Nightspark43's Miner Virus Virology Guide

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Nightspark43's Miner Virus Virology Guide

Post by nightspark43 »

The miner virus, a term I just made up for a brute burn virus at 11 stage speed, this makes it very fast, to the point you can easily stand in one spot and let both the Blood Drunk Miner AND Heirophant sit there and hit you, neither can kill you before you can kill them with a knife, just be careful of Heiro's first tracking shot, it can get you fairly low before it disappears, but the forced square shots can hardly get you down lower than orange.

This guide assumes you know the general basics of virology and the contents of the fridge in virology.

So, required materials beyond what you already have are two sheets of uranium and 40 units of silver, either from a chem dispenser or two sheets of silver, and a large beaker of synap, simply as a guard against RNG.

The first thing you want to do is grab the sample of rhinovirus, take a beaker and a dropper, put a single unit of the blood sample and put it in the beaker, get two new samples from the machine, put one aside, put one near the machine.

Next, mix your stable uranium gel, if you use the silver sheets, put both sets of two sheets into the mixer and grind them, when they're done, put four units of plasma into the beaker, this gives exactly four units of gel, put three units of the gel into the beaker with the cold virus one unit at a time, this will give you all three level 8 symptoms, name the virus something like Mix, or Good, and make two samples, put the cold virus aside and put the mixed sample in its place.

After that, you want to use synap, grab either the 30 unit bottle or the 90 unit beaker you should have made, put one unit of synap into the beaker, and check the symptoms, if either Flesh Mending or Heat Resistance is gone, empty and eject, do not eject and splash, that'll probably infect you, keep trying until you have ONLY those two symptoms, emptying every time one of the two disappears.

Once you have them, name it again, name doesn't matter, and make two bottles, put them aside for now, remember what you named them, empty the beaker and bring the cold bottles back, you should next grab a beaker full of virus food, and begin mixing the cold virus and virus food one unit at a time, if you get something besides fever or itching symptoms, empty and eject, try again, when you get one, name, make culture bottle, you're now done with the cold virus bottles, either let them rot in the vendor, or disposal them to space, doesn't matter, time for more synap, remove the sneeze symptom, same process as last time, doesn't work, empty eject, as soon as you have just Fever or Itching, name, make bottle, start mixing that bottle and the virus food into the beaker until you have the other.

Once that's done, the rework comes into play, start mixing the bottle of formaldehyde into the beaker until the symptom list has both symptoms have (neutered) at the end of the names, name it, bottle it, two bottles.

After that, you'll need to make Mutagenic Agar, take a new beaker, get your bottle of unstable mutagen from the vendor, put 25 units in the beaker, and get 25 units of virus food too, that makes mutagenic agar, start mixing into the neutered mix, keep trying until you get Viral Evolutionary Acceleration, name, bottle.

Next, the reason you needed so much synap, put 20 units of your liquid plasma in a beaker, and mix it with 20 units of virus food, and then 20 units of synap, that makes Weakened Virus Plasma, start mixing it, get Eternal Youth, you're almost done, but now the annoyance begins, get two culture bottles of your new four symptom mix, and put one aside, and bring the uranium gel mix over.

Now then, the last part is more simple than it seems, but long, mix single units from both types of culture bottles, you have a 33% chance to succeed, but you need to be able to count six symptoms in the mix, if you have four or five, empty and eject, it'll take a long time on average to get this part done, but just keep trying, if you run out of one type, put a single unit from the spare and make a new culture bottle, once you do have all six, you're done, just take the beaker, name it, the name matters now, make sure it's not bad, else medical will try to cure it on you, and make as many bottles as you feel is necessary, if you want, take a chug, you'll register a harmful virus thanks to the presence of itching and fevers, but you'll heal VERY quickly, to the point no regular fauna can kill you from crit, and it will take good effort to kill you from shooting.

If you find something wrong with the guide, let me know, I made this in like, ten minutes.

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