Just a small hello

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Just a small hello

Post by Battieralarm3 »

Hey there! I've been into SS13 for almost two years now.. Always was skeptical of this server for reason.. But after a friend of mine told me it wasn't all bad, I gave it a try. And didn't hate it! So I'm thinking about sticking around!
  Anyway, I'm Battier, or Batts for short, whatever you wanna call me I don't care. Most of the server i've spent considerable time in mostly fell apart in front of me or just went so inactive that I just stopped going. That along with taking breaks from the game left me a bit exausted of having to deal with stuff like that, so was gonna try to stick around here seeing how the population is pretty good and I don't see any shutdown coming anytime soon, as well as it uses TG code, and it's the only one I'm pretty used to already! Sooo, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask if you want!

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RE: Just a small hello

Post by Zeldazackman »

Let me be the first to welcome you to our merry band of chaos we call a server.

And If you've not already joined it we've got a discord if you wish to pop in to say hey with channels for things like tabletop games (Think D&D), SS13, and many other sorts.


Again welcome to Citadel and enjoy your stay.

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RE: Just a small hello

Post by Battieralarm3 »

Ah, hey! Problem is, I lost a bit of interested in the server, on the account that it only runs on like.. 12 fps, which really turns off my willpower to come on most of the time! But I'll keep trying I guess.. Anyway, thanks for the welcoming!

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