Possible respawn system for extended rounds.

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Possible respawn system for extended rounds.

Post by AWingedHussar »

Heya! I noticed that those cryo-sleeper things were added, the ones that can remove you from the round and I was wondering if they could play into a respawning system? My idea was that only on extended rounds they could be used to remove your body from the game and give you a single chance to respawn as another character.  The reason that I'm proposing this is that often I'll spawn on an extended round as a character and get bored playing them and wish to play as another character, in the past on Citadel you were able to respawn so I figured we could add that back in but in a more restrained way. 

I can understand why this feature wouldn't want to be added, namely metagaming and I've only really seen this system on HRP servers though I think it'd be nice if we could at least try it here, once again on extended rounds only to prevent powergaming and the such. I'd love to see some sort of respawning system be added into the game even if it has a timer or even a set amount of times you can respawn. Image

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RE: Possible respawn system for extended rounds.

Post by nightspark43 »

Not against it so long as it requires you to cryo and the round type be extended, since secret is so easily meta'd, though observers getting a free extended respawn if they jump into observing from the start.


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