may need to be questioned are more likely to have logged out.

Step Two: If no admins are online and you have not received any reply in ~10 minutes, ping them in the appropriate Discord channel. If there are admins online, try adminhelping again for more information, and only proceed to pinging if there is no response at all.

Step Three: If an admin has responded to or resolved your issue, the matter has probably been resolved. There may be IC information that they cannot tell you explaining why they made the ruling they did. If you are still curious about what exactly took place and have not been told, adminhelp and ask next round. However, you are generally not entitled to know about the punishment other players received, only the facts of what took place and whether or not the people involved broke the rules.

Step Four: If an admin has not resolved the issue and you have taken all other immediate steps towards issue resolution, make a note of the round number, date, and time as well as the names of people involved and write a ban request. Save logs if at all possible, but admins will be able to acquire logs of their own if we know when the incident took place.

There is really no chance whatsoever of anything being done about this specific report anyhow, because it's way too vague for me to even squeeze the faintest lead out of it. But if you keep these things in mind, hopefully you will be able to see your future issues resolved.

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RE: Start banning people

Post by Snowdragon01 »

I get into my charecters and when something like this happens makes me mad especially when it was unprovoked. If you belive me or not it doesnt matter as nothing will happen.

I was walkng around in the space shuttle waiting for someone to come out of the bathroom and got arrested with another wolf creature thing. Not sure why as i didnt do anything violent. The other wolf didnt know either. There was not a response from the officers just like always.
You can call me salty or what ever but it ruined my rp that round. The one in the bathroom was my crush and i wanted to tell the something.

Honestly unless there is something bad going on right now as an officer you should be required to talk to your detained at least a little. Think there is a traitor? Let other officers take care of anything that needs investigating. Locking some one up without explanation should never be allowed

Also this is just my request but please get a better log saving system or make one. Things should be able to be investigated evrn if if was 5 min before the round ended.

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